8 my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @ENV{map { "DBICTEST_ORA_${_}" } qw/DSN USER PASS/};
10 plan skip_all => 'Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test. ' .
11 'Warning: This test drops and creates tables called \'artist\', \'cd\' and \'track\''
12 unless ($dsn && $user && $pass);
16 my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
18 my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
21 $dbh->do("DROP SEQUENCE artist_seq");
22 $dbh->do("DROP TABLE artist");
23 $dbh->do("DROP TABLE cd");
24 $dbh->do("DROP TABLE track");
26 $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE artist_seq START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
27 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE artist (artistid NUMBER(12), name VARCHAR(255))");
28 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE cd (cdid NUMBER(12), artist NUMBER(12), title VARCHAR(255), year VARCHAR(4))");
29 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE track (trackid NUMBER(12), cd NUMBER(12), position NUMBER(12), title VARCHAR(255), last_updated_on DATE)");
31 $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE artist ADD (CONSTRAINT artist_pk PRIMARY KEY (artistid))");
33 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER artist_insert_trg
37 IF :new.artistid IS NULL THEN
38 SELECT artist_seq.nextval
45 # This is in Core now, but it's here just to test that it doesn't break
46 $schema->class('Artist')->load_components('PK::Auto');
47 # These are compat shims for PK::Auto...
48 $schema->class('CD')->load_components('PK::Auto::Oracle');
49 $schema->class('Track')->load_components('PK::Auto::Oracle');
51 # test primary key handling
52 my $new = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'foo' });
53 is($new->artistid, 1, "Oracle Auto-PK worked");
55 # test join with row count ambiguity
56 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->create({ cdid => 1, artist => 1, title => 'EP C', year => '2003' });
57 my $track = $schema->resultset('Track')->create({ trackid => 1, cd => 1, position => 1, title => 'Track1' });
58 my $tjoin = $schema->resultset('Track')->search({ 'me.title' => 'Track1'},
63 is($tjoin->next->title, 'Track1', "ambiguous column ok");
65 # check count distinct with multiple columns
66 my $other_track = $schema->resultset('Track')->create({ trackid => 2, cd => 1, position => 1, title => 'Track2' });
67 my $tcount = $schema->resultset('Track')->search(
70 select => [{count => {distinct => ['position', 'title']}}],
75 is($tcount->next->get_column('count'), 2, "multiple column select distinct ok");
79 $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Artist ' . $_ });
81 my $it = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( {},
84 order_by => 'artistid' }
86 is( $it->count, 3, "LIMIT count ok" );
87 is( $it->next->name, "Artist 2", "iterator->next ok" );
90 is( $it->next, undef, "next past end of resultset ok" );
93 my $rs = $schema->resultset('Track')->search( undef, { columns=>[qw/trackid position/], group_by=> [ qw/trackid position/ ] , rows => 2, offset=>1 });
94 my @results = $rs->all;
95 is( scalar @results, 1, "Group by with limit OK" );
101 $dbh->do("DROP SEQUENCE artist_seq");
102 $dbh->do("DROP TABLE artist");
103 $dbh->do("DROP TABLE cd");
104 $dbh->do("DROP TABLE track");