1 BEGIN { do "./t/lib/ANFANG.pm" or die ( $@ || $! ) }
10 my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
12 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);
15 [ $artist->id, $artist->ident_condition, $artist->_storage_ident_condition ],
16 [ 1, { artistid => 1 }, { artistid => 1 } ],
17 'Correct identity state of freshly retrieved object',
20 $artist->artistid(888);
23 [ $artist->id, $artist->ident_condition, $artist->_storage_ident_condition ],
24 [ 888, { artistid => 888 }, { artistid => 1 } ],
25 'Correct identity state of object with modified PK',
31 [ $artist->id, $artist->ident_condition, $artist->_storage_ident_condition ],
32 [ 888, { artistid => 888 }, { artistid => 888 } ],
33 'Correct identity state after storage update',