Revision history for DBIx::Class
+0.08271 2016-06-17 10:11 (UTC)
+ xx Maintenance no-changes-in-lib release fixing failing tests xx
+ xx due to advances in currently available CPAN dependencies xx
+ xx ( for folks stuck due to minor 0.0828xx regressions ) xx
* Fixes
- Fix t/105view_deps.t failing with libsqlite >= 3.009, where view
definitions are lazily-checked for correctness only at DML-time as
# $VERSION declaration must stay up here, ahead of any other package
# declarations, as to not confuse various modules attempting to determine
# this ones version, whether that be s.c.o. or Module::Metadata, etc
-$VERSION = '0.08270';
+$VERSION = '0.08271';
$VERSION = eval $VERSION if $VERSION =~ /_/; # numify for warning-free dev releases
=item * Travis-CI log: L<>
-=for html
-↪ Stable branch CI status: <img src=""></img>
=head1 AUTHOR