8 use DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies ();
12 use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
14 my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @ENV{map { "DBICTEST_ORA_${_}" } qw/DSN USER PASS/};
17 my ($dsn2, $user2, $pass2) = @ENV{map { "DBICTEST_ORA_EXTRAUSER_${_}" } qw/DSN USER PASS/};
19 plan skip_all => 'Set $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test.'
20 unless ($dsn && $user && $pass);
22 plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('test_rdbms_oracle')
23 unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_rdbms_oracle');
30 package # hide from PAUSE
31 DBICTest::Schema::ArtistFQN;
33 use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';
37 ? (uc $ENV{DBICTEST_ORA_USER}) . '.artist'
40 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
42 data_type => 'integer',
43 is_auto_increment => 1,
46 data_type => 'varchar',
51 data_type => 'integer',
52 is_auto_increment => 1,
54 'default_value_col' => {
55 data_type => 'varchar',
58 retrieve_on_insert => 1,
61 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(qw/ artistid autoinc_col /);
66 DBICTest::Schema->load_classes('ArtistFQN');
68 # This is in Core now, but it's here just to test that it doesn't break
69 DBICTest::Schema::Artist->load_components('PK::Auto');
70 # These are compat shims for PK::Auto...
71 DBICTest::Schema::CD->load_components('PK::Auto::Oracle');
72 DBICTest::Schema::Track->load_components('PK::Auto::Oracle');
75 # check if we indeed do support stuff
77 my $si = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass)->storage->_server_info;
78 $si->{normalized_dbms_version}
79 or die "Unparseable Oracle server version: $si->{dbms_version}\n";
82 my $test_server_supports_only_orajoins = $v < 9;
84 # TODO find out which version supports the RETURNING syntax
85 # 8i (8.1) has it and earlier docs are a 404 on oracle.com
86 my $test_server_supports_insert_returning = $v >= 8.001;
89 DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass)->storage->_use_insert_returning,
90 $test_server_supports_insert_returning,
91 'insert returning capability guessed correctly'
94 isa_ok (DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass)->storage->sql_maker, 'DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Oracle');
96 # see if determining a driver with bad credentials throws propely
98 DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, "BORKED BORKED USER $user", $pass)->storage->sql_maker;
99 } qr/DBI Connection failed/;
102 # the recyclebin (new for 10g) sometimes comes in the way
103 my $on_connect_sql = $v >= 10 ? ["ALTER SESSION SET recyclebin = OFF"] : [];
105 # iterate all tests on following options
107 { on_connect_do => $on_connect_sql },
108 { quote_char => '"', on_connect_do => $on_connect_sql },
111 # keep a database handle open for cleanup
115 for my $use_insert_returning ($test_server_supports_insert_returning ? (1,0) : (0) ) {
116 for my $force_ora_joins ($test_server_supports_only_orajoins ? (0) : (0,1) ) {
118 no warnings qw/once redefine/;
119 my $old_connection = DBICTest::Schema->can('connection');
120 local *DBICTest::Schema::connection = subname 'DBICTest::Schema::connection' => sub {
121 my $s = shift->$old_connection (@_);
122 $s->storage->_use_insert_returning ($use_insert_returning);
123 $s->storage->sql_maker_class('DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins') if $force_ora_joins;
127 for my $opt (@tryopt) {
128 # clean all cached sequences from previous run
129 for (map { values %{DBICTest::Schema->source($_)->columns_info} } (qw/Artist CD Track/) ) {
130 delete $_->{sequence};
133 my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opt);
135 $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
136 my $q = $schema->storage->sql_maker->quote_char || '';
138 do_creates($dbh, $q);
140 _run_tests($schema, $opt);
146 my ($schema, $opt) = @_;
148 my $q = $schema->storage->sql_maker->quote_char || '';
150 # test primary key handling with multiple triggers
153 my $new_artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'foo' });
154 my $new_cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->create({ artist => 1, title => 'EP C', year => '2003' });
157 skip 'not detecting sequences when using INSERT ... RETURNING', 4
158 if $schema->storage->_use_insert_returning;
160 is($new_artist->artistid, 1, "Oracle Auto-PK worked for standard sqlt-like trigger");
161 $seq = $new_artist->result_source->column_info('artistid')->{sequence};
162 $seq = $$seq if ref $seq;
163 like ($seq, qr/\.${q}artist_pk_seq${q}$/, 'Correct PK sequence selected for sqlt-like trigger');
165 is($new_cd->cdid, 1, 'Oracle Auto-PK worked - using scalar ref as table name/custom weird trigger');
166 $seq = $new_cd->result_source->column_info('cdid')->{sequence};
167 $seq = $$seq if ref $seq;
168 like ($seq, qr/\.${q}cd_seq${q}$/, 'Correct PK sequence selected for custom trigger');
171 # test PKs again with fully-qualified table name
172 my $artistfqn_rs = $schema->resultset('ArtistFQN');
173 my $artist_rsrc = $artistfqn_rs->result_source;
175 delete $artist_rsrc->column_info('artistid')->{sequence};
176 $new = $artistfqn_rs->create( { name => 'bar' } );
178 is_deeply( {map { $_ => $new->$_ } $artist_rsrc->primary_columns},
179 { artistid => 2, autoinc_col => 2},
180 "Oracle Multi-Auto-PK worked with fully-qualified tablename" );
183 delete $artist_rsrc->column_info('artistid')->{sequence};
184 $new = $artistfqn_rs->create( { name => 'bar', autoinc_col => 1000 } );
186 is( $new->artistid, 3, "Oracle Auto-PK worked with fully-qualified tablename" );
187 is( $new->autoinc_col, 1000, "Oracle Auto-Inc overruled with fully-qualified tablename");
190 is( $new->default_value_col, 'default_value', $schema->storage->_use_insert_returning
191 ? 'Check retrieve_on_insert on default_value_col with INSERT ... RETURNING'
192 : 'Check retrieve_on_insert on default_value_col without INSERT ... RETURNING'
196 skip 'not detecting sequences when using INSERT ... RETURNING', 1
197 if $schema->storage->_use_insert_returning;
199 $seq = $new->result_source->column_info('artistid')->{sequence};
200 $seq = $$seq if ref $seq;
201 like ($seq, qr/\.${q}artist_pk_seq${q}$/, 'Correct PK sequence selected for sqlt-like trigger');
207 $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Artist ' . $_ });
209 my $it = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( { name => { -like => 'Artist %' } }, {
212 order_by => 'artistid'
215 is( $it->count, 2, "LIMIT count past end of RS ok" );
216 is( $it->next->name, "Artist 5", "iterator->next ok" );
217 is( $it->next->name, "Artist 6", "iterator->next ok" );
218 is( $it->next, undef, "next past end of resultset ok" );
220 # test identifiers over the 30 char limit
222 my @results = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef, {
223 prefetch => 'very_long_artist_relationship',
227 ok( scalar @results > 0, 'limit with long identifiers returned something');
228 } 'limit with long identifiers executed successfully';
231 # test rel names over the 30 char limit
232 my $query = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
235 prefetch => 'cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name'
239 is $query->first->cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name->first->cdid, 1
240 } 'query with rel name over 30 chars survived and worked';
242 # test rel names over the 30 char limit using group_by and join
244 my @group_cols = ( 'me.name' );
245 my $query = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
248 select => \@group_cols,
249 as => [map { /^\w+\.(\w+)$/ } @group_cols],
250 join => [qw( cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name )],
251 group_by => \@group_cols,
255 my @got = $query->get_column('name')->all();
256 is_deeply \@got, [$new_artist->name];
257 } 'query with rel name over 30 chars worked on join, group_by for me col';
260 is $query->count(), 1
261 } 'query with rel name over 30 chars worked on join, group_by, count for me col';
264 my @group_cols = ( 'cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name.title' );
265 my $query = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
268 select => \@group_cols,
269 as => [map { /^\w+\.(\w+)$/ } @group_cols],
270 join => [qw( cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name )],
271 group_by => \@group_cols,
275 my @got = $query->get_column('title')->all();
276 is_deeply \@got, [$new_cd->title];
277 } 'query with rel name over 30 chars worked on join, group_by for long rel col';
280 is $query->count(), 1
281 } 'query with rel name over 30 chars worked on join, group_by, count for long rel col';
284 # rel name over 30 char limit with user condition
285 # This requires walking the SQLA data structure.
287 $query = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
288 'cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name.title' => 'EP C'
290 prefetch => 'cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name'
294 is $query->first->cds_very_very_very_long_relationship_name->first->cdid, 1
295 } 'query with rel name over 30 chars and user condition survived and worked';
299 # test join with row count ambiguity
300 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->next;
301 my $track = $cd->create_related('tracks', { position => 1, title => 'Track1'} );
302 my $tjoin = $schema->resultset('Track')->search({ 'me.title' => 'Track1'}, {
303 join => 'cd', rows => 2
306 ok(my $row = $tjoin->next);
308 is($row->title, 'Track1', "ambiguous column ok");
312 # check count distinct with multiple columns
313 my $other_track = $schema->resultset('Track')->create({ cd => $cd->cdid, position => 1, title => 'Track2' });
315 my $tcount = $schema->resultset('Track')->search(
318 select => [ qw/position title/ ],
322 is($tcount->count, 2, 'multiple column COUNT DISTINCT ok');
324 $tcount = $schema->resultset('Track')->search(
327 columns => [ qw/position title/ ],
331 is($tcount->count, 2, 'multiple column COUNT DISTINCT ok');
333 $tcount = $schema->resultset('Track')->search(
336 group_by => [ qw/position title/ ]
339 is($tcount->count, 2, 'multiple column COUNT DISTINCT using column syntax ok');
343 my $g_rs = $schema->resultset('Track')->search( undef, { columns=>[qw/trackid position/], group_by=> [ qw/trackid position/ ] , rows => 2, offset => 1 });
344 is( scalar $g_rs->all, 1, "Group by with limit OK" );
347 # test with_deferred_fk_checks
349 $schema->storage->with_deferred_fk_checks(sub {
350 $schema->resultset('Track')->create({
351 trackid => 999, cd => 999, position => 1, title => 'deferred FK track'
353 $schema->resultset('CD')->create({
354 artist => 1, cdid => 999, year => '2003', title => 'deferred FK cd'
357 } 'with_deferred_fk_checks code survived';
359 is eval { $schema->resultset('Track')->find(999)->title }, 'deferred FK track',
360 'code in with_deferred_fk_checks worked';
363 $schema->resultset('Track')->create({
364 trackid => 1, cd => 9999, position => 1, title => 'Track1'
366 } qr/constraint/i, 'with_deferred_fk_checks is off';
369 # test auto increment using sequences WITHOUT triggers
371 my $st = $schema->resultset('SequenceTest')->create({ name => 'foo' });
372 is($st->pkid1, $_, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: First primary key");
373 is($st->pkid2, $_ + 9, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: Second primary key");
374 is($st->nonpkid, $_ + 19, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: Non-primary key");
376 my $st = $schema->resultset('SequenceTest')->create({ name => 'foo', pkid1 => 55 });
377 is($st->pkid1, 55, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: First primary key set manually");
380 # test populate (identity, success and error handling)
381 my $art_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist');
383 my $seq_pos = $art_rs->get_column('artistid')->max;
384 ok($seq_pos, 'Starting with something in the artist table');
387 my $pop_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
388 { name => { -like => 'pop_art_%' } },
389 { order_by => 'artistid' }
395 map { +{ name => "pop_art_$_" } }
400 [ $pop_rs->get_column('artistid')->all ],
401 [ map { $seq_pos + $_ } (1,2,3) ],
402 'Sequence works after empty-table insertion'
404 } 'Populate without identity does not throw';
408 map { +{ artistid => $_, name => "pop_art_$_" } }
413 [ $pop_rs->get_column('artistid')->all ],
414 [ 1,2,3, map { $seq_pos + $_ } (1,2,3) ],
415 'Explicit id population works'
417 } 'Populate with identity does not throw';
421 map { +{ artistid => $_, name => "pop_art_$_" } }
424 } qr/unique constraint.+populate slice.+name => "pop_art_1"/s, 'Partially failed populate throws';
427 [ $pop_rs->get_column('artistid')->all ],
428 [ 1,2,3, map { $seq_pos + $_ } (1,2,3) ],
429 'Partially failed populate did not alter table contents'
432 # test complex join (exercise orajoins)
433 lives_ok { is_deeply (
434 $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
435 { 'artist.name' => 'pop_art_1', 'me.cdid' => { '!=', 999} },
436 { join => 'artist', prefetch => 'tracks', rows => 4, order_by => 'tracks.trackid' }
442 single_track => undef,
447 last_updated_at => undef,
448 last_updated_on => undef,
455 last_updated_at => undef,
456 last_updated_on => undef,
464 'Correct set of data prefetched',
465 ) } 'complex prefetch ok';
467 # test sequence detection from a different schema
472 ' to run the cross-schema sequence detection test.'),
473 1) unless $dsn2 && $user2 && $user2 ne $user;
475 skip 'not detecting cross-schema sequence name when using INSERT ... RETURNING', 1
476 if $schema->storage->_use_insert_returning;
478 # Oracle8i Reference Release 2 (8.1.6)
479 # http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/A87860_01/doc/server.817/a76961/ch294.htm#993
480 # Oracle Database Reference 10g Release 2 (10.2)
481 # http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/statviews_2107.htm#sthref1297
482 todo_skip "On Oracle8i all_triggers view is empty, i don't yet know why...", 1
483 if $schema->storage->_server_info->{normalized_dbms_version} < 9;
485 my $schema2 = $schema->connect($dsn2, $user2, $pass2, $opt);
486 my $dbh2 = $schema2->storage->dbh;
488 # create identically named tables/sequences in the other schema
489 do_creates($dbh2, $q);
491 # grant select privileges to the 2nd user
492 $dbh->do("GRANT INSERT ON ${q}artist${q} TO " . uc $user2);
493 $dbh->do("GRANT SELECT ON ${q}artist${q} TO " . uc $user2);
494 $dbh->do("GRANT SELECT ON ${q}artist_pk_seq${q} TO " . uc $user2);
495 $dbh->do("GRANT SELECT ON ${q}artist_autoinc_seq${q} TO " . uc $user2);
497 # test with a fully qualified table (user1/schema prepended)
498 my $rs2 = $schema2->resultset('ArtistFQN');
499 delete $rs2->result_source->column_info('artistid')->{sequence};
502 my $row = $rs2->create({ name => 'From Different Schema' });
504 } 'used autoinc sequence across schemas';
506 # now quote the sequence name (do_creates always uses an lc name)
511 delete $rs2->result_source->column_info('artistid')->{sequence};
513 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${q}artist_insert_trg_pk${q}
514 BEFORE INSERT ON ${q}artist${q}
517 IF :new.${q}artistid${q} IS NULL THEN
518 SELECT $q_seq.nextval
519 INTO :new.${q}artistid${q}
527 my $row = $rs2->create({ name => 'From Different Schema With Quoted Sequence' });
529 } 'used quoted autoinc sequence across schemas';
531 is_deeply $rs2->result_source->column_info('artistid')->{sequence},
532 \( (uc $user) . ".$q_seq"),
533 'quoted sequence name correctly extracted';
535 # try an insert operation on the default user2 artist
536 my $art1 = $schema->resultset('Artist');
537 my $art2 = $schema2->resultset('Artist');
538 my $art1_count = $art1->count || 0;
539 my $art2_count = $art2->count;
541 is( $art2_count, 0, 'No artists created yet in second schema' );
543 delete $art2->result_source->column_info('artistid')->{sequence};
544 my $new_art = $art2->create({ name => '2nd best' });
546 is ($art1->count, $art1_count, 'No new rows in main schema');
547 is ($art2->count, 1, 'One artist create in 2nd schema');
549 is( $new_art->artistid, 1, 'Expected first PK' );
554 # test driver determination issues that led to the diagnosis/fix in 37b5ab51
555 # observed side-effect when count-is-first on a fresh env-based connect
558 ($ENV{DBI_DSN}, my @user_pass_args) = @{ $schema->storage->connect_info };
559 my $s2 = DBICTest::Schema->connect( undef, @user_pass_args );
560 ok (! $s2->storage->connected, 'Not connected' );
561 is (ref $s2->storage, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI', 'Undetermined driver' );
564 $s2->resultset('Artist')->search({ 'me.name' => { like => '%' } }, { prefetch => 'cds' })->count,
568 scalar $s2->resultset('CD')->search({}, { join => 'tracks' } )->all,
571 $s2->storage->disconnect;
584 $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE ${q}artist_autoinc_seq${q} START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
585 $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE ${q}artist_pk_seq${q} START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
586 $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE ${q}cd_seq${q} START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
587 $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE ${q}track_seq${q} START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
589 $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE ${q}nonpkid_seq${q} START WITH 20 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
590 # this one is always quoted as per manually specified sequence =>
591 $dbh->do('CREATE SEQUENCE "pkid1_seq" START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0');
592 # this one is always unquoted as per manually specified sequence =>
593 $dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE pkid2_seq START WITH 10 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
595 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ${q}artist${q} (${q}artistid${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}name${q} VARCHAR(255),${q}default_value_col${q} VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'default_value', ${q}autoinc_col${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}rank${q} NUMBER(38), ${q}charfield${q} VARCHAR2(10))");
596 $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE ${q}artist${q} ADD (CONSTRAINT ${q}artist_pk${q} PRIMARY KEY (${q}artistid${q}))");
598 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ${q}sequence_test${q} (${q}pkid1${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}pkid2${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}nonpkid${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}name${q} VARCHAR(255))");
599 $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE ${q}sequence_test${q} ADD (CONSTRAINT ${q}sequence_test_constraint${q} PRIMARY KEY (${q}pkid1${q}, ${q}pkid2${q}))");
601 # table cd will be unquoted => Oracle will see it as uppercase
602 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE cd (${q}cdid${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}artist${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}title${q} VARCHAR(255), ${q}year${q} VARCHAR(4), ${q}genreid${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}single_track${q} NUMBER(12))");
603 $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE cd ADD (CONSTRAINT ${q}cd_pk${q} PRIMARY KEY (${q}cdid${q}))");
605 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ${q}track${q} (${q}trackid${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}cd${q} NUMBER(12) REFERENCES CD(${q}cdid${q}) DEFERRABLE, ${q}position${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}title${q} VARCHAR(255), ${q}last_updated_on${q} DATE, ${q}last_updated_at${q} DATE)");
606 $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE ${q}track${q} ADD (CONSTRAINT ${q}track_pk${q} PRIMARY KEY (${q}trackid${q}))");
609 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${q}artist_insert_trg_auto${q}
610 BEFORE INSERT ON ${q}artist${q}
613 IF :new.${q}autoinc_col${q} IS NULL THEN
614 SELECT ${q}artist_autoinc_seq${q}.nextval
615 INTO :new.${q}autoinc_col${q}
622 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${q}artist_insert_trg_pk${q}
623 BEFORE INSERT ON ${q}artist${q}
626 IF :new.${q}artistid${q} IS NULL THEN
627 SELECT ${q}artist_pk_seq${q}.nextval
628 INTO :new.${q}artistid${q}
635 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${q}cd_insert_trg${q}
645 IF :new.${q}cdid${q} IS NULL THEN
646 SELECT ${q}cd_seq${q}.nextval
650 :new.${q}cdid${q} := tmpVar;
656 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${q}track_insert_trg${q}
657 BEFORE INSERT ON ${q}track${q}
660 IF :new.${q}trackid${q} IS NULL THEN
661 SELECT ${q}track_seq${q}.nextval
662 INTO :new.${q}trackid${q}
672 my $dbh = shift || return;
674 for my $q ('', '"') {
676 "DROP TRIGGER ${q}track_insert_trg${q}",
677 "DROP TRIGGER ${q}cd_insert_trg${q}",
678 "DROP TRIGGER ${q}artist_insert_trg_auto${q}",
679 "DROP TRIGGER ${q}artist_insert_trg_pk${q}",
680 "DROP SEQUENCE ${q}nonpkid_seq${q}",
681 "DROP SEQUENCE ${q}pkid2_seq${q}",
682 "DROP SEQUENCE ${q}pkid1_seq${q}",
683 "DROP SEQUENCE ${q}track_seq${q}",
684 "DROP SEQUENCE ${q}cd_seq${q}",
685 "DROP SEQUENCE ${q}artist_autoinc_seq${q}",
686 "DROP SEQUENCE ${q}artist_pk_seq${q}",
687 "DROP TABLE ${q}bindtype_test${q}",
688 "DROP TABLE ${q}sequence_test${q}",
689 "DROP TABLE ${q}track${q}",
690 "DROP TABLE ${q}cd${q}",
691 "DROP TABLE ${q}artist${q}",
693 eval { $dbh -> do ($_) } for @clean;
700 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};