1 package DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite;
6 use base qw/DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI/;
9 use DBIx::Class::_Util 'modver_gt_or_eq';
10 use DBIx::Class::Carp;
14 __PACKAGE__->sql_maker_class('DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::SQLite');
15 __PACKAGE__->sql_limit_dialect ('LimitOffset');
16 __PACKAGE__->sql_quote_char ('"');
17 __PACKAGE__->datetime_parser_type ('DateTime::Format::SQLite');
21 DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite - Automatic primary key class for SQLite
25 # In your table classes
26 use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';
27 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
31 This class implements autoincrements for SQLite.
39 NOTE - This section applies to you only if ALL of these are true:
41 * You are or were using DBD::SQLite with a version lesser than 1.38_01
43 * You are or were using DBIx::Class versions between 0.08191 and 0.08209
44 (inclusive) or between 0.08240-TRIAL and 0.08242-TRIAL (also inclusive)
46 * You use objects with overloaded stringification and are feeding them
47 to DBIC CRUD methods directly
49 An unfortunate chain of events led to DBIx::Class silently hitting the problem
50 described in L<RT#79576|https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=79576>.
52 In order to trigger the bug condition one needs to supply B<more than one>
53 bind value that is an object with overloaded stringification (numification
54 is not relevant, only stringification is). When this is the case the internal
55 DBIx::Class call to C<< $sth->bind_param >> would be executed in a way that
56 triggers the above-mentioned DBD::SQLite bug. As a result all the logs and
57 tracers will contain the expected values, however SQLite will receive B<all>
58 these bind positions being set to the value of the B<last> supplied
61 Even if you upgrade DBIx::Class (which works around the bug starting from
62 version 0.08210) you may still have corrupted/incorrect data in your database.
63 DBIx::Class will currently detect when this condition (more than one
64 stringifiable object in one CRUD call) is encountered and will issue a warning
65 pointing to this section. This warning will be removed 2 years from now,
66 around April 2015, You can disable it after you've audited your data by
67 setting the C<DBIC_RT79576_NOWARN> environment variable. Note - the warning
68 is emitted only once per callsite per process and only when the condition in
69 question is encountered. Thus it is very unlikely that your logsystem will be
70 flooded as a result of this.
84 my ($self, $dir) = @_;
87 ## Where is the db file?
88 my $dsn = $self->_dbi_connect_info()->[0];
90 my $dbname = $1 if($dsn =~ /dbname=([^;]+)/);
93 $dbname = $1 if($dsn =~ /^dbi:SQLite:(.+)$/i);
95 $self->throw_exception("Cannot determine name of SQLite db file")
96 if(!$dbname || !-f $dbname);
98 # print "Found database: $dbname\n";
99 # my $dbfile = file($dbname);
100 my ($vol, $dbdir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($dbname);
101 # my $file = $dbfile->basename();
102 $file = POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S", localtime()) . $file;
103 $file = "B$file" while(-f $file);
105 mkdir($dir) unless -f $dir;
106 my $backupfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file);
108 my $res = File::Copy::copy($dbname, $backupfile);
109 $self->throw_exception("Backup failed! ($!)") if(!$res);
114 sub _exec_svp_begin {
115 my ($self, $name) = @_;
117 $self->_dbh->do("SAVEPOINT $name");
120 sub _exec_svp_release {
121 my ($self, $name) = @_;
123 $self->_dbh->do("RELEASE SAVEPOINT $name");
126 sub _exec_svp_rollback {
127 my ($self, $name) = @_;
129 # For some reason this statement changes the value of $dbh->{AutoCommit}, so
130 # we localize it here to preserve the original value.
131 local $self->_dbh->{AutoCommit} = $self->_dbh->{AutoCommit};
133 $self->_dbh->do("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION TO SAVEPOINT $name");
139 # Be extremely careful what we do here. SQLite is notoriously bad at
140 # synchronizing its internal transaction state with {AutoCommit}
141 # https://metacpan.org/source/ADAMK/DBD-SQLite-1.37/lib/DBD/SQLite.pm#L921
142 # There is a function http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/get_autocommit.html
143 # but DBD::SQLite does not expose it (nor does it seem to properly use it)
145 # Therefore only execute a "ping" when we have no other choice *AND*
146 # scrutinize the thrown exceptions to make sure we are where we think we are
147 my $dbh = $self->_dbh or return undef;
148 return undef unless $dbh->FETCH('Active');
149 return undef unless $dbh->ping;
153 # older DBD::SQLite does not properly synchronize commit state between
154 # the libsqlite and the $dbh
155 unless (defined $DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_TXN_SYNC_SANE__) {
156 $DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_TXN_SYNC_SANE__ = modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.38_02');
159 # fallback to travesty
160 unless ($DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_TXN_SYNC_SANE__) {
161 # since we do not have access to sqlite3_get_autocommit(), do a trick
162 # to attempt to *safely* determine what state are we *actually* in.
164 # also using T::T here leads to bizarre leaks - will figure it out later
165 my $really_not_in_txn = do {
168 # older versions of DBD::SQLite do not properly detect multiline BEGIN/COMMIT
169 # statements to adjust their {AutoCommit} state. Hence use such a statement
170 # pair here as well, in order to escape from poking {AutoCommit} needlessly
171 # https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=80087
173 # will fail instantly if already in a txn
174 $dbh->do("-- multiline\nBEGIN");
175 $dbh->do("-- multiline\nCOMMIT");
178 ($@ =~ /transaction within a transaction/)
185 # if we were unable to determine this - we may very well be dead
186 if (not defined $really_not_in_txn) {
189 # check the AC sync-state
190 elsif ($really_not_in_txn xor $dbh->{AutoCommit}) {
192 'Internal transaction state of handle %s (apparently %s a transaction) does not seem to '
193 . 'match its AutoCommit attribute setting of %s - this is an indication of a '
194 . 'potentially serious bug in your transaction handling logic',
196 $really_not_in_txn ? 'NOT in' : 'in',
197 $dbh->{AutoCommit} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE',
200 # it is too dangerous to execute anything else in this state
201 # assume everything works (safer - worst case scenario next statement throws)
206 # do the actual test and return on no failure
207 ( $ping_fail ||= ! try { $dbh->do('SELECT * FROM sqlite_master LIMIT 1'); 1 } )
208 or return 1; # the actual RV of _ping()
210 # ping failed (or so it seems) - need to do some cleanup
211 # it is possible to have a proper "connection", and have "ping" return
212 # false anyway (e.g. corrupted file). In such cases DBD::SQLite still
213 # keeps the actual file handle open. We don't really want this to happen,
214 # so force-close the handle via DBI itself
216 local $@; # so that we do not clobber the real error as set above
217 eval { $dbh->disconnect }; # if it fails - it fails
218 undef; # the actual RV of _ping()
221 sub deployment_statements {
223 my ($schema, $type, $version, $dir, $sqltargs, @rest) = @_;
228 ! exists $sqltargs->{producer_args}{sqlite_version}
230 my $dver = $self->_server_info->{normalized_dbms_version}
232 $sqltargs->{producer_args}{sqlite_version} = $dver;
235 $sqltargs->{quote_identifiers}
236 = !!$self->sql_maker->_quote_chars
237 if ! exists $sqltargs->{quote_identifiers};
239 $self->next::method($schema, $type, $version, $dir, $sqltargs, @rest);
242 sub bind_attribute_by_data_type {
243 $_[1] =~ /^ (?: int(?:eger)? | (?:tiny|small|medium)int ) $/ix
249 # DBD::SQLite (at least up to version 1.31 has a bug where it will
250 # non-fatally numify a string value bound as an integer, resulting
251 # in insertions of '0' into supposed-to-be-numeric fields
252 # Since this can result in severe data inconsistency, remove the
253 # bind attr if such a situation is detected
255 # FIXME - when a DBD::SQLite version is released that eventually fixes
256 # this situation (somehow) - no-op this override once a proper DBD
257 # version is detected
258 sub _dbi_attrs_for_bind {
259 my ($self, $ident, $bind) = @_;
261 my $bindattrs = $self->next::method($ident, $bind);
263 # an attempt to detect former effects of RT#79576, bug itself present between
264 # 0.08191 and 0.08209 inclusive (fixed in 0.08210 and higher)
265 my $stringifiable = 0;
267 for my $i (0.. $#$bindattrs) {
269 $stringifiable++ if ( length ref $bind->[$i][1] and overload::Method($bind->[$i][1], '""') );
272 defined $bindattrs->[$i]
274 defined $bind->[$i][1]
276 grep { $bindattrs->[$i] eq $_ } (
280 $bind->[$i][1] !~ /^ [\+\-]? [0-9]+ (?: \. 0* )? $/x
282 carp_unique( sprintf (
283 "Non-integer value supplied for column '%s' despite the integer datatype",
284 $bind->[$i][0]{dbic_colname} || "# $i"
286 undef $bindattrs->[$i];
291 'POSSIBLE *PAST* DATA CORRUPTION detected - see '
292 . 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite/RT79576 or '
293 . 'http://v.gd/DBIC_SQLite_RT79576 for further details or set '
294 . '$ENV{DBIC_RT79576_NOWARN} to disable this warning. Trigger '
295 . 'condition encountered'
296 ) if (!$ENV{DBIC_RT79576_NOWARN} and $stringifiable > 1);
301 =head2 connect_call_use_foreign_keys
305 on_connect_call => 'use_foreign_keys'
307 In L<connect_info|DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI/connect_info> to turn on foreign key
308 (including cascading) support for recent versions of SQLite and L<DBD::SQLite>.
312 PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON
314 See L<http://www.sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html> for more information.
318 sub connect_call_use_foreign_keys {
322 'PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON'
334 You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.