. $self->_check_sqlt_message . q{'})
if !$self->_check_sqlt_version;
- require SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class;
- eval qq{use SQL::Translator::Producer::${type}};
- $self->throw_exception($@) if $@;
# sources needs to be a parser arg, but for simplicty allow at top level
# coming in
$sqltargs->{parser_args}{sources} = delete $sqltargs->{sources}
if exists $sqltargs->{sources};
- my $tr = SQL::Translator->new(%$sqltargs);
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class::parse( $tr, $schema );
- return "SQL::Translator::Producer::${type}"->can('produce')->($tr);
+ my $tr = SQL::Translator->new(
+ producer => "SQL::Translator::Producer::${type}",
+ %$sqltargs,
+ parser => 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class',
+ data => $schema,
+ );
+ return $tr->translate;
sub deploy {
eval "use SQL::Translator";
plan skip_all => 'SQL::Translator required' if $@;
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema (no_deploy => 1);
+# replace the sqlt calback with a custom version ading an index
+$schema->source('Track')->sqlt_deploy_callback(sub {
+ my ($self, $sqlt_table) = @_;
+ is (
+ $sqlt_table->schema->translator->producer_type,
+ join ('::', 'SQL::Translator::Producer', $schema->storage->sqlt_type),
+ 'Production type passed to translator object',
+ );
+ if ($schema->storage->sqlt_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
+ $sqlt_table->add_index( name => 'track_title', fields => ['title'] )
+ or die $sqlt_table->error;
+ }
+ $self->default_sqlt_deploy_hook($sqlt_table);
+$schema->deploy; # do not remove, this fires the is() test in the callback above
-plan tests => 133;
my $translator = SQL::Translator->new(
parser_args => {
my $relinfo = $schema->source('Artist')->relationship_info ('cds');
local $relinfo->{attrs}{on_delete} = 'restrict';
- $schema->source('Track')->sqlt_deploy_callback(sub {
- my ($self, $sqlt_table) = @_;
- if ($schema->storage->sqlt_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
- $sqlt_table->add_index( name => 'track_title', fields => ['title'] )
- or die $sqlt_table->error;
- }
- $self->default_sqlt_deploy_hook($sqlt_table);
- });
ok($output, "SQLT produced someoutput")
or diag($translator->error);
like (
qr/SQLT attribute .+? was supplied for relationship .+? which does not appear to be a foreign constraint/,
is( $got->name, $expected->{name},
"name parameter correct for `$desc'" );