# handholding
if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] ; then
- # Many dists still do not pass tests under tb1.5 properly (and it itself
- # does not even install on things like 5.10). Install the *stable-dev*
- # latest T::B here, so that it will not show up as a dependency, and
- # hence it will not get installed a second time as an unsatisfied dep
- # under cpanm --dev
+ # We are not "quite ready" for SQLA 1.99, do not consider it
- # We are also not "quite ready" for SQLA 1.99, do not consider it
- #
- installdeps 'Test::Builder~<1.005' 'SQL::Abstract~<1.99'
+ installdeps 'SQL::Abstract~<1.99'
elif ! CPAN_is_sane ; then
# no configure_requires - we will need the usual suspects anyway
# using SQLT and set up whatever databases necessary
- # FIXME - need new TB1.5 devrel
- # if we run under --dev install latest github of TB1.5 first
- # (unreleased workaround for precedence warnings)
- if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] ; then
- parallel_installdeps_notest git://github.com/nthykier/test-more.git@fix-return-precedence-issue
- fi
# do the preinstall in several passes to minimize amount of cross-deps installing
# multiple times, and to avoid module re-architecture breaking another install
# (e.g. once Carp is upgraded there's no more Carp::Heavy,