$_[1] =~ /^ DBIC_method_is_ (?:
+ |
+ generated_from_resultsource_metadata
+ |
+ (?: inflated_ | filtered_ )? column_ (?: extra_)? accessor
+ |
+ single_relationship_accessor
+ |
+ (?: multi | filter ) _relationship_ (?: extra_ )? accessor
+ |
+ proxy_to_relationship
+ |
+ m2m_ (?: extra_)? sugar (?:_with_attrs)?
) $/x;
See also the check
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_generated_from_resultsource_metadata
+This attribute is applied to all methods dynamically installed after various
+invocations of L<ResultSource metadata manipulation
+methods|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass/DBIx::Class::ResultSource>. Notably
+this includes L<add_columns|DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_columns>,
+L<the proxied relationship attribute|DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base/proxy>
+and the various L<relationship
+B<except> the L<M2M helper|DBIx::Class::Relationship/many_to_many> (given its
+effects are never reflected as C<ResultSource metadata>).
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_column_accessor
+This attribute is applied to all methods dynamically installed as a result of
+invoking L<add_columns|DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_columns>.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_inflated_column_accessor
+This attribute is applied to all methods dynamically installed as a result of
+invoking L<inflate_column|DBIx::Class::InflateColumn/inflate_column>.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_filtered_column_accessor
+This attribute is applied to all methods dynamically installed as a result of
+invoking L<filter_column|DBIx::Class::FilterColumn/filter_column>.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_*column_extra_accessor
+For historical reasons any L<Class::Accessor::Grouped> accessor is generated
+twice as C<{name}> and C<_{name}_accessor>. The second method is marked with
+C<DBIC_method_is_*column_extra_accessor> correspondingly.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_single_relationship_accessor
+This attribute is applied to all methods dynamically installed as a result of
+invoking L<might_have|DBIx::Class::Relationship/might_have>,
+L<has_one|DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_one> or
+L<belongs_to|DBIx::Class::Relationship/belongs_to> (though for C<belongs_to>
+see L<...filter_rel...|/DBIC_method_is_filter_relationship_accessor> below.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_multi_relationship_accessor
+This attribute is applied to the main method dynamically installed as a result
+of invoking L<has_many|DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_many>.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_multi_relationship_extra_accessor
+This attribute is applied to the two extra methods dynamically installed as a
+result of invoking L<has_many|DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_many>:
+C<$relname_rs> and C<add_to_$relname>.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_filter_relationship_accessor
+This attribute is applied to (legacy) methods dynamically installed as a
+result of invoking L<belongs_to|DBIx::Class::Relationship/belongs_to> with an
+already-existing identically named column. The method is internally
+implemented as an L<inflated_column|/DBIC_method_is_inflated_column_accessor>
+and is labeled with both atributes at the same time.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_filter_relationship_extra_accessor
+Same as L</DBIC_method_is_*column_extra_accessor>.
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_proxy_to_relationship
+This attribute is applied to methods dynamically installed as a result of
+providing L<the proxied relationship
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_m2m_sugar
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_m2m_sugar_with_attrs
+One of the above attributes is applied to the main method dynamically
+installed as a result of invoking
+L<many_to_many|DBIx::Class::Relationship/many_to_many>. The C<_with_atrs> suffix
+serves to indicate whether the user supplied any C<\%attrs> to the
+C<many_to_many> call. There is deliberately no mechanism to retrieve the actual
+supplied values: if you really need this functionality you would need to rely on
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_extra_m2m_sugar
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_extra_m2m_sugar_with_attrs
+One of the above attributes is applied to the extra B<four> methods dynamically
+installed as a result of invoking
+L<many_to_many|DBIx::Class::Relationship/many_to_many>: C<$m2m_rs>, C<add_to_$m2m>,
+C<remove_from_$m2m> and C<set_$m2m>.
=head1 METHODS
if ($acc_type eq 'single') {
- quote_sub "${class}::${rel}" => sprintf(<<'EOC', perlstring $rel);
+ my @qsub_args = ( {}, {
+ attributes => [qw(
+ DBIC_method_is_single_relationship_accessor
+ DBIC_method_is_generated_from_resultsource_metadata
+ )]
+ });
+ quote_sub "${class}::${rel}" => sprintf(<<'EOC', perlstring $rel), @qsub_args;
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return $pk_val;
+ # god this is horrible...
+ my $acc =
+ $rsrc->columns_info->{$rel}{accessor}
+ ||
+ $rel
+ ;
+ # because CDBI may elect to never make an accessor at all...
+ if( my $main_cref = $class->can($acc) ) {
+ attributes->import(
+ $class,
+ $main_cref,
+ qw(
+ DBIC_method_is_filter_relationship_accessor
+ DBIC_method_is_generated_from_resultsource_metadata
+ ),
+ );
+ if( my $extra_cref = $class->can("_${acc}_accessor") ) {
+ attributes->import(
+ $class,
+ $extra_cref,
+ qw(
+ DBIC_method_is_filter_relationship_extra_accessor
+ DBIC_method_is_generated_from_resultsource_metadata
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ }
elsif ($acc_type eq 'multi') {
attributes => [qw(
+ DBIC_method_is_multi_relationship_accessor
+ DBIC_method_is_generated_from_resultsource_metadata
+ $qsub_args[1]{attributes}[0]
+ =~ s/^DBIC_method_is_multi_relationship_accessor$/DBIC_method_is_multi_relationship_extra_accessor/
+ or die "Unexpected attr '$qsub_args[1]{attributes}[0]' ...";
quote_sub "${class}::${rel}_rs", sprintf( <<'EOC', perlstring $rel ), @qsub_args;
DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_INDIRECT_CALLS and DBIx::Class::_Util::fail_on_internal_call;
shift->related_resultset(%s)->search_rs( @_ )