$Module::Install::AUTHOR = 0 if (grep { $ENV{"PERL5_${_}_IS_RUNNING"} } (qw/CPANM CPANPLUS CPAN/) );
-## TEMPORARY (and non-portable)
-## Get trial Moo
- my $target_libdir = 'lib/DBIx/Class/_TempExtlib';
- if ( ($Module::Install::AUTHOR or $ENV{TRAVIS}) and ! $ENV{MAKELEVEL} ) {
- `rm -rf $target_libdir`;
- `mkdir $target_libdir`;
- for (
- [ 'Sub::Quote' => master => 'https://github.com/moose/Moo.git' ],
- ) {
- my $tdir = "/tmp/dbictemplib/$_->[0]/";
- `rm -rf $tdir`;
- `GIT_SSH=maint/careless_ssh.bash git clone --bare --quiet --branch=$_->[1] --depth=1 $_->[2] $tdir`;
- printf "\nIncluding %s git rev %s\n",
- $_->[0],
- scalar `GIT_DIR=$tdir git rev-parse $_->[1]`,
- ;
- `git archive --format=tar --remote=file://$tdir $_->[1] lib/ | tar --strip-components=1 -xC $target_libdir`;
- #`rm -rf $tdir`;
- }
- unshift @INC, $target_libdir;
- no_index directory => $target_libdir;
- }
name 'DBIx-Class';
version_from 'lib/DBIx/Class.pm';
perl_version '5.008001';
'Data::Page' => '2.00',
'Devel::GlobalDestruction' => '0.09',
'Hash::Merge' => '0.12',
- 'Moo' => '2.002',
+ 'Moo' => '2.002002',
'MRO::Compat' => '0.12',
'Module::Find' => '0.07',
'namespace::clean' => '0.24',
'SQL::Abstract' => '1.81',
'Try::Tiny' => '0.07',
- # Temp to satisfy TemptExtlib
- 'Role::Tiny' => '2.000002',
# Technically this is not a core dependency - it is only required
# by the MySQL codepath. However this particular version is bundled
# since 5.10.0 and is a pure-perl module anyway - let it slide
package DBIx::Class::StartupCheck;
-# Temporary - tempextlib
use warnings;
use strict;
-use namespace::clean;
- # There can be only one of these, make sure we get the bundled part and
- # *not* something off the site lib
- for (qw(
- Sub::Quote
- )) {
- (my $incfn = "$_.pm") =~ s|::|/|g;
- if ($INC{$incfn}) {
- . "Unable to continue - a part of the bundled templib contents "
- . "was already loaded (likely an older version from CPAN). "
- . "Make sure that @{[ __PACKAGE__ ]} is loaded before $_\n"
- . "\nUsually it is sufficient to add PERL5OPT=\"-M@{[ __PACKAGE__ ]}\" "
- . "to your environment in order to resolve this problem\n"
- . "\n\tThis is temporary and *WILL NOT* be necessary for the official "
- . "DBIC release\n\n"
- ;
- }
- }
- require File::Spec;
- our ($HERE) = File::Spec->rel2abs(
- File::Spec->catdir( (File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__))[1], '_TempExtlib' )
- ) =~ /^(.*)$/; # screw you, taint mode
- die "TempExtlib $HERE does not seem to exist - perhaps you need to run `perl Makefile.PL` in the DBIC checkout?\n"
- unless -d $HERE;
- unshift @INC, $HERE;