- Fixed rels ending with me breaking subqueried limit realiasing
- Oracle sequence detection now *really* works across schemas
(fixed some ommissions from 0.08123)
+ - add_unique_constraint() now throws if called with multiple constraint
+ definitions
+ - Implemented add_unique_constraints() which delegates to
+ add_unique_constraint() as appropriate
* Misc
- Makefile.PL no longer imports GetOptions() to interoperate better
sub add_unique_constraint {
my $self = shift;
+ if (@_ > 2) {
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ 'add_unique_constraint() does not accept multiple constraints, use '
+ . 'add_unique_constraints() instead'
+ );
+ }
my $cols = pop @_;
- my $name = shift;
+ if (ref $cols ne 'ARRAY') {
+ $self->throw_exception (
+ 'Expecting an arrayref of constraint columns, got ' . ($cols||'NOTHING')
+ );
+ }
+ my $name = shift @_;
$name ||= $self->name_unique_constraint($cols);
+=head2 add_unique_constraints
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: @constraints
+=item Return value: undefined
+Declare multiple unique constraints on this source.
+ __PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraints(
+ constraint_name1 => [ qw/column1 column2/ ],
+ constraint_name2 => [ qw/column2 column3/ ],
+ );
+Alternatively, you can specify only the columns:
+ __PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraints(
+ [ qw/column1 column2/ ],
+ [ qw/column3 column4/ ]
+ );
+This will result in unique constraints named C<table_column1_column2> and
+C<table_column3_column4>, where C<table> is replaced with the table name.
+Throws an error if any of the given column names do not yet exist on
+the result source.
+See also L</add_unique_constraint>.
+sub add_unique_constraints {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @constraints = @_;
+ if ( !(@constraints % 2) && first { ref $_ ne 'ARRAY' } @constraints ) {
+ # with constraint name
+ while (my ($name, $constraint) = splice @constraints, 0, 2) {
+ $self->add_unique_constraint($name => $constraint);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # no constraint name
+ foreach my $constraint (@constraints) {
+ $self->add_unique_constraint($constraint);
+ }
+ }
=head2 name_unique_constraint
=over 4
+sub add_unique_constraints {
+ shift->result_source_instance->add_unique_constraints(@_);
sub unique_constraints {
use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
[ qw/primary track_cd_position track_cd_title/ ],
'Track source has three unique constraints'
+ [ sort $schema->source('Tag')->unique_constraint_names ],
+ [ qw/primary tagid_cd tagid_cd_tag tags_tagid_tag tags_tagid_tag_cd/ ],
+ 'Tag source has five unique constraints (from add_unique_constraings)'
my $artistid = 1;
my $title = 'UNIQUE Constraint';
+ throws_ok {
+ eval <<'MOD' or die $@;
+ package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBICTest::Schema::UniqueConstraintWarningTest;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
+ __PACKAGE__->table('dummy');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_column(qw/ foo bar /);
+ __PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint(
+ constraint1 => [qw/ foo /],
+ constraint2 => [qw/ bar /],
+ );
+ 1;
+ } qr/\Qadd_unique_constraint() does not accept multiple constraints, use add_unique_constraints() instead\E/,
+ 'add_unique_constraint throws when more than one constraint specified';
+__PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraints( # do not remove, part of a test
+ tagid_cd => [qw/ tagid cd /],
+ tagid_cd_tag => [qw/ tagid cd tag /],
+__PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraints( # do not remove, part of a test
+ [qw/ tagid tag /],
+ [qw/ tagid tag cd /],
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( cd => 'DBICTest::Schema::CD' );