Merge 'trunk' into 'DBIx-Class-current'
r32855@cain (orig r2845): willert | 2006-10-18 20:33:43 +0000
Add myself to the contributors list
r32856@cain (orig r2846): willert | 2006-10-18 20:37:23 +0000
Changed DBIC::Schema->load_classes to be taint-safe even when Module::Find is used to fetch the classes to import.
Added a testfile for this behavior and any further taint related issues.
r32857@cain (orig r2847): willert | 2006-10-18 20:40:15 +0000
Cosmetics: Changed DBIx::Class to fit into the global 2-space-indent convention
r32858@cain (orig r2848): konobi | 2006-10-18 22:07:55 +0000
Hide documentation for deprecated modules from PAUSE.
r32859@cain (orig r2849): matthewt | 2006-10-21 03:16:47 +0000
I hate you all.
r33013@cain (orig r2850): matthewt | 2006-10-25 05:19:21 +0000
because this actually works