9 use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
12 use Storable qw/dclone/;
14 my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
16 # A search() with prefetch seems to pollute an already joined resultset
17 # in a way that offsets future joins (adapted from a test case by Debolaz)
21 # test a real-life case - rs is obtained by an implicit m2m join
22 $cd_rs = $schema->resultset ('Producer')->first->cds;
23 $attrs = dclone( $cd_rs->{attrs} );
25 $cd_rs->search ({})->all;
26 is_deeply (dclone($cd_rs->{attrs}), $attrs, 'Resultset attributes preserved after a simple search');
29 $cd_rs->search ({'artist.artistid' => 1}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->all;
30 is_deeply (dclone($cd_rs->{attrs}), $attrs, 'Resultset attributes preserved after search with prefetch');
31 }, 'first prefetching search ok');
34 $cd_rs->search ({'artist.artistid' => 1}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->all;
35 is_deeply (dclone($cd_rs->{attrs}), $attrs, 'Resultset attributes preserved after another search with prefetch')
36 }, 'second prefetching search ok');
39 # test a regular rs with an empty seen_join injected - it should still work!
40 $cd_rs = $schema->resultset ('CD');
41 $cd_rs->{attrs}{seen_join} = {};
42 $attrs = dclone( $cd_rs->{attrs} );
44 $cd_rs->search ({})->all;
45 is_deeply (dclone($cd_rs->{attrs}), $attrs, 'Resultset attributes preserved after a simple search');
48 $cd_rs->search ({'artist.artistid' => 1}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->all;
49 is_deeply (dclone($cd_rs->{attrs}), $attrs, 'Resultset attributes preserved after search with prefetch');
50 }, 'first prefetching search ok');
53 $cd_rs->search ({'artist.artistid' => 1}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->all;
54 is_deeply (dclone($cd_rs->{attrs}), $attrs, 'Resultset attributes preserved after another search with prefetch')
55 }, 'second prefetching search ok');
58 # Also test search_related, but now that we have as_query simply compare before and after
59 my $artist = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->first;
62 $q{a2a}{rs} = $artist->search_related ('artwork_to_artist');
63 $q{a2a}{query} = $q{a2a}{rs}->as_query;
65 $q{artw}{rs} = $q{a2a}{rs}->search_related ('artwork',
67 { join => ['cd', 'artwork_to_artist'] },
69 $q{artw}{query} = $q{artw}{rs}->as_query;
71 $q{cd}{rs} = $q{artw}{rs}->search_related ('cd', {}, { join => [ 'artist', 'tracks' ] } );
72 $q{cd}{query} = $q{cd}{rs}->as_query;
74 $q{artw_back}{rs} = $q{cd}{rs}->search_related ('artwork',
75 {}, { join => { artwork_to_artist => 'artist' } }
76 )->search_related ('artwork_to_artist', {}, { join => 'artist' });
77 $q{artw_back}{query} = $q{artw_back}{rs}->as_query;
79 for my $s (qw/a2a artw cd artw_back/) {
82 lives_ok ( sub { $rs->first }, "first() on $s does not throw an exception" );
84 lives_ok ( sub { $rs->count }, "count() on $s does not throw an exception" );
86 is_same_sql_bind ($rs->as_query, $q{$s}{query}, "$s resultset unmodified (as_query matches)" );
89 # ensure nothing pollutes the attrs of an existing rs
91 my $fresh = $schema->resultset('CD');
93 isa_ok ($fresh->find(1), 'DBICTest::CD' );
94 isa_ok ($fresh->single({ cdid => 1}), 'DBICTest::CD' );
95 isa_ok ($fresh->search({ cdid => 1})->next, 'DBICTest::CD' );
96 is ($fresh->count({ cdid => 1}), 1 );
97 is ($fresh->count_rs({ cdid => 1})->next, 1 );
99 ok (! exists $fresh->{_attrs}{_sqlmaker_select_args}, 'select args did not leak through' );