[ { father => 'person' }, { 'father.person_id' => { '!=', '42' } }, ],
[ { mother => 'person' }, { 'mother.person_id' => 'child.mother_id' } ],
-$match = qr/^\QHASH reference arguments are not supported in JOINS - try using \"..." instead\E/;
+$match = qr/^HASH reference arguments are not supported in JOINS - try using "\.\.\." instead/;
eval { $sa->_recurse_from(@j6) };
like( $@, $match, 'join 6 (HASH reference for ON statement dies) ok' );
local $TODO = 'fixing collapse in -current';
is_deeply( $prefetch_result, $nonpre_result,
'Compare 2 level prefetch result to non-prefetch result' );
\ No newline at end of file