sub _register_source {
my ($self, $moniker, $source, $params) = @_;
+ my $orig_source = $source;
$source = $source->new({ %$source, source_name => $moniker });
+ $source->schema($self);
+ weaken($source->{schema}) if ref($self);
+ my $rs_class = $source->result_class;
my %reg = %{$self->source_registrations};
$reg{$moniker} = $source;
use strict;
use warnings;
- use Test::More skip_all => 'Postponed until after 0.08100';
use lib 't/lib';
+ use Test::More tests => 8;
- =begin
- How did this get back here? The test is borked, there is a branch with
- the correct test and a tentative fix - branches/subclassed_rsset
- Make sure to nuke this file when merging, it is only left here to make
- merging of the above branch easier.
- ribasushi
- =cut
- __END__
- plan tests => 15;
++plan tests => 8;
sub _chk_warning {
defined $_[0]?
$_[0] !~ qr/We found ResultSet class '([^']+)' for '([^']+)', but it seems that you had already set '([^']+)' to use '([^']+)' instead/ :