- Ensure that setting a column to a literal invariably marks it dirty
- Work around exception objects with broken string overloading in one
additional codepath (missed in 0.08260)
+ - Fix more inconsistencies of the quote_names attribute propagating
+ to SQL::Translator (partially RT#87731)
- Fix inability to handle multiple consecutive transactions with
savepoints on DBD::SQLite < 1.39
- Fix CDBICompat to match Class::DBI behavior handling non-result
deploy => {
req => {
- 'SQL::Translator' => '0.11016',
+ 'SQL::Translator' => '0.11018',
pod => {
title => 'Storage::DBI::deploy()',
add_drop_table => 1,
ignore_constraint_names => 1,
ignore_index_names => 1,
+ quote_identifiers => !!$self->sql_maker->_quote_chars,
%{$sqltargs || {}}
unless $dest_schema->name;
- my $diff = SQL::Translator::Diff::schema_diff($source_schema, $db,
- $dest_schema, $db,
- $sqltargs
- );
+ my $diff = do {
+ # FIXME - this is a terrible workaround for
+ # https://github.com/dbsrgits/sql-translator/commit/2d23c1e
+ # Fixing it in this sloppy manner so that we don't hve to
+ # lockstep an SQLT release as well. Needs to be removed at
+ # some point, and SQLT dep bumped
+ local $SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite::NO_QUOTES
+ if $SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite::NO_QUOTES;
+ SQL::Translator::Diff::schema_diff($source_schema, $db,
+ $dest_schema, $db,
+ $sqltargs
+ );
+ };
if(!open $file, ">$difffile") {
$self->throw_exception("Can't write to $difffile ($!)");
$sqltargs->{parser_args}{sources} = delete $sqltargs->{sources}
if exists $sqltargs->{sources};
+ $sqltargs->{quote_identifiers}
+ = !!$self->sql_maker->_quote_chars
+ if ! exists $sqltargs->{quote_identifiers};
my $tr = SQL::Translator->new(
producer => "SQL::Translator::Producer::${type}",
my ($schema, $type, $version, $dir, $sqltargs, @rest) = @_;
$sqltargs ||= {};
- my $quote_char = $self->schema->storage->sql_maker->quote_char;
- $sqltargs->{quote_table_names} = $quote_char ? 1 : 0;
- $sqltargs->{quote_field_names} = $quote_char ? 1 : 0;
if (
! exists $sqltargs->{producer_args}{oracle_version}
$sqltargs->{producer_args}{sqlite_version} = $dver;
- $sqltargs->{quote_identifiers}
- = !!$self->sql_maker->_quote_chars
- if ! exists $sqltargs->{quote_identifiers};
$self->next::method($schema, $type, $version, $dir, $sqltargs, @rest);
}, 'artist table deployed correctly' );
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( quote_names => 1 );
my $var = dir ("t/var/ddl_dir-$$");
$var->mkpath unless -d $var;
my $test_dir_1 = $var->subdir ('test1', 'foo', 'bar' );
$test_dir_1->rmtree if -d $test_dir_1;
-$schema->create_ddl_dir( undef, undef, $test_dir_1 );
+$schema->create_ddl_dir( [qw(SQLite MySQL)], 1, $test_dir_1 );
ok( -d $test_dir_1, 'create_ddl_dir did a make_path on its target dir' );
ok( scalar( glob $test_dir_1.'/*.sql' ), 'there are sql files in there' );
+my $less = $schema->clone;
+$less->create_ddl_dir( [qw(SQLite MySQL)], 2, $test_dir_1, 1 );
+for (
+ [ SQLite => '"' ],
+ [ MySQL => '`' ],
+) {
+ my $type = $_->[0];
+ my $q = quotemeta($_->[1]);
+ for my $f (map { $test_dir_1->file("DBICTest-Schema-${_}-$type.sql") } qw(1 2) ) {
+ like scalar $f->slurp, qr/CREATE TABLE ${q}track${q}/, "Proper quoting in $f";
+ }
+ {
+ local $TODO = 'SQLT::Producer::MySQL has no knowledge of the mythical beast of quoting...'
+ if $type eq 'MySQL';
+ my $f = $test_dir_1->file("DBICTest-Schema-1-2-$type.sql");
+ like scalar $f->slurp, qr/DROP TABLE ${q}bindtype_test${q}/, "Proper quoting in diff $f";
+ }
local $TODO = 'we should probably add some tests here for actual deployability of the DDL?';
ok( 0 );