1 package DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::MSSQL;
6 use base qw/DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::AmbiguousGlob DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI/;
11 __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors(simple => qw/
12 _identity _identity_method
15 __PACKAGE__->sql_maker_class('DBIx::Class::SQLAHacks::MSSQL');
19 my ($source, $cols, $data) = @_;
21 my $identity_insert = 0;
24 foreach my $col (@{$cols}) {
25 if ($source->column_info($col)->{is_auto_increment}) {
31 if ($identity_insert) {
32 my $table = $source->from;
33 $self->dbh->do("SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table ON");
36 $self->next::method(@_);
38 if ($identity_insert) {
39 my $table = $source->from;
40 $self->dbh->do("SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table OFF");
44 # support MSSQL GUID column types
48 my ($source, $to_insert) = @_;
50 my $updated_cols = {};
53 my @pk_cols = $source->primary_columns;
55 @pk_cols{@pk_cols} = ();
58 $source->column_info($_)->{data_type} =~ /^uniqueidentifier/i
61 my @auto_guids = grep {
62 $source->column_info($_)->{data_type} =~ /^uniqueidentifier/i
64 $source->column_info($_)->{auto_nextval}
65 } grep { not exists $pk_cols{$_} } $source->columns;
68 grep { not exists $to_insert->{$_} } (@pk_guids, @auto_guids);
70 for my $guid_col (@get_guids_for) {
71 my ($new_guid) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NEWID()');
72 $updated_cols->{$guid_col} = $to_insert->{$guid_col} = $new_guid;
75 $updated_cols = { %$updated_cols, %{ $self->next::method(@_) } };
80 sub _prep_for_execute {
82 my ($op, $extra_bind, $ident, $args) = @_;
84 # cast MONEY values properly
85 if ($op eq 'insert' || $op eq 'update') {
86 my $fields = $args->[0];
88 for my $col (keys %$fields) {
89 # $ident is a result source object with INSERT/UPDATE ops
90 if ($ident->column_info ($col)->{data_type} =~ /^money\z/i) {
91 my $val = $fields->{$col};
92 $fields->{$col} = \['CAST(? AS MONEY)', [ $col => $val ]];
97 my ($sql, $bind) = $self->next::method (@_);
99 if ($op eq 'insert') {
100 $sql .= ';SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()';
102 my $col_info = $self->_resolve_column_info($ident, [map $_->[0], @{$bind}]);
103 if (List::Util::first { $_->{is_auto_increment} } (values %$col_info) ) {
105 my $table = $ident->from;
106 my $identity_insert_on = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table ON";
107 my $identity_insert_off = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table OFF";
108 $sql = "$identity_insert_on; $sql; $identity_insert_off";
112 return ($sql, $bind);
119 my ($rv, $sth, @bind) = $self->dbh_do($self->can('_dbh_execute'), @_);
121 if ($op eq 'insert') {
123 # this should bring back the result of SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() we tacked
124 # on in _prep_for_execute above
125 my ($identity) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
127 # SCOPE_IDENTITY failed, but we can do something else
128 if ( (! $identity) && $self->_identity_method) {
129 ($identity) = $self->_dbh->selectrow_array(
130 'select ' . $self->_identity_method
134 $self->_identity($identity);
138 return wantarray ? ($rv, $sth, @bind) : $rv;
141 sub last_insert_id { shift->_identity }
143 # savepoint syntax is the same as in Sybase ASE
146 my ($self, $name) = @_;
148 $self->dbh->do("SAVE TRANSACTION $name");
151 # A new SAVE TRANSACTION with the same name releases the previous one.
152 sub _svp_release { 1 }
155 my ($self, $name) = @_;
157 $self->dbh->do("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION $name");
160 sub build_datetime_parser {
162 my $type = "DateTime::Format::Strptime";
164 $self->throw_exception("Couldn't load ${type}: $@") if $@;
165 return $type->new( pattern => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ); # %F %T
168 sub sqlt_type { 'SQLServer' }
170 sub _sql_maker_opts {
171 my ( $self, $opts ) = @_;
174 $self->{_sql_maker_opts} = { %$opts };
177 return { limit_dialect => 'Top', %{$self->{_sql_maker_opts}||{}} };
184 DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::MSSQL - Base Class for Microsoft SQL Server support
189 This is the base class for Microsoft SQL Server support, used by
190 L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::Microsoft_SQL_Server> and
191 L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::Microsoft_SQL_Server>.
195 Microsoft SQL Server supports three methods of retrieving the IDENTITY
196 value for inserted row: IDENT_CURRENT, @@IDENTITY, and SCOPE_IDENTITY().
197 SCOPE_IDENTITY is used here because it is the safest. However, it must
198 be called is the same execute statement, not just the same connection.
200 So, this implementation appends a SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() statement
201 onto each INSERT to accommodate that requirement.
203 C<SELECT @@IDENTITY> can also be used by issuing:
205 $self->_identity_method('@@identity');
207 it will only be used if SCOPE_IDENTITY() fails.
209 This is more dangerous, as inserting into a table with an on insert trigger that
210 inserts into another table with an identity will give erroneous results on
211 recent versions of SQL Server.
215 See L<DBIx::Class/CONTRIBUTORS>.
219 You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.