[scpubgit/stemmaweb.git] / root / src / index.tt
1 [% WRAPPER header.tt
2         pagetitle = "Stemmaweb - Text tradition tools"
3         applicationjs = c.uri_for( 'js/componentload.js' )
4 %]
5     <script type="text/javascript">
6 var basepath = window.location.pathname
7 if( basepath.lastIndexOf('/') == basepath.length - 1 ) { 
8         basepath = basepath.slice( 0, basepath.length - 1) 
9 };
10 var selectedTextID;
11 var selectedTextInfo;
12 var selectedStemmaID = -1;
13 var stemmata = [];
15 function refreshDirectory () {
16         var lmesg = $('#loading_message').clone();
17         $('#directory').empty().append( lmesg.contents() );
18     $('#directory').load( "[% c.uri_for( 'directory' ) %]", 
19         function(response, status, xhr) {
20                         if (status == "error") {
21                                 var msg = "An error occurred: ";
22                                 $("#directory").html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText);
23                         }
24                 }
25         );
26 }
28 function start_upload_dialog() {
29     if( typeof uploader != 'undefined' ){ uploader.destroy() };
30     $('#upload-collation-dialog').dialog('option', 'attach_uploader')();
31     $('#upload_status').empty();
32     $('#upload_button').button('disable');
33     $('#upload-collation-dialog').dialog('open');
34 }
36 $(document).ready( function() {
37     // call out to load the directory div
38     $('#textinfo_container').hide();
39     $('#textinfo_waitbox').hide();
40         refreshDirectory();
42         // Set up the textinfo edit dialog
43         $('#textinfo-edit-dialog').dialog({
44                 autoOpen: false,
45                 height: 200,
46                 width: 300,
47                 modal: true,
48                 buttons: {
49                         Save: function (evt) {
50                                 $("#edit_textinfo_status").empty();
51                                 $(evt.target).button("disable");
52                                 var requrl = "[% c.uri_for( '/textinfo' ) %]/" + selectedTextID;
53                                 var reqparam = $('#edit_textinfo').serialize();
54                                 $.post( requrl, reqparam, function (data) {
55                                         // Reload the selected text fields
56                                         selectedTextInfo = data;
57                                         load_textinfo();
58                                         // Reenable the button and close the form
59                                         $(evt.target).button("enable");
60                                         $('#textinfo-edit-dialog').dialog('close');
61                                 }, 'json' );
62                         },
63                         Cancel: function() {
64                                 $('#textinfo-edit-dialog').dialog('close');
65                         }
66                 },
67                 open: function() {
68                         $("#edit_textinfo_status").empty();
69                         // Populate the form fields with the current values
70                         // edit_(name, language, public, owner)
71                         $.each([ 'name', 'language', 'owner' ], function( idx, k ) {
72                                 var fname = '#edit_' + k;
73                                 // Special case: language Default is basically language null
74                                 if( k == 'language' && selectedTextInfo[k] == 'Default' ) {
75                                         $(fname).val( "" );
76                                 } else {
77                                         $(fname).val( selectedTextInfo[k] );
78                                 }
79                         });
80                         if( selectedTextInfo['public'] == true ) {
81                                 $('#edit_public').attr('checked','true');
82                         } else {
83                                 $('#edit_public').removeAttr('checked');
84                         }
85                 },
86         }).ajaxError( function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
87                 $(event.target).parent().find('.ui-button').button("enable");
88         if( ajaxSettings.url.indexOf( 'textinfo' ) > -1 
89                 && ajaxSettings.type == 'POST' ) {
90                         display_error( jqXHR, $("#edit_textinfo_status") );
91         }
92         });
95         // Set up the stemma editor dialog
96         $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog({
97                 autoOpen: false,
98                 height: 700,
99                 width: 600,
100                 modal: true,
101                 buttons: {
102                         Save: function (evt) {
103                                 $("#edit_stemma_status").empty();
104                                 $(evt.target).button("disable");
105                                 var stemmaseq = $('#stemmaseq').val();
106                                 var requrl = "[% c.uri_for( '/stemma' ) %]/" + selectedTextID + "/" + stemmaseq;
107                                 var reqparam = { 'dot': $('#dot_field').val() };
108                                 // TODO We need to stash the literal SVG string in stemmata
109                                 // somehow. Implement accept header on server side to decide
110                                 // whether to send application/json or application/xml?
111                                 $.post( requrl, reqparam, function (data) {
112                                         // We received a stemma SVG string in return. 
113                                         // Update the current stemma sequence number
114                                         selectedStemmaID = data.stemmaid;
115                                         // Stash the answer in our SVG array
116                                         stemmata[selectedStemmaID] = data.stemmasvg;
117                                         // Display the new stemma
118                                         load_stemma( selectedStemmaID );
119                                         // Reenable the button and close the form
120                                         $(evt.target).button("enable");
121                                         $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog('close');
122                                 }, 'json' );
123                         },
124                         Cancel: function() {
125                                 $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog('close');
126                         }
127                 },
128                 open: function(evt) {
129                         $("#edit_stemma_status").empty();
130                         var stemmaseq = $('#stemmaseq').val();
131                         if( stemmaseq == 'n' ) {
132                                 // If we are creating a new stemma, populate the textarea with a
133                                 // bare digraph.
134                                 $(evt.target).dialog('option', 'title', 'Add a new stemma')
135                                 $('#dot_field').val( "digraph stemma {\n\n}" );
136                         } else {
137                                 // If we are editing a stemma, grab its stemmadot and populate the
138                                 // textarea with that.
139                                 $(evt.target).dialog('option', 'title', 'Edit selected stemma')
140                                 $('#dot_field').val( 'Loading, please wait...' );
141                                 var doturl = "[% c.uri_for( '/stemmadot' ) %]/" + selectedTextID + "/" + stemmaseq;
142                                 $.getJSON( doturl, function (data) {
143                                         // Re-insert the line breaks
144                                         var dotstring = data.dot.replace(/\|n/gm, "\n");                                        
145                                         $('#dot_field').val( dotstring );
146                                 });
147                         }
148                 },
149         }).ajaxError( function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
150                 $(event.target).parent().find('.ui-button').button("enable");
151         if( ajaxSettings.url.indexOf( 'stemma' ) > -1 
152                 && ajaxSettings.type == 'POST' ) {
153                         display_error( jqXHR, $("#edit_stemma_status") );
154         }
155         });
157         $('#upload-collation-dialog').dialog({
158                 autoOpen: false,
159                 height: 325,
160                 width: 480,
161                 modal: true,
162                 buttons: {
163                   pick: {
164                     text: "Pick File",
165                     id: "pick_uploadfile_button",
166                     click: function() {}       
167                   },
168                   upload: {
169                     text: 'Upload',
170                     id: 'upload_button',
171                     click: function() {
172                             $('#upload_status').empty();
173                 uploader.start();
174                 return false;
175             }
176                   },
177                   Cancel: function() {
178                     $('#upload-collation-dialog').dialog('close');
179                   }
180                 },
181                 attach_uploader: function() {
182                     create_uploader( "[% c.uri_for ( '/newtradition' ) %]" );
183                     $('#filelist').empty().html( 'Use the \'Pick\' button to choose a source file…' );
184                 }
185         });
186 });
187     </script>
189 [% END %]
191     <div id="topbanner">
192       <h1>Stemmaweb - a collection of tools for analysis of collated texts</h1>
193       <span class="mainnav">[% IF c.user_exists %]Hello! [% c.user.get_object.email %] <a class="navlink" href="[% c.uri_for( '/logout' ) %]">Sign out</a> | [% ELSE %]<a class="navlink" onclick="window.open('[% c.uri_for( '/login' ) %]', 'loginwindow', 'height=385,width=445')">Login</a> | <a class="navlink" onclick="window.open('[% c.uri_for( '/register' ) %]', 'regwindow', 'height=385,width=445')">Register</a> | [% END %]<a class="navlink" href="[% c.uri_for( 'about.html' ) %]">About</a> </span>
194     </div>
195     <div id="directory_container">
196       <h2>Text directory</h2>
197       <div id="directory"></div>
198 [% IF c.user_exists -%]
199           <div class="button" id="new_trad_button" onClick="start_upload_dialog();">
200             <span>Add a new text tradition</span>
201           </div>
202 [% END %]
203     </div>
204     <div id="textinfo_waitbox">
205         <h3>Loading tradition information, please wait...</h3>
206         <img src="[% c.uri_for( 'images', 'ajax-loader.gif' ) %]" alt="Loading tradition info..." />
207     </div>
208     <div id="textinfo_container">
209       <div id="textinfo_load_status"></div>
210       <h2>Text <span class="texttitle"></span></h2>
211       <ul>
212           <li>is owned by <span id="owner_id"></span></li>
213           <li>is <span id="not_public"></span>public</li>
214           <li>has <span id="marked_language"></span> as its primary language</li>
215               <li>has <span id="witness_num"></span> witnesses: <span id="witness_list"></span></li>
216       </ul>
218       <!-- TODO buttons on either side of the graph div to flip through the stemmata -->
219       <div id="textinfo_container_buttons">
220           <form id="open_textinfo_edit" action="" method="GET" name="edit_textinfo">
221             <div class="button" id="edit_textinfo_button"
222                 onClick="$('#textinfo-edit-dialog').dialog('open')">
223                   <span>Modify information about this tradition</span>
224             </div>
225           </form>
226           <form id="stemma_pager" action="" method="GET" name="stemma_pager">
227             <div class="button" id="stemma_pager_button" onClick="$('#stemma_pager').submit()">
228                   <span>Left &amp; right go here</span>
229             </div>
230           </form>
231           <form id="open_stemma_add" action="" method="GET" name="add_new_stemma">
232             <div class="button" id="stemma_add_button" 
233                 onClick="$('#stemmaseq').val('n'); $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog('open');">
234                   <span>Add a new stemma</span>
235             </div>
236           </form>
237           <form id="open_stemma_edit" action="" method="GET" name="edit_current_stemma">
238             <div class="button" id="stemma_edit_button" 
239                 onClick="$('#stemmaseq').val(selectedStemmaID); $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog('open');">
240                   <span>Edit this stemma</span>
241             </div>
242           </form>
243           <form id="run_stexaminer" action="" method="GET" name="run_stexaminer">
244             <div class="button" id="stexaminer_button" onClick="$('#run_stexaminer').submit()">
245                   <span>Examine variants against this stemma</span>
246             </div>
247           </form>
248           <form id="run_relater" action="" method="GET" name="run_relater">
249             <div class="button" id="relater_button" onClick="$('#run_relater').submit()">
250               <span>Run relationship mapper</span>
251             </div>
252           </form>
253       </div>
254       <div id="stemma_graph"></div>
255     </div>
257     <!-- Interim 'loading' message for directory box -->
258     <div id="loading_message">
259         <h3>Loading texts, please wait...</h3>
260         <img src="[% c.uri_for( 'images', 'ajax-loader.gif' ) %]" alt="Loading tradition list..."/>
261     </div>
263     <!-- Textinfo editor dialog -->
264     <div id="textinfo-edit-dialog" title="Edit information about this tradition">
265       <div id="textinfo_edit_container">
266         <form id="edit_textinfo">
267                 <label for="edit_name">Tradition name: </label>
268                 <input id="edit_name" type="text" size="30" name="name"/><br/>
269                 <label for="edit_language">Language: </label>
270                 <input id="edit_language" type="text" size="12" name="language"/>
271                 <label for="edit_public">Publicly viewable: </label>
272                 <input id="edit_public" type="checkbox" name="public"/><br/>
273 [% IF c.user_exists -%]
274 [% IF c.user.get_object.is_admin -%]
275                 <label for="edit_owner">Tradition owner: </label>
276                 <input id="edit_owner" type="text" size="30" name="owner"/><br/>
277 [% END -%]
278 [% END -%]
279                 </form>
280                 <div id="edit_textinfo_status"></div>
281           </div>
282     </div>
284     <!-- Stemma dot editor dialog, simple textarea for now -->
285     <div id="stemma-edit-dialog">
286       <div id="stemma_edit_container">
287         <form id="edit_stemma">
288                 <label for="dot_field">Dot definition for this stemma: </label><br/>
289                 <textarea id="dot_field" rows="30" cols="40"></textarea>
290                 <input id="stemmaseq" type="hidden" name="stemmaseq" val="n"/>
291                         <div id="edit_instructions">
292                                 <p>All definitions begin with the line
293                                         <pre>digraph stemma {</pre>
294                                 and end with the line 
295                                         <pre>}</pre>Please do not change these lines.</p>
296                                 <p>First list each witness in your stemma, whether extant or lost /
297                                 reconstructed / hypothetical, and assign them a class of either "extant"
298                                 or "hypothetical". For example:</p><pre>  
299         α [ class=hypothetical ]
300         C [ class=extant ]
301                                 </pre>
302                                 <p>Next, list the direct links between witnesses, one per line. For example, if 
303                                 witness C descends directly from witness α, note it as follows:</p><pre>
304         α -> C
305                                 </pre>
306                                 <p>A witness may be the exemplar for any number of other witnesses, whether 
307                                 extant or not; likewise, a witness may inherit from any number of other 
308                                 witnesses. Use as may "A -> B" pairings as necessary to describe the links.</p>
309                         </div>
310         </form>
311         <div id="edit_stemma_status"></div>
312       </div>
313     </div>
315     <!-- File upload dialog box -->
316     <div id="upload-collation-dialog" title="Upload a collation">
317       <div id="upload_container">
318         <form id="new_tradition">
319             <label for="new_name">Name of this text / tradition: </label>
320             <input id="new_name" type="text" name="name" size="40"/><br/>
321             <label for="new_lang">Primary language of the text: </label>
322             <input id="new_lang" type="text" name="language" size="20"/><br/>
323             <label for="new_public">Allow public display: </label>
324             <input id="new_public" name="public" type="checkbox"/><br/>
325             <div id="filelist"></div>
326         <form>
327         <div id="upload_status"></div>
328         <div>
329           <h4>Supported file types / extensions:</h4>
330           <ul>
331             <li>*.txt - spreadsheet collation, tab-separated values</li>
332             <li>*.csv - spreadsheet collation, comma-separated values</li>
333             <li>*.xls - spreadsheet collation, Excel 97-2004 format</li>
334             <li>*.xlsx - spreadsheet collation, Excel 2007 XML format</li>
335             <li>*.xml - TEI XML parallel segmentation format</li>
336             <li>*.xml - TEI XML export from Classical Text Editor</li>
337             <li>*.xml - GraphML export from the CollateX tool</li>
338           </ul>
339           <p>All spreadsheet collations should be arranged with the witness sigla in the first row, and the words aligned by row each in its correct witness column.</p>
340         </div>
341       </div>
342     </div>    
343 [% PROCESS footer.tt %]