Merge 'DBIx-Class-current' into 're_refactor_bugfix'
r735@grumpyjack (orig r1897): phaylon | 2006-06-01 16:16:18 +0100
Test if value is blessed before ->isa
r736@grumpyjack (orig r1899): tomk | 2006-06-02 20:14:43 +0100
Moved from DBIC-current into DBIx-Class-Validate
r752@grumpyjack (orig r1922): blblack | 2006-06-06 01:14:28 +0100
0.06999_01 Changes fixup (forgotten entry for connect_info stuff)
r753@grumpyjack (orig r1926): blblack | 2006-06-06 13:30:40 +0100
POD clarification and content bugfixing + a few code formatting fixes
r754@grumpyjack (orig r1927): blblack | 2006-06-06 13:31:03 +0100
new specific test for connect_info coderefs
r755@grumpyjack (orig r1928): bluefeet | 2006-06-06 15:21:03 +0100
Slight wording change to new_related() POD.
r756@grumpyjack (orig r1929): captainL | 2006-06-06 16:03:46 +0100
fixed search with joins from related resultset
r757@grumpyjack (orig r1930): dwc | 2006-06-06 16:46:11 +0100
Revert change to test for deprecated find usage and swallow warnings