9 use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
10 my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
13 my $rs = $schema->resultset( 'CD' )->search(
15 'producer.name' => 'blah',
16 'producer_2.name' => 'foo',
20 { cd_to_producer => 'producer' },
21 { cd_to_producer => 'producer' },
25 { cd_to_producer => { producer => 'producer_to_cd' } },
30 my @executed = $rs->all();
35 SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track,
36 artist.artistid, artist.name, artist.rank, artist.charfield,
37 cd_to_producer.cd, cd_to_producer.producer, cd_to_producer.attribute,
38 producer.producerid, producer.name,
39 producer_to_cd.cd, producer_to_cd.producer, producer_to_cd.attribute
41 LEFT JOIN cd_to_producer cd_to_producer
42 ON cd_to_producer.cd = me.cdid
43 LEFT JOIN producer producer
44 ON producer.producerid = cd_to_producer.producer
45 LEFT JOIN cd_to_producer producer_to_cd
46 ON producer_to_cd.producer = producer.producerid
47 LEFT JOIN cd_to_producer cd_to_producer_2
48 ON cd_to_producer_2.cd = me.cdid
49 LEFT JOIN producer producer_2
50 ON producer_2.producerid = cd_to_producer_2.producer
51 JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
52 WHERE ( ( producer.name = ? AND producer_2.name = ? ) )
55 [ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', dbic_colname => 'producer.name', sqlt_size => 100 }
57 [ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', dbic_colname => 'producer_2.name', sqlt_size => 100 }
62 }, 'Complex join parsed/executed properly');
64 my @rs1a_results = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search_related('cds', {title => 'Forkful of bees'}, {order_by => 'title'});
65 is($rs1a_results[0]->title, 'Forkful of bees', "bare field conditions okay after search related");
66 my $rs1 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ 'tags.tag' => 'Blue' }, { join => {'cds' => 'tracks'}, prefetch => {'cds' => 'tags'} });
67 my @artists = $rs1->all;
68 cmp_ok(@artists, '==', 2, "Two artists returned");
70 my $rs2 = $rs1->search({ artistid => '1' }, { join => {'cds' => {'cd_to_producer' => 'producer'} } });
71 my @artists2 = $rs2->search({ 'producer.name' => 'Matt S Trout' });
72 my @cds = $artists2[0]->cds;
73 cmp_ok(scalar @cds, '==', 1, "condition based on inherited join okay");
75 my $rs3 = $rs2->search_related('cds');
77 cmp_ok(scalar($rs3->all), '==', 15, "All cds for artist returned");
79 cmp_ok($rs3->count, '==', 15, "All cds for artist returned via count");
81 my $rs4 = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({ 'artist.artistid' => '1' }, { join => ['tracks', 'artist'], prefetch => 'artist' });
82 my @rs4_results = $rs4->all;
84 is($rs4_results[0]->cdid, 1, "correct artist returned");
86 my $rs5 = $rs4->search({'tracks.title' => 'Sticky Honey'});
87 is($rs5->count, 1, "search without using previous joins okay");
89 my $record_rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(undef, { join => 'cds' })->search(undef, { prefetch => { 'cds' => 'tracks' }});
90 my $record_jp = $record_rs->next;
91 ok($record_jp, "prefetch on same rel okay");
93 my $artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find(1);
94 my $cds = $artist->cds;
95 is($cds->find(2)->title, 'Forkful of bees', "find on has many rs okay");
97 my $cd = $cds->search({'me.title' => 'Forkful of bees'}, { prefetch => 'tracks' })->first;
98 my @tracks = $cd->tracks->all;
99 is(scalar(@tracks), 3, 'right number of prefetched tracks after has many');
101 #causes ambig col error due to order_by
102 #my $tracks_rs = $cds->search_related('tracks', { 'tracks.position' => '2', 'disc.title' => 'Forkful of bees' });
103 #my $first_tracks_rs = $tracks_rs->first;
105 my $related_rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' })->search_related('cds', { year => '2001'})->search_related('tracks', { 'position' => '2' });
106 is($related_rs->first->trackid, '5', 'search related on search related okay');
108 #causes ambig col error due to order_by
109 #$related_rs->search({'cd.year' => '2001'}, {join => ['cd', 'cd']})->all;
111 my $title = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search_related('twokeys')->search_related('cd')->search({'tracks.position' => '2'}, {join => 'tracks', order_by => 'tracks.trackid'})->next->title;
112 is($title, 'Forkful of bees', 'search relateds with order by okay');
114 my $prod_rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(1)->producers_sorted;
115 my $prod_rs2 = $prod_rs->search({ name => 'Matt S Trout' });
116 my $prod_first = $prod_rs2->first;
117 is($prod_first->id, '1', 'somewhat pointless search on rel with order_by on it okay');
119 my $prod_map_rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find(1)->cds->search_related('cd_to_producer', {}, { join => 'producer', prefetch => 'producer' });
120 ok($prod_map_rs->next->producer, 'search related with prefetch okay');
122 my $stupid = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search_related('artist_undirected_maps', {}, { prefetch => 'artist1' })->search_related('mapped_artists')->search_related('cds', {'cds.cdid' => '2'}, { prefetch => 'tracks' });
124 my $cd_final = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search_related('artist_undirected_maps', {}, { prefetch => 'artist1' })->search_related('mapped_artists')->search_related('cds', {'cds.cdid' => '2'}, { prefetch => 'tracks' })->first;
125 is($cd_final->cdid, '2', 'bonkers search_related-with-join-midway okay');
127 # should end up with cds and cds_2 joined
128 my $merge_rs_1 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ 'cds_2.cdid' => '2' }, { join => ['cds', 'cds'] });
129 is(scalar(@{$merge_rs_1->{attrs}->{join}}), 2, 'both joins kept');
130 ok($merge_rs_1->next, 'query on double joined rel runs okay');
132 # should only end up with cds joined
133 my $merge_rs_2 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ }, { join => 'cds' })->search({ 'cds.cdid' => '2' }, { join => 'cds' });
134 is(scalar(@{$merge_rs_2->{attrs}->{join}}), 1, 'only one join kept when inherited');
135 my $merge_rs_2_cd = $merge_rs_2->next;
139 my @rs_with_prefetch = $schema->resultset('TreeLike')
143 prefetch => [ 'parent', { 'children' => 'parent' } ],
146 }, 'pathological prefetch ok');
148 my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({}, { join => 'twokeys' });
149 my $second_search_rs = $rs->search({ 'cds_2.cdid' => '2' }, { join =>
151 is(scalar(@{$second_search_rs->{attrs}->{join}}), 3, 'both joins kept');
152 ok($second_search_rs->next, 'query on double joined rel runs okay');
154 # test joinmap pruner
156 my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artwork')->search (
162 { artwork_to_artist => 'artist' },
169 $rs->count_rs->as_query,
175 JOIN cd cd ON cd.cdid = me.cd_id
176 JOIN artist artist_2 ON artist_2.artistid = cd.artist
183 ok (defined $rs->count);
186 # make sure multiplying endpoints do not lose heir join-path
188 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search (
190 { join => { artwork => 'images' } },
191 )->get_column('cdid');
198 LEFT JOIN cd_artwork artwork
199 ON artwork.cd_id = me.cdid
200 LEFT JOIN images images
201 ON images.artwork_id = artwork.cd_id