Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - Added call to Pod::Inherit in Makefile.PL -
+ currently at author-time only, so we need to add the produced
+ .pod files to the MANIFEST
- Fixed the has_many prefetch with limit/group deficiency -
it is now possible to select "top 5 commenters" while
prefetching all their comments
my %force_requires_if_author = (
'Test::Pod::Coverage' => 1.04,
+ 'Module::Install::Pod::Inherit' => 0.01,
'SQL::Translator' => 0.09007,
# CDBI-compat related
print "Removing MANIFEST\n";
unlink 'MANIFEST';
+ eval { require Module::Install::Pod::Inherit };
+ Module::Install::Pod::Inherit::PodInherit() if !$@;
use Sub::Name ();
use Class::Inspector ();
+our %_pod_inherit_config =
+ (
+ class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::Accessor' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
+ );
sub register_relationship {
my ($class, $rel, $info) = @_;
if (my $acc_type = $info->{attrs}{accessor}) {
use strict;
use warnings;
+our %_pod_inherit_config =
+ (
+ class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
+ );
sub belongs_to {
my ($class, $rel, $f_class, $cond, $attrs) = @_;
use strict;
use warnings;
+our %_pod_inherit_config =
+ (
+ class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::CascadeActions' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
+ );
sub delete {
my ($self, @rest) = @_;
return $self->next::method(@rest) unless ref $self;
use strict;
use warnings;
+our %_pod_inherit_config =
+ (
+ class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::HasMany' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
+ );
sub has_many {
my ($class, $rel, $f_class, $cond, $attrs) = @_;
use strict;
use warnings;
+our %_pod_inherit_config =
+ (
+ class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::HasOne' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
+ );
sub might_have {
shift->_has_one('LEFT' => @_);
use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/;
use Sub::Name ();
+our %_pod_inherit_config =
+ (
+ class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
+ );
sub many_to_many {
my ($class, $meth, $rel, $f_rel, $rel_attrs) = @_;
use Sub::Name ();
use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+our %_pod_inherit_config =
+ (
+ class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::ProxyMethods' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
+ );
sub register_relationship {
my ($class, $rel, $info) = @_;
if (my $proxy_list = $info->{attrs}{proxy}) {