use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/;
+# This code will remove non-selecting/non-restricting joins from
+# {from} specs, aiding the RDBMS query optimizer. It will leave any
+# unused type-multi joins, if the amount of returned rows is
+# important (i.e. count without collapse)
+sub _prune_unused_joins {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $from = shift;
+ if (ref $from ne 'ARRAY' || ref $from->[0] ne 'HASH' || ref $from->[1] ne 'ARRAY') {
+ return $from; # only standard {from} specs are supported
+ }
+ my $aliastypes = $self->_resolve_aliases_from_select_args($from, @_);
+ my @newfrom = $from->[0]; # FROM head is always present
+ my %need_joins = (map { %{$_||{}} } (values %$aliastypes) );
+ for my $j (@{$from}[1..$#$from]) {
+ push @newfrom, $j if $need_joins{$j->[0]{-alias}};
+ }
+ return \@newfrom;
# This is the code producing joined subqueries like:
# SELECT me.*, other.* FROM ( SELECT me.* FROM ... ) JOIN other ON ...
# generate the inner/outer select lists
# for inside we consider only stuff *not* brought in by the prefetch
# on the outside we substitute any function for its alias
push @$inner_select, $sel;
- # scan the from spec against different attributes, and see which joins are needed
- # in what role
- my $inner_aliastypes =
- $self->_resolve_aliases_from_select_args( $from, $where, $inner_select, $inner_attrs );
- my $outer_aliastypes =
- $self->_resolve_aliases_from_select_args( $from, $where, $outer_select, $outer_attrs );
- # normalize a copy of $from, so it will be easier to work with further
- # down (i.e. promote the initial hashref to an AoH)
- $from = [ @$from ];
- $from->[0] = [ $from->[0] ];
# construct the inner $from for the subquery
- my %inner_joins = (map { %$_ } (values %$inner_aliastypes) );
- my @inner_from;
- for my $j (@$from) {
- push @inner_from, $j if $inner_joins{$j->[0]{-alias}};
- }
+ my $inner_from = $self->_prune_unused_joins ($from, $inner_select, $where, $inner_attrs);
# if a multi-type join was needed in the subquery ("multi" is indicated by
# presence in {collapse}) - add a group_by to simulate the collapse in the subq
unless ($inner_attrs->{group_by}) {
- for my $alias (keys %inner_joins) {
+ for my $alias (map { $_->[0]{-alias} } (@{$inner_from}[1 .. $#$inner_from]) ) {
# the dot comes from some weirdness in collapse
# remove after the rewrite
- # demote the inner_from head
- $inner_from[0] = $inner_from[0][0];
# generate the subquery
my $subq = $self->_select_args_to_query (
- \@inner_from,
+ $inner_from,
my $subq_joinspec = {
-alias => $attrs->{alias},
- -source_handle => $inner_from[0]{-source_handle},
+ -source_handle => $inner_from->[0]{-source_handle},
$attrs->{alias} => $subq,
# - it is part of the restrictions, in which case we need to collapse the outer
# result by tackling yet another group_by to the outside of the query
+ # normalize a copy of $from, so it will be easier to work with further
+ # down (i.e. promote the initial hashref to an AoH)
+ $from = [ @$from ];
+ $from->[0] = [ $from->[0] ];
# so first generate the outer_from, up to the substitution point
my @outer_from;
while (my $j = shift @$from) {
+ # scan the from spec against different attributes, and see which joins are needed
+ # in what role
+ my $outer_aliastypes =
+ $self->_resolve_aliases_from_select_args( $from, $outer_select, $where, $outer_attrs );
# see what's left - throw away if not selecting/restricting
# also throw in a group_by if restricting to guard against
# cross-join explosions
# turn will result in a vocal exception. Qualifying the column will
# invariably solve the problem.
sub _resolve_aliases_from_select_args {
- my ( $self, $from, $where, $select, $attrs ) = @_;
+ my ( $self, $from, $select, $where, $attrs ) = @_;
$self->throw_exception ('Unable to analyze custom {from}')
if ref $from ne 'ARRAY';