-=head2 deploy
-Sends the appropriate statements to create or modify tables to the
-db. This would normally be called through
sub deploy {
- my ($self, $schema, $type, $sqltargs) = @_;
- foreach my $statement ( $self->deployment_statements($schema, $type, undef, undef, { no_comments => 1, %{ $sqltargs || {} } } ) ) {
+ my ($self, $schema, $type, $sqltargs, $dir) = @_;
+ foreach my $statement ( $self->deployment_statements($schema, $type, undef, $dir, { no_comments => 1, %{ $sqltargs || {} } } ) ) {
for ( split(";\n", $statement)) {
next if($_ =~ /^--/);
next if(!$_);
- # NOTE: if there's a merge conflict here when -current is pushed
- # back to trunk, take -current's version and ignore this trunk one :)
my $self = shift;
- if($self->_dbh && $self->_conn_pid != $$) {
- $self->_dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1;
- }
+ return if !$self->_dbh;
+ $self->_verify_pid;