- A number of corner case fixes of void context populate() with \[]
- Fix corner case of forked children disconnecting the parents DBI
+ - Fix leakage of $schema on in-memory new_related() calls
* Misc
- Codebase is now trailing-whitespace-free
my $reverse = $source->reverse_relationship_info($rel);
foreach my $rev_rel (keys %$reverse) {
if ($reverse->{$rev_rel}{attrs}{accessor} && $reverse->{$rev_rel}{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi') {
- $attrs->{related_objects}{$rev_rel} = [ $self ];
- weaken $attrs->{related_object}{$rev_rel}[0];
+ weaken($attrs->{related_objects}{$rev_rel}[0] = $self);
} else {
- $attrs->{related_objects}{$rev_rel} = $self;
- weaken $attrs->{related_object}{$rev_rel};
+ weaken($attrs->{related_objects}{$rev_rel} = $self);
+ # prefetching
+ my $cds_rs = $schema->resultset('CD');
+ my $cds_with_artist = $cds_rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'artist' });
+ my $cds_with_tracks = $cds_rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'tracks' });
+ my $cds_with_stuff = $cds_rs->search({}, { prefetch => [ 'genre', { artist => { cds => { tracks => 'cd_single' } } } ] });
+ # implicit pref
+ my $cds_with_impl_artist = $cds_rs->search({}, { columns => [qw/me.title artist.name/], join => 'artist' });
+ # get_column
+ my $getcol_rs = $cds_rs->get_column('me.cdid');
+ my $pref_getcol_rs = $cds_with_stuff->get_column('me.cdid');
+ # fire the column getters
+ my @throwaway = $pref_getcol_rs->all;
my $base_collection = {
resultset => $rs,
+ pref_precursor => $cds_rs,
+ pref_rs_single => $cds_with_artist,
+ pref_rs_multi => $cds_with_tracks,
+ pref_rs_nested => $cds_with_stuff,
+ pref_rs_implicit => $cds_with_impl_artist,
+ pref_row_single => $cds_with_artist->next,
+ pref_row_multi => $cds_with_tracks->next,
+ pref_row_nested => $cds_with_stuff->next,
+ # even though this does not leak Storable croaks on it :(((
+ #pref_row_implicit => $cds_with_impl_artist->next,
+ get_column_rs_plain => $getcol_rs,
+ get_column_rs_pref => $pref_getcol_rs,
# twice so that we make sure only one H::M object spawned
chained_resultset => $rs->search_rs ({}, { '+columns' => [ 'foo' ] } ),
chained_resultset2 => $rs->search_rs ({}, { '+columns' => [ 'bar' ] } ),
result_source_handle => $rs->result_source->handle,
pager_explicit_count => $pager_explicit_count,
require Storable;
refrozen => Storable::dclone( $base_collection ),
rerefrozen => Storable::dclone( Storable::dclone( $base_collection ) ),
+ pref_row_implicit => $cds_with_impl_artist->next,
schema => $schema,
storage => $storage,
sql_maker => $storage->sql_maker,
my $new_artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->new_result({ 'name' => 'Depeche Mode' });
my $new_related_cd = $new_artist->new_related('cds', { 'title' => 'Leave in Silence', 'year' => 1982});
- eval {
+ lives_ok {
- };
- is ($@, '', 'Staged insertion successful');
+ } 'Staged insertion successful';
ok($new_artist->in_storage, 'artist inserted');
ok($new_related_cd->in_storage, 'new_related_cd inserted');
- my $new_artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->new_result({ 'name' => 'Depeche Mode' });
+ my $new_artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->new_result({ 'name' => 'Mode Depeche' });
my $new_related_cd = $new_artist->new_related('cds', { 'title' => 'Leave Slightly Noisily', 'year' => 1982});
- eval {
+ lives_ok {
- };
- is ($@, '', 'CD insertion survives by finding artist');
+ } 'CD insertion survives by finding artist';
ok($new_artist->in_storage, 'artist inserted');
ok($new_related_cd->in_storage, 'new_related_cd inserted');
my $new_artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->new ({ 'name' => 'Depeche Mode 2: Insertion Boogaloo' });
$new_cd->artist ($new_artist);
- eval {
+ lives_ok {
- };
- is ($@, '', 'CD insertion survives by inserting artist');
+ } 'CD insertion survives by inserting artist';
ok($new_cd->in_storage, 'new_related_cd inserted');
ok($new_artist->in_storage, 'artist inserted');
is ($retrieved_cd->artist->name, 'Depeche Mode 2: Insertion Boogaloo', 'Correct artist attached to cd');
+ my $new_cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->new ({ 'title' => 'Leave screaming Off Key in the nude', 'year' => 1982});
+ my $new_related_artist = $new_cd->new_related( artist => { 'name' => 'Depeche Mode 3: Insertion Boogaloo' });
+ lives_ok {
+ $new_related_artist->insert;
+ $new_cd->insert;
+ } 'CD insertion survives after inserting artist';
+ ok($new_cd->in_storage, 'cd inserted');
+ ok($new_related_artist->in_storage, 'artist inserted');
+ my $retrieved_cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find ({ 'title' => 'Leave screaming Off Key in the nude'});
+ ok ($retrieved_cd, 'CD found in db');
+ is ($retrieved_cd->artist->name, 'Depeche Mode 3: Insertion Boogaloo', 'Correct artist attached to cd');
# test both sides of a 1:(1|0)
for my $reldir ('might_have', 'belongs_to') {
artist => 1,
- cdid => 9,
+ cdid => 10,
genreid => undef,
single_track => undef,
title => "$reldir: Latest cd",
tracks => [
- cd => 9,
+ cd => 10,
last_updated_at => undef,
last_updated_on => undef,
position => 1,
artist => 1,
- cdid => 10,
+ cdid => 11,
genreid => undef,
single_track => 19,
title => "$reldir: Awesome first single",