publish the github repo instead, for easier receipt of pull requests
[p5sagit/strictures.git] / .travis.yml
1 addons:
2   apt:
3     packages:
4       - aspell
5 language: perl
6 perl:
7   - "5.8.1"
8   - "5.8.1-thr"
9   - "5.8.2"
10   - "5.8.2-thr"
11   - "5.8.3"
12   - "5.8.3-thr"
13   - "5.8.4"
14   - "5.8.4-thr"
15   - "5.8"
16   - "5.10"
17   - "5.12"
18   - "5.14"
19   - "5.16"
20   - "5.18"
21   - "5.20"
22   - "5.22"
23   - "5.24"
24   - "5.26"
25   - blead       # builds perl from git
26   - dev         # latest point release
27 matrix:
28   include:
29     - perl: 5.18
30       env: COVERAGE=1
31 sudo: false
32 before_install:
33   - eval $(curl --auto
34 branches:
35   except:
36     - /^wip\//
37     - /^blocked/
38 notifications:
39   email: false
40   irc:
41     channels:
42       - ""
43     template:
44       - "%{branch}#%{build_number} by %{author}: %{message} (%{build_url})"
45     on_success: change
46     on_failure: always
47     skip_join: true