3 # the above line forces Test::Harness into taint-mode
9 # When in taint mode, PERL5LIB is ignored (but *not* unset)
10 # Put it back in INC so that local-lib users can actually
14 for (map { defined $ENV{$_} ? $ENV{$_} : () } (qw/PERLLIB PERL5LIB/) ) { # we unshift, so reverse precedence
15 my ($envvar) = ($_ =~ /^(.*)$/s); # untaint
16 unshift @INC, map { length($_) ? $_ : () } (split /\Q$Config{path_sep}\E/, $envvar);
20 # We need to specify 'lib' here as well because even if it was already in
21 # @INC, the above will have put our local::lib in front of it, so now an
22 # installed DBIx::Class will take precedence over the one we're trying to test.
23 # In some cases, prove will have supplied ./lib as an absolute path so it
24 # doesn't seem worth trying to remove the second copy since it won't hurt
26 use lib qw(t/lib lib);
33 sub { $ENV{PATH} . (kill (0)) },
34 qr/Insecure dependency in kill/,
39 package DBICTest::Taint::Classes;
44 use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
47 __PACKAGE__->load_classes(qw/Manual/);
48 ok( __PACKAGE__->source('Manual'), 'The Classes::Manual source has been registered' );
49 __PACKAGE__->_unregister_source (qw/Manual/);
50 }, 'Loading classes with explicit load_classes worked in taint mode' );
53 __PACKAGE__->load_classes();
54 ok( __PACKAGE__->source('Auto'), 'The Classes::Auto source has been registered' );
55 ok( __PACKAGE__->source('Auto'), 'The Classes::Manual source has been re-registered' );
56 }, 'Loading classes with Module::Find/load_classes worked in taint mode' );
60 package DBICTest::Taint::Namespaces;
65 use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
68 __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces();
69 ok( __PACKAGE__->source('Test'), 'The Namespaces::Test source has been registered' );
70 }, 'Loading classes with Module::Find/load_namespaces worked in taint mode' );