Make significant relations thicker than the others. Still thinking about maybes. #42
[scpubgit/stemmaweb.git] / root / src /
2         pagetitle = "Stemmaweb - Text tradition tools"
3         applicationjs = c.uri_for( 'js/componentload.js' )
4         applicationstyle = c.uri_for( 'css/dashboard.css' )
5 %]
6     <script type="text/javascript">
7 // Set global variables that must be passed by the server
8 var basepath = "[% c.uri_for( '/' ) %]";
9 var textOnLoad = "[% withtradition %]";
10     </script>
12 [% END %]
13    <div id="main_page" class="clearfix">
14    <div class="mainnav">
15         <span>[% IF c.user_exists %]Hello! [% %]! &nbsp; <a class="navlink" href="[% c.uri_for( '/logout' ) %]">Sign out</a> | [% ELSE %]<a class="navlink" onclick="'[% c.uri_for( '/login' ) %]', 'loginwindow', 'height=385,width=445')">Sign in/Register</a> | [% END %]<a class="navlink" href="[% c.uri_for( '/about' ) %]">About Stemmaweb</a> </span>
16    </div>
17     <div id="topbanner">
18       <h1 class="title">Stemmaweb - a collection of tools for analysis of collated texts</h1>
19       <p id="compatibility_check"><span class="error">This browser does not support 
20       the functions necessary for Stemmaweb to work properly. We recommend use of 
21       <a href="">Mozilla Firefox</a> or 
22       <a href="">Google Chrome</a>.</span></p>
23     </div>
24     <div id="directory_container">
25       <h2>Text directory</h2>
26       <div id="directory"></div>
27 [% IF c.user_exists -%]
28           <div class="button" id="new_trad_button" onClick="$('#upload-collation-dialog').dialog('open')">
29             <span>Add a new text tradition</span>
30           </div>
31 [% END %]
32     </div>
33     <div id="textinfo_waitbox">
34         <h3>Loading tradition information, please wait...</h3>
35         <img src="[% c.uri_for( 'images', 'ajax-loader.gif' ) %]" alt="Loading tradition info..." />
36     </div>
37     <div id="textinfo_container" class="clearfix">
38       <div id="textinfo_load_status"></div>
39       <h2>Text <span class="texttitle"></span></h2>
40       <form id="open_textinfo_edit" action="" method="GET" name="edit_textinfo">
41         <div class="button" id="edit_textinfo_button"
42                 onClick="$('#textinfo-edit-dialog').dialog('open')">
43           <span>Modify information about this tradition</span>
44         </div>
45       </form>
46       <ul>
47           <li>is owned by <span id="owner_id"></span></li>
48           <li>is <span id="not_public"></span>public</li>
49           <li>has <span id="marked_language"></span> as its primary language</li>
50               <li>has <span id="witness_num"></span> witnesses: <span id="witness_list"></span></li>
51       </ul>
53       <div id="textinfo_container_buttons">
54           <form id="stemma_pager" action="" method="GET" name="stemma_pager">
55             <div id="stemma_pager_buttons">
56               <div class="pager_left_button" id="stemma_pager_left_button"></div>
57               <div class="pager_right_button" id="stemma_pager_right_button"></div>
58             </div>
59           </form>
60           <form id="open_stemma_add" action="" method="GET" name="add_new_stemma">
61             <div class="button" id="stemma_add_button" 
62                 onClick="$('#stemmaseq').val('n'); $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog('open');">
63                   <span>Add a new stemma</span>
64             </div>
65           </form>
66           <form id="open_stemma_edit" action="" method="GET" name="edit_current_stemma">
67             <div class="button" id="stemma_edit_button" 
68                 onClick="$('#stemmaseq').val(selectedStemmaID); $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog('open');">
69                   <span>Edit this stemma</span>
70             </div>
71           </form>
72           <form id="open_stemweb_ui" action="" method="GET" name="run_stemweb">
73             <div class="button" id="run_stemweb_button"
74                 onClick="$('#stemweb-ui-dialog').dialog('open');">
75               <span>Run a Stemweb algorithm</span>
76             </div>
77           </form>
78           <form id="query_stemweb_ui" action="" method="GET" name="query_stemweb">
79             <div class="button" id="query_stemweb_button"
80                 onClick="query_stemweb_progress();">
81               <span>Check Stemweb progress</span>
82             </div>
83           </form>
84           <form id="run_stexaminer" action="" method="GET" name="run_stexaminer">
85             <div class="button" id="stexaminer_button" onClick="$('#run_stexaminer').submit()">
86                   <span>Examine variants against this stemma</span>
87             </div>
88           </form>
89           <form id="run_relater" action="" method="GET" name="run_relater">
90             <div class="button" id="relater_button" onClick="$('#run_relater').submit()">
91               <span id='relatebutton_label'>View collation and relationships</span>
92             </div>
93           </form>
94           <form id="dl_tradition" action="" method="GET" name="run_downloader">
95             <div class="button" id="download_button"
96                 onClick="$('#download-dialog').dialog('open');">
97               <span id='dlbutton_label'>Download tradition</span>
98             </div>
99           </form>
100       </div>
101       <div id="stemma_load_status"></div>
102       <div id="stemma_graph"></div>
103       <div id="stemma_graph_title"><span id="stemma_identifier"></span></div>
104     </div>
106     <!-- Interim 'loading' message for directory box -->
107     <div id="loading_message">
108         <h3>Loading texts, please wait...</h3>
109         <img src="[% c.uri_for( 'images', 'ajax-loader.gif' ) %]" alt="Loading tradition list..."/>
110     </div>
111   </div> <!-- main_page -->
113     <!-- Textinfo editor dialog -->
114     <div id="textinfo-edit-dialog" title="Edit information about this tradition">
115       <div id="textinfo_edit_container">
116         <form id="edit_textinfo">
117                 <label for="edit_name">Tradition name: </label>
118                 <input id="edit_name" type="text" size="30" name="name"/><br/>
119                 <label for="edit_language">Language: </label>
120                 <input id="edit_language" type="text" size="12" name="language"/>
121                 <label for="edit_public">Publicly viewable: </label>
122                 <input id="edit_public" type="checkbox" name="public"/><br/>
123 [% IF c.user_exists -%]
124 [% IF c.user.get_object.is_admin -%]
125                 <label for="edit_owner">Tradition owner: </label>
126                 <input id="edit_owner" type="text" size="30" name="owner"/><br/>
127 [% END -%]
128 [% END -%]
129                 </form>
130                 <div id="edit_textinfo_status"></div>
131           </div>
132     </div>
134     <!-- Stemma dot editor dialog, simple textarea for now -->
135     <div id="stemma-edit-dialog">
136       <div id="stemma_edit_container">
137         <form id="edit_stemma">
138                 <label for="dot_field">Dot definition for this stemma: </label><br/>
139                 <textarea id="dot_field" rows="30" cols="40"></textarea>
140                 <input id="stemmaseq" type="hidden" name="stemmaseq" val="n"/>
141                         <div id="edit_instructions">
142                                 <p>All definitions begin with the line
143                                         <pre>digraph "Stemma Name" {</pre>
144                                 and end with the line 
145                                         <pre>}</pre>
146                                 Please do not change these lines except to edit the stemma name.</p>
147                                 <p>First list each witness in your stemma, whether extant or lost /
148                                 reconstructed / hypothetical, and assign them a class of either "extant"
149                                 or "hypothetical". For example:</p><pre>  
150         α [ class=hypothetical ]
151         C [ class=extant ]
152                                 </pre>
153                                 <p>Next, list the direct links between witnesses, one per line. For example, if 
154                                 witness C descends directly from witness α, note it as follows:</p><pre>
155         α -> C
156                                 </pre>
157                                 <p>A witness may be the exemplar for any number of other witnesses, whether 
158                                 extant or not; likewise, a witness may inherit from any number of other 
159                                 witnesses. Use as may "A -> B" pairings as necessary to describe the links.</p>
160                         </div>
161         </form>
162         <div id="edit_stemma_status"></div>
163       </div>
164     </div>
166         <!-- Stemweb UI dialog box -->
167     <div id="stemweb-ui-dialog" title="Generate a Stemweb tree">
168       <div id="stemweb_ui_container">
169                 <div id="sponsor_container">
170                         <img id="hiit_logo" src="[% c.uri_for( '/images/hiit_logo.jpg' ) %]"></img>
171                         <img id="eadh_logo" src="[% c.uri_for( '/images/eadh-150.png' ) %]"></img>
172                         <p>Stemweb is a webservice provided by the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. The integration into Stemmaweb was generously supported by a small project grant from the European Association for Digital Humanities.
173                         </p>
174                 </div>
175                 <hr/>
176                 <form id="call_stemweb">
177                 <input id="stemweb_tradition" type="hidden" name="tradition"/>
178                 <h5>Choose an algorithm</h5>
179                 <label for="algorithm">Run algorithm: </label>
180                 <select id="stemweb_algorithm" name="algorithm"></select>
181                 <span id="stemweb_algorithm_help">What is this?</span><br/>
182                         <div id="stemweb_algorithm_desc_text"></div>
183                         <br/>
184                         <h5>Set the options</h5>
185                 <!-- Algorithm-specific options, if any, will be added within this div -->
186                 <div id="stemweb_runtime_options"></div>
187                 <br/>
188                 <!-- Options applicable to all algorithms belong within this div -->
189                 <div id="stemweb_local_options">
190                         <label for="merge_reltypes">Disregard variation of type:</label>
191                         <select multiple name="merge_reltypes" id="stemweb_merge_reltypes"></select>
192                 </div>
193         </form>
194         <div id="stemweb_run_status"></div>
195       </div>
196     </div>
198     <!-- Data download dialog box -->
199     <div id="download-dialog" title="Download tradition data">
200       <div id="download_container">
201         <form id="download_form">
202                 <input id="download_tradition" type="hidden" name="tradition"/><br/>
203                 <label for="download_format">Choose a format for download: </label>
204                 <select id="download_format" name="format">
205                         <option value="GraphML">Native XML format</option>
206                         <option value="CSV">Comma-separated values (collation only)</option>
207                         <option value="TSV">Tab-separated values (collation only)</option>
208                         <option value="SVG">SVG graph display (collation and relationships)</option>                            
209                         <!-- option value="tei_ps" -->
210                         <!-- option value="tei_dea" -->
211                 </select>
212         </form>
213         <div id="download_status"></div>
214       </div>
215     </div>    
217     <!-- File upload dialog box -->
218     <div id="upload-collation-dialog" title="Upload a collation">
219       <div id="upload_container">
220                 <input id="new_file" name="file" type="file" onchange="file_selected(this)">
221                 <label for="new_file" id="new_file_label">Collation file: </label>
222         <div id="new_file_name_container" onclick="$('#new_file').click();">&nbsp;(Use 'pick file' to select a tradition file to upload.)</div>
223         <form id="new_tradition">
224             <label for="new_name">Name of this text / tradition: </label>
225             <input id="new_name" type="text" name="name" size="40"/><br/>
226             <label for="new_lang">Primary language of the text: </label>
227             <input id="new_lang" type="text" name="language" size="20"/><br/>
228             <label for="new_public">Allow public display: </label>
229             <input id="new_public" name="public" type="checkbox"/><br/>
230         </form>
231         <div id="upload_status"></div>
232         <div>
233           <h4>Supported file types / extensions:</h4>
234           <ul>
235             <li>*.txt - spreadsheet collation, tab-separated values</li>
236             <li>*.csv - spreadsheet collation, comma-separated values</li>
237             <li>*.xls - spreadsheet collation, Excel 97-2004 format</li>
238             <li>*.xlsx - spreadsheet collation, Excel 2007 XML format</li>
239             <li>*.xml - TEI XML parallel segmentation format</li>
240             <li>*.xml - TEI XML export from Classical Text Editor</li>
241             <li>*.xml - GraphML export from the CollateX tool</li>
242           </ul>
243           <p>All spreadsheet collations should be arranged with the witness sigla in the first row, and the words aligned by row each in its correct witness column.</p>
244         </div>
245       </div>
246     </div>
248     <div id="root_tree_dialog">
249         Use this node to root the stemma? <img id="root_tree_dialog_button_ok" src="[% c.uri_for( 'images', 'tick_circle_frame_24.png' ) %]"/>
250     </div>
252 [% PROCESS %]