8 use Storable qw(dclone freeze nfreeze thaw);
9 use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr/;
13 my ($refa, $refb) = map { refaddr $_ or croak "$_ is not a reference!" } @_[0,1];
18 sprintf ('%s (0x%07x != 0x%07x)',
26 my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema;
29 dclone_method => sub { return $schema->dclone($_[0]) },
31 local $DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle::thaw_schema = $schema;
34 "freeze/thaw_method" => sub {
35 my $ice = $schema->freeze($_[0]);
36 return $schema->thaw($ice);
38 "nfreeze/thaw_func" => sub {
39 my $ice = freeze($_[0]);
40 local $DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle::thaw_schema = $schema;
44 "freeze/thaw_func (cdbi legacy)" => sub {
45 # this one is special-cased to leak the $schema all over
46 # the same way as cdbi-compat does
47 DBICTest::Artist->result_source_instance->schema($schema);
48 DBICTest::CD->result_source_instance->schema($schema);
50 my $fire = thaw(freeze($_[0]));
53 $_->result_source_instance->schema(undef)
54 for map { $schema->class ($_) } $schema->sources;
62 if (DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_memcached')) {
63 my $memcached = Cache::Memcached->new(
64 { servers => [ $ENV{DBICTEST_MEMCACHED} ] }
67 my $key = 'tmp_dbic_84serialize_memcached_test';
69 $stores{memcached} = sub {
70 $memcached->set( $key, $_[0], 60 )
71 or die "Unable to insert into $ENV{DBICTEST_MEMCACHED} - is server running?";
72 local $DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle::thaw_schema = $schema;
73 return $memcached->get($key);
78 skip 'Memcached tests need ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('test_memcached'), 1;
84 skip 'Set $ENV{DBICTEST_MEMCACHED} to run the memcached serialization tests', 1;
90 for my $name (keys %stores) {
92 my $store = $stores{$name};
95 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);
97 lives_ok { $copy = $store->($artist) } "serialize row object lives: $name";
98 ref_ne($copy, $artist, 'Simple row cloned');
99 is_deeply($copy, $artist, "serialize row object works: $name");
101 my $cd_rs = $artist->search_related("cds");
103 # test that a live result source can be serialized as well
104 is( $cd_rs->count, 3, '3 CDs in database');
105 ok( $cd_rs->next, 'Advance cursor' );
108 $copy = $store->($cd_rs);
110 ref_ne($copy, $artist, 'Simple row cloned');
115 "serialize resultset works: $name",
117 } "serialize resultset lives: $name";
119 # Test that an object with a related_resultset can be serialized.
120 ok $artist->{related_resultsets}, 'has key: related_resultsets';
122 lives_ok { $copy = $store->($artist) } "serialize row object with related_resultset lives: $name";
123 for my $key (keys %$artist) {
124 next if $key eq 'related_resultsets';
125 next if $key eq '_inflated_column';
127 ref_ne($copy->{$key}, $artist->{$key}, "Simple row internals cloned '$key'")
128 if ref $artist->{$key};
130 is_deeply($copy->{$key}, $artist->{$key},
131 qq[serialize with related_resultset '$key']);
135 sub { $copy->discard_changes }, "Discard changes works: $name"
137 is($copy->id, $artist->id, "IDs still match ");
140 # Test resultsource with cached rows
141 $schema->is_executed_querycount( sub {
142 $cd_rs = $cd_rs->search ({}, { cache => 1 });
144 # this will hit the database once and prime the cache
145 my @cds = $cd_rs->all;
147 $copy = $store->($cd_rs);
148 ref_ne($copy, $cd_rs, 'Cached resultset cloned');
152 "serialize cached resultset works: $name",
155 is ($copy->count, $cd_rs->count, 'Cached count identical');
156 }, 1, 'Only one db query fired');
159 # test schema-less detached thaw
161 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);
163 $artist = dclone $artist;
165 is( $artist->name, 'Caterwauler McCrae', 'getting column works' );
167 ok( $artist->update, 'Non-dirty update noop' );
169 ok( $artist->name( 'Beeeeeeees' ), 'setting works' );
171 ok( $artist->is_column_changed( 'name' ), 'Column dirtyness works' );
172 ok( $artist->is_changed, 'object dirtyness works' );
174 my $rs = $artist->result_source->resultset;
175 $rs->set_cache([ $artist ]);
177 is( $rs->count, 1, 'Synthetic resultset count works' );
179 my $exc = qr/Unable to perform storage-dependent operations with a detached result source.+use \$schema->thaw/;
181 throws_ok { $artist->update }
183 'Correct exception on row op'
186 throws_ok { $artist->discard_changes }
188 'Correct exception on row op'
191 throws_ok { $rs->find(1) }
193 'Correct exception on rs op'