eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan $@
? ( skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' )
- : ( tests => 44 );
+ : ( tests => 47 );
# figure out if we've got a version of sqlite that is older than 3.2.6, in
cmp_ok($queries, '==', 1, 'Only one query run');
-$tree_like = $schema->resultset('TreeLike')->find(1);
+$tree_like = $schema->resultset('TreeLike')->search({'me.id' => 1});
$tree_like = $tree_like->search_related('children')->search_related('children')->search_related('children')->first;
is($tree_like->name, 'quux', 'Tree search_related ok');
+$tree_like = $schema->resultset('TreeLike')->search({ 'me.id' => 2 });
+$tree_like = $tree_like->search_related('children', undef, { prefetch => { children => 'children' } })->first;
+is($tree_like->children->first->name, 'quux', 'Tree search_related with prefetch ok');
+$tree_like = $schema->resultset('TreeLike')->search(
+ { 'children.id' => 2, 'children_2.id' => 5 },
+ { join => [qw/children children/] })->first;
+is($tree_like->name, 'foo', 'Tree with multiple has_many joins ok');
# test that collapsed joins don't get a _2 appended to the alias
my $sql = '';