use Scope::Guard ();
use Context::Preserve 'preserve_context';
use Try::Tiny;
+use List::Util 'first';
use namespace::clean;
__PACKAGE__->sql_limit_dialect ('RowNum');
+sub __cache_queries_with_max_lob_parts { 2 }
sub _determine_supports_insert_returning {
my $self = shift;
my $next = $self->next::can;
do {
try {
- my $exec = sub { $self->$next($dbh, $sql, @args) };
+ my $exec = sub {
+ # Turn off sth caching for multi-part LOBs. See _prep_for_execute above.
+ local $self->{disable_sth_caching} = 1
+ if first {
+ ($_->[0]{_ora_lob_autosplit_part}||0)
+ > (__cache_queries_with_max_lob_parts-1)
+ } @{ $args[0] };
+ $self->$next($dbh, $sql, @args)
+ };
if (!defined $want) {
sub _dbi_attrs_for_bind {
my ($self, $ident, $bind) = @_;
my $attrs = $self->next::method($ident, $bind);
for my $i (0 .. $#$attrs) {
+# Handle blob columns in WHERE.
+# For equality comparisons:
+# We split data intended for comparing to a LOB into 2000 character chunks and
+# compare them using dbms_lob.substr on the LOB column.
+# We turn off DBD::Oracle LOB binds for these partial LOB comparisons by passing
+# dbd_attrs => undef, because these are regular varchar2 comparisons and
+# otherwise the query will fail.
+# Since the most common comparison size is likely to be under 4000 characters
+# (TEXT comparisons previously deployed to other RDBMSes) we disable
+# prepare_cached for queries with more than two part comparisons to a LOB
+# column. This is done in _dbh_execute (above) which was previously overridden
+# to gracefully recover from an Oracle error. This is to be careful to not
+# exhaust your application's open cursor limit.
+# See:
+# on the open_cursor limit.
+# For everything else:
+# We assume that everything that is not a LOB comparison, will most likely be a
+# LIKE query or some sort of function invocation. This may prove to be a naive
+# assumption in the future, but for now it should cover the two most likely
+# things users would want to do with a BLOB or CLOB, an equality test or a LIKE
+# query (on a CLOB.)
+# For these expressions, the bind must NOT have the attributes of a LOB bind for
+# DBD::Oracle, otherwise the query will fail. This is done by passing
+# dbd_attrs => undef.
+sub _prep_for_execute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($op) = @_;
+ my ($sql, $bind) = $self->next::method(@_);
+ return ($sql, $bind) if $op ne 'select';
+ my @sql_part = split /\?/, $sql;
+ my ($new_sql, @new_binds);
+ foreach my $bound (@$bind) {
+ my $data_type = $bound->[0]{sqlt_datatype}||'';
+ if ($self->_is_lob_type($data_type)) {
+ if (my ($col, $eq) = $sql_part[0] =~ /(?<=\s)([\w."]+)(\s*=\s*)$/) {
+ my $data = $bound->[1];
+ $data = "$data" if ref $data;
+ my @parts = unpack '(a2000)*', $data;
+ my @sql_frag;
+ for my $idx (0..$#parts) {
+ push @sql_frag,
+"UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(RAWTOHEX(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR($col, 2000, ".($idx*2000+1)."))) = ?";
+ }
+ my $sql_frag = '( ' . (join ' AND ', @sql_frag) . ' )';
+ $sql_part[0] =~ s/(?<=\s)([\w."]+)(\s*=\s*)$/$sql_frag/;
+ $new_sql .= shift @sql_part;
+ for my $idx (0..$#parts) {
+ push @new_binds, [
+ {
+ %{ $bound->[0] },
+ _ora_lob_autosplit_part => $idx,
+ dbd_attrs => undef,
+ },
+ $parts[$idx]
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $new_sql .= shift(@sql_part) . '?';
+ push @new_binds, [
+ {
+ %{ $bound->[0] },
+ dbd_attrs => undef,
+ },
+ $bound->[1],
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $new_sql .= shift(@sql_part) . '?';
+ push @new_binds, $bound;
+ }
+ }
+ $new_sql .= join '', @sql_part;
+ return ($new_sql, \@new_binds);
+# Savepoints stuff.
sub _svp_begin {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
$self->_get_dbh->do("SAVEPOINT $name");
=head1 AUTHOR
+See L<DBIx::Class/AUTHOR> and L<DBIx::Class/CONTRIBUTORS>.
=head1 LICENSE
+# vim:sts=2 sw=2:
use Test::Exception;
use Test::More;
use Sub::Name;
+use Try::Tiny;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
my %binstr = ( 'small' => join('', map { chr($_) } ( 1 .. 127 )) );
$binstr{'large'} = $binstr{'small'} x 1024;
- my $maxloblen = length $binstr{'large'};
+ my $maxloblen = (length $binstr{'large'}) + 5;
note "Localizing LongReadLen to $maxloblen to avoid truncation of test data";
local $dbh->{'LongReadLen'} = $maxloblen;
my $rs = $schema->resultset('BindType');
- my $id = 0;
if ($DBD::Oracle::VERSION eq '1.23') {
throws_ok { $rs->create({ id => 1, blob => $binstr{large} }) }
'throws on blob insert with DBD::Oracle == 1.23';
- skip 'buggy BLOB support in DBD::Oracle 1.23', 7;
+ skip 'buggy BLOB support in DBD::Oracle 1.23', 1;
# disable BLOB mega-output
. ':'
if $q;
- foreach my $type (qw( blob clob )) {
- foreach my $size (qw( small large )) {
- $id++;
+ my $id;
+ foreach my $size (qw( small large )) {
+ $id++;
- lives_ok { $rs->create( { 'id' => $id, $type => $binstr{$size} } ) }
- "inserted $size $type without dying";
- ok($rs->find($id)->$type eq $binstr{$size}, "verified inserted $size $type" );
+ my $str = $binstr{$size};
+ lives_ok {
+ $rs->create( { 'id' => $id, blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str" } )
+ } "inserted $size without dying";
+ my @objs = $rs->search({ blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str" })->all;
+ is (@objs, 1, 'One row found matching on both LOBs');
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->blob }||'' eq "blob:$str", 'blob inserted/retrieved correctly');
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->clob }||'' eq "clob:$str", 'clob inserted/retrieved correctly');
+ if ($size eq 'large') { # check that prepare_cached was NOT used
+ my $sql = ${ $rs->search({ blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str" })
+ ->as_query }->[0];
+ ok((not exists $schema->storage->_dbh->{CachedKids}{$sql}),
+ 'multi-part LOB equality query was not cached');
+ @objs = $rs->search({ clob => { -like => 'clob:%' } })->all;
+ ok (@objs, 'rows found matching CLOB with a LIKE query');
+ ok(my $subq = $rs->search({ blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str" })
+ ->get_column('id')->as_query);
+ @objs = $rs->search({ id => { -in => $subq } })->all;
+ is (@objs, 1, 'One row found matching on both LOBs as a subquery');
$schema->storage->debug ($orig_debug);