my $info;
+ my $lc_info;
# eval for the case of storage without table
- eval { $info = $self->storage->columns_info_for($self->from) };
+ eval { $info = $self->storage->columns_info_for( $self->from, keys %{$self->_columns} ) };
unless ($@) {
+ for my $realcol ( keys %{$info} ) {
+ $lc_info->{lc $realcol} = $info->{$realcol};
+ }
foreach my $col ( keys %{$self->_columns} ) {
- foreach my $i ( keys %{$info->{$col}} ) {
- $self->_columns->{$col}{$i} = $info->{$col}{$i};
- }
+ $self->_columns->{$col} = $info->{$col} || $lc_info->{lc $col};
$column_info{size} = $info->{COLUMN_SIZE};
$column_info{is_nullable} = $info->{NULLABLE} ? 1 : 0;
$column_info{default_value} = $info->{COLUMN_DEF};
+ my $col_name = $info->{COLUMN_NAME};
+ $col_name =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
- $result{$info->{COLUMN_NAME}} = \%column_info;
+ $result{$col_name} = \%column_info;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = $old_raise_err;
#warn "$dsn $user $pass";
plan skip_all, 'Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test'
- . ' (note: creates and drops a table named artist!)' unless ($dsn && $user);
+ . ' (note: creates and drops tables named artist and casecheck!)' unless ($dsn && $user);
-plan tests => 4;
+plan tests => 8;
DBICTest::Schema->compose_connection('PgTest' => $dsn, $user, $pass);
my $dbh = PgTest->schema->storage->dbh;
$dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA testschema;");
-$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE testschema.artist (artistid serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), charfield CHAR(10));");
+$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE testschema.artist (artistid serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), charfield CHAR(10));");
+ok ( $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE testschema.casecheck (id serial PRIMARY KEY, "name" VARCHAR(1), "NAME" VARCHAR(2), "UC_NAME" VARCHAR(3));'), 'Creation of casecheck table');
'name' => {
'data_type' => 'character varying',
'is_nullable' => 1,
- 'size' => 255,
+ 'size' => 100,
'default_value' => undef,
'charfield' => {
is_deeply($type_info, $test_type_info,
'columns_info_for - column data types');
+my $name_info = PgTest::Casecheck->column_info( 'name' );
+is( $name_info->{size}, 1, "Case sensitive matching info for 'name'" );
+my $NAME_info = PgTest::Casecheck->column_info( 'NAME' );
+is( $NAME_info->{size}, 2, "Case sensitive matching info for 'NAME'" );
+my $uc_name_info = PgTest::Casecheck->column_info( 'uc_name' );
+is( $uc_name_info->{size}, 3, "Case insensitive matching info for 'uc_name'" );
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE testschema.artist;");
+$dbh->do("DROP TABLE testschema.casecheck;");
$dbh->do("DROP SCHEMA testschema;");