1 package DBICTest::Util;
13 ( ($ENV{DBICTEST_DEBUG_CONCURRENCY_LOCKS}||'') =~ /^(\d+)$/ )[0]
18 # During 5.13 dev cycle HELEMs started to leak on copy
19 # add an escape for these perls ON SMOKERS - a user/CI will still get death
20 # constname a homage to http://theoatmeal.com/comics/working_home
22 DBICTest::RunMode->is_smoker
24 ! DBICTest::RunMode->is_ci
26 ( "$]" >= 5.013005 and "$]" <= 5.013006)
31 use Carp qw(cluck confess croak);
32 use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :flock );
33 use Scalar::Util qw( blessed refaddr openhandle );
34 use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( scope_guard parent_dir mkdir_p );
39 local_umask slurp_bytes tmpdir find_co_root rm_rf
40 visit_namespaces PEEPEENESS
47 my $oc = DBI->can('connect');
48 no warnings 'redefine';
50 DBICTest::Util::dbg("Connecting to $_[1]");
57 printf STDERR "\n%.06f %5s %-78s %s\n",
58 scalar Time::HiRes::time(),
65 # File locking is hard. Really hard. By far the best lock implementation
66 # I've seen is part of the guts of File::Temp. However it is sadly not
67 # reusable. Since I am not aware of folks doing NFS parallel testing,
68 # nor are we known to work on VMS, I am just going to punt this and
69 # use the portable-ish flock() provided by perl itself. If this does
70 # not work for you - patches more than welcome.
72 # This figure esentially means "how long can a single test hold a
73 # resource before everyone else gives up waiting and aborts" or
74 # in other words "how long does the longest test-group legitimally run?"
75 my $lock_timeout_minutes = 15; # yes, that's long, I know
76 my $wait_step_seconds = 0.25;
78 sub await_flock ($$) {
79 my ($fh, $locktype) = @_;
83 ! ( $res = flock( $fh, $locktype | LOCK_NB ) )
85 ++$tries <= $lock_timeout_minutes * 60 / $wait_step_seconds
87 select( undef, undef, undef, $wait_step_seconds );
89 # "say something" every 10 cycles to work around RT#108390
90 # jesus christ our tooling is such a crock of shit :(
91 print "#\n" if not $tries % 10;
99 return unless defined $Config{d_umask};
101 croak 'Calling local_umask() in void context makes no sense'
102 if ! defined wantarray;
104 my $old_umask = umask($_[0]);
105 croak "Setting umask failed: $!" unless defined $old_umask;
111 defined(umask $old_umask) or die "nope";
114 "Unable to reset old umask '$old_umask': " . ($! || 'Unknown error')
119 # Try to determine the root of a checkout/untar if possible
120 # OR throws an exception
122 sub find_co_root () {
126 my @mod_parts = split /::/, (__PACKAGE__ . '.pm');
127 my $inc_key = join ('/', @mod_parts); # %INC stores paths with / regardless of OS
129 # a bit convoluted, but what we do here essentially is:
130 # - get the file name of this particular module
131 # - do 'cd ..' as many times as necessary to get to t/lib/../..
133 my $root = $INC{$inc_key}
134 or croak "\$INC{'$inc_key'} seems to be missing, this can't happen...";
136 $root = parent_dir $root
137 for 1 .. @mod_parts + 2;
139 # do the check twice so that the exception is more informative in the
140 # very unlikely case of realpath returning garbage
141 # (Paththools are in really bad shape - handholding all the way down)
142 for my $call_realpath (0,1) {
144 require Cwd and $root = ( Cwd::realpath($root) . '/' )
147 croak "Unable to find root of DBIC checkout/untar: '${root}Makefile.PL' does not exist"
148 unless -f "${root}Makefile.PL";
151 # at this point we are pretty sure this is the right thing - detaint
152 ($root =~ /(.+)/)[0];
161 my $dir = File::Spec->tmpdir;
162 $dir .= '/' unless $dir =~ / [\/\\] $ /x;
164 # the above works but not always, test it to bits
165 my $reason_dir_unusable;
167 # PathTools has a bug where on MSWin32 it will often return / as a tmpdir.
168 # This is *really* stupid and the result of having our lockfiles all over
169 # the place is also rather obnoxious. So we use our own heuristics instead
170 # https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=76663
171 my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);
173 # deal with how 'C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' decomposes
174 pop @parts while @parts and ! length $parts[-1];
179 ( @parts == 2 and $parts[1] =~ /^ [\/\\] $/x )
181 $reason_dir_unusable =
182 'File::Spec->tmpdir returned a root directory instead of a designated '
183 . 'tempdir (possibly https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=76663)';
186 # make sure we can actually create and sysopen a file in this dir
188 my $fn = $dir . "_dbictest_writability_test_$$";
190 my $u = local_umask(0); # match the umask we use in DBICTest(::Schema)
191 my $g = scope_guard { unlink $fn };
196 unlink $fn or die "Unable to unlink pre-existing $fn: $!\n";
199 sysopen (my $tmpfh, $fn, O_RDWR|O_CREAT) or die "Opening $fn failed: $!\n";
201 print $tmpfh 'deadbeef' x 1024 or die "Writing to $fn failed: $!\n";
203 close $tmpfh or die "Closing $fn failed: $!\n";
209 chomp( my $err = $@ );
212 { (defined $_) ? ( $_ ? 1 : 0 ) : 'U' }
214 { (-e, -d, -f, -r, -w, -x, -o)}
218 $reason_dir_unusable = sprintf <<"EOE", $fn, $err, scalar $>, scalar $), umask(), (stat($dir))[4,5,2], @x_tests;
219 File::Spec->tmpdir returned a directory which appears to be non-writeable:
221 Error encountered while testing '%s': %s
222 Process EUID/EGID: %s / %s
224 TmpDir UID/GID: %s / %s
226 TmpDir X-tests: -e:%s -d:%s -f:%s -r:%s -w:%s -x:%s -o:%s
227 TmpFile X-tests: -e:%s -d:%s -f:%s -r:%s -w:%s -x:%s -o:%s
232 if ($reason_dir_unusable) {
233 # Replace with our local project tmpdir. This will make multiple tests
234 # from different runs conflict with each other, but is much better than
235 # polluting the root dir with random crap or failing outright
236 my $local_dir = find_co_root . 't/var/';
240 warn "\n\nUsing '$local_dir' as test scratch-dir instead of '$dir': $reason_dir_unusable\n\n";
249 sub slurp_bytes ($) {
250 croak "Expecting a file name, not a filehandle" if openhandle $_[0];
251 croak "'$_[0]' is not a readable filename" unless -f $_[0] && -r $_[0];
252 open my $fh, '<:raw', $_[0] or croak "Unable to open '$_[0]': $!";
253 local $/ unless wantarray;
259 croak "No valid argument supplied to rm_rf()" unless length "$_[0]";
261 return unless -e $_[0];
263 ### I do not trust myself - check for subsuming ( the right way )
264 ### Avoid things like https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=111637
267 my ($target, $tmp, $co_tmp) = map {
269 my $abs_fn = Cwd::abs_path("$_");
271 if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' and length $abs_fn ) {
273 # sometimes we can get a short/longname mix, normalize everything to longnames
274 $abs_fn = Win32::GetLongPathName($abs_fn);
276 # Fixup for unixy (as opposed to native) slashes
280 $abs_fn =~ s| (?<! / ) $ |/|x
283 ( $abs_fn =~ /(.+)/s )[0]
285 } ( $_[0], tmpdir, find_co_root . 't/var' );
288 "Path supplied to rm_rf() '$target' is neither within the local nor the "
289 . "global scratch dirs ( '$co_tmp' and '$tmp' ): REFUSING TO `rm -rf` "
292 ( index($target, $co_tmp) == 0 and $target ne $co_tmp )
294 ( index($target, $tmp) == 0 and $target ne $tmp )
300 # do not ask for a recent version, use 1.x API calls
301 File::Path::rmtree([ $target ]);
310 while (@frame = CORE::caller($frame++)) {
311 push @stack, [@frame[3,1,2]];
314 return undef unless @stack;
317 return join "\tinvoked as ", map { sprintf ("%s at %s line %d\n", @$_ ) } @stack;
320 sub check_customcond_args ($) {
323 confess "Expecting a hashref"
324 unless ref $args eq 'HASH';
326 for (qw(rel_name foreign_relname self_alias foreign_alias)) {
327 confess "Custom condition argument '$_' must be a plain string"
328 if length ref $args->{$_} or ! length $args->{$_};
331 confess "Current and legacy rel_name arguments do not match"
332 if $args->{rel_name} ne $args->{foreign_relname};
334 confess "Custom condition argument 'self_resultsource' must be a rsrc instance"
335 unless defined blessed $args->{self_resultsource} and $args->{self_resultsource}->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource');
337 confess "Passed resultsource has no record of the supplied rel_name - likely wrong \$rsrc"
338 unless ref $args->{self_resultsource}->relationship_info($args->{rel_name});
342 if (defined $args->{self_result_object} or defined $args->{self_rowobj} ) {
344 for (qw(self_result_object self_rowobj)) {
345 confess "Custom condition argument '$_' must be a result instance"
346 unless defined blessed $args->{$_} and $args->{$_}->isa('DBIx::Class::Row');
349 confess "Current and legacy self_result_object arguments do not match"
350 if refaddr($args->{self_result_object}) != refaddr($args->{self_rowobj});
353 if (defined $args->{foreign_values}) {
356 confess "Custom condition argument 'foreign_values' must be a hash reference"
357 unless ref $args->{foreign_values} eq 'HASH';
360 confess "Data structures supplied on both ends of a relationship"
366 sub visit_namespaces {
367 my $args = { (ref $_[0]) ? %{$_[0]} : @_ };
369 my $visited_count = 1;
371 # A package and a namespace are subtly different things
372 $args->{package} ||= 'main';
373 $args->{package} = 'main' if $args->{package} =~ /^ :: (?: main )? $/x;
374 $args->{package} =~ s/^:://;
376 if ( $args->{action}->($args->{package}) ) {
378 ( ($args->{package} eq 'main') ? '' : $args->{package} )
383 $visited_count += visit_namespaces( %$args, package => $_ ) for
385 # this happens sometimes on %:: traversal
388 { $_ =~ /^(.+?)::$/ ? "$ns$1" : () }
389 do { no strict 'refs'; keys %$ns }
393 return $visited_count;