9 $SIG{__WARN__} = \&croak;
15 Class::MOP::in_global_destruction();
16 }, qr/\b deprecated \b/xmsi, 'Class::MOP::in_global_destruction is deprecated' );
22 use Class::MOP::Deprecated -api_version => 0.93;
25 Class::MOP::in_global_destruction();
26 }, qr/\b deprecated \b/xmsi, 'Class::MOP::in_global_destruction is deprecated with 0.93 compatibility' );
32 use Class::MOP::Deprecated -api_version => 0.92;
35 Class::MOP::in_global_destruction();
36 }, undef, 'Class::MOP::in_global_destruction is not deprecated with 0.92 compatibility' );
44 ::like( ::exception { Foo2->meta->get_attribute_map }, qr/\Qget_attribute_map method has been deprecated/, 'get_attribute_map is deprecated' );
50 use Class::MOP::Deprecated -api_version => 0.92;
51 use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
57 Quux->meta->add_method( bar => sub {84} );
59 my $map = Quux->meta->get_method_map;
60 my @method_objects = grep { blessed($_) } values %{$map};
63 scalar @method_objects, 3,
64 'get_method_map still returns all values as method object'
67 [ sort keys %{$map} ],
69 'get_method_map returns expected methods'