Introducing DBIx::Class::Schema::SanityChecker
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git] / t / storage / base.t
c0329273 1BEGIN { do "./t/lib/" or die ( $@ || $! ) }
efe6365b 3use strict;
6b5e61af 4use warnings;
efe6365b 5
6use Test::More;
6b5e61af 7use Test::Warn;
f3d405dc 8use Test::Exception;
c0329273 9
efe6365b 10use DBICTest;
8fc4291e 11use DBIx::Class::_Util 'dump_value';
efe6365b 12
fcf741b1 13my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( sqlite_use_file => 1 );
efe6365b 14
baa31d2f 15my $storage = $schema->storage;
8b60b921 16
18 ref($storage),
19 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite',
20 'Storage reblessed correctly into DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite'
de0edd06 21) unless $storage->isa('DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated');
baa31d2f 22
f3d405dc 23throws_ok {
19fb8520 24 $schema->storage->throw_exception('test_exception_42');
f3d405dc 25} qr/\btest_exception_42\b/, 'basic exception';
19fb8520 26
f3d405dc 27throws_ok {
19fb8520 28 $schema->resultset('CD')->search_literal('broken +%$#$1')->all;
f3d405dc 29} qr/prepare_cached failed/, 'exception via DBI->HandleError, etc';
19fb8520 30
9a0891be 31
5c505caf 32# make sure repeated disconnection works
34 my $fn = DBICTest->_sqlite_dbfilename;
36 lives_ok {
37 $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
38 my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
39 $schema->storage->disconnect for 1,2;
40 unlink $fn;
41 $dbh->disconnect;
42 };
44 lives_ok {
45 $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
46 $schema->storage->disconnect for 1,2;
47 unlink $fn;
48 $schema->storage->disconnect for 1,2;
49 };
51 lives_ok {
52 $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
53 $schema->storage->_dbh->disconnect;
54 unlink $fn;
55 $schema->storage->disconnect for 1,2;
56 };
92fe2181 59# testing various invocations of connect_info ([ ... ])
61my $coderef = sub { 42 };
62my $invocations = {
63 'connect_info ([ $d, $u, $p, \%attr, \%extra_attr])' => {
64 args => [
65 'foo',
66 'bar',
67 undef,
68 {
69 on_connect_do => [qw/a b c/],
70 PrintError => 0,
71 },
72 {
73 AutoCommit => 1,
74 on_disconnect_do => [qw/d e f/],
75 },
76 {
77 unsafe => 1,
78 auto_savepoint => 1,
79 },
80 ],
81 dbi_connect_info => [
82 'foo',
83 'bar',
84 undef,
85 {
3a4c1d89 86 %{$storage->_default_dbi_connect_attributes || {} },
92fe2181 87 PrintError => 0,
88 AutoCommit => 1,
89 },
90 ],
91 },
93 'connect_info ([ \%code, \%extra_attr ])' => {
94 args => [
95 $coderef,
96 {
97 on_connect_do => [qw/a b c/],
98 PrintError => 0,
99 AutoCommit => 1,
100 on_disconnect_do => [qw/d e f/],
101 },
102 {
103 unsafe => 1,
104 auto_savepoint => 1,
105 },
106 ],
107 dbi_connect_info => [
108 $coderef,
109 ],
110 },
112 'connect_info ([ \%attr ])' => {
113 args => [
114 {
115 on_connect_do => [qw/a b c/],
3a4c1d89 116 PrintError => 1,
117 AutoCommit => 0,
92fe2181 118 on_disconnect_do => [qw/d e f/],
119 user => 'bar',
120 dsn => 'foo',
121 },
122 {
123 unsafe => 1,
124 auto_savepoint => 1,
125 },
126 ],
127 dbi_connect_info => [
128 'foo',
129 'bar',
130 undef,
131 {
3a4c1d89 132 %{$storage->_default_dbi_connect_attributes || {} },
133 PrintError => 1,
134 AutoCommit => 0,
92fe2181 135 },
136 ],
6c925c72 137 warn => qr/\QYou provided explicit AutoCommit => 0 in your connection_info/,
92fe2181 138 },
8fd069b9 139 'connect_info ([ \%attr_with_coderef ])' => {
140 args => [ {
141 dbh_maker => $coderef,
6b5e61af 142 dsn => 'blah',
143 user => 'bleh',
8fd069b9 144 on_connect_do => [qw/a b c/],
145 on_disconnect_do => [qw/d e f/],
146 } ],
147 dbi_connect_info => [
148 $coderef
149 ],
6b5e61af 150 warn => qr/Attribute\(s\) 'dsn', 'user' in connect_info were ignored/,
8fd069b9 151 },
92fe2181 152};
154for my $type (keys %$invocations) {
eed5492f 155 local $ENV{DBIC_UNSAFE_AUTOCOMMIT_OK};
92fe2181 156
157 # we can not use a cloner portably because of the coderef
158 # so compare dumps instead
8fc4291e 159 my $arg_dump = dump_value $invocations->{$type}{args};
92fe2181 160
6b5e61af 161 warnings_exist (
162 sub { $storage->connect_info ($invocations->{$type}{args}) },
eed5492f 163 $invocations->{$type}{warn} || [],
6b5e61af 164 'Warned about ignored attributes',
165 );
92fe2181 166
8fc4291e 167 is (
168 $arg_dump,
169 dump_value $invocations->{$type}{args},
170 "$type didn't modify passed arguments",
171 );
92fe2181 172
173 is_deeply ($storage->_dbi_connect_info, $invocations->{$type}{dbi_connect_info}, "$type produced correct _dbi_connect_info");
174 ok ( (not $storage->auto_savepoint and not $storage->unsafe), "$type correctly ignored extra hashref");
176 is_deeply (
177 [$storage->on_connect_do, $storage->on_disconnect_do ],
178 [ [qw/a b c/], [qw/d e f/] ],
179 "$type correctly parsed DBIC specific on_[dis]connect_do",
180 );
baa31d2f 182
d87929a4 183# make sure connection-less storages do not throw on _determine_driver
37b5ab51 184# but work with ENV at the same time
185SKIP: for my $env_dsn (undef, (DBICTest->_database)[0] ) {
3cff955a 186
187 skip 'This set of tests relies on being connected to SQLite', 1
37b5ab51 188 if $env_dsn and $env_dsn !~ /\:SQLite\:/;
444f799b 189
879ff8cb 190 local $ENV{DBI_DSN} = $env_dsn || '';
37b5ab51 191
192 my $s = DBICTest::Schema->connect();
d87929a4 193 is_deeply (
194 $s->storage->connect_info,
195 [],
37b5ab51 196 'Starting with no explicitly passed in connect info'
197 . ($env_dsn ? ' (with DBI_DSN)' : ''),
d87929a4 198 );
37b5ab51 200 my $sm = $s->storage->sql_maker;
879ff8cb 202 ok (! $s->storage->connected, 'Storage does not appear connected after SQLMaker instance is taken');
d87929a4 203
37b5ab51 204 if ($env_dsn) {
205 isa_ok($sm, 'DBIx::Class::SQLMaker');
d87929a4 206
37b5ab51 207 ok ( $s->storage->_driver_determined, 'Driver determined (with DBI_DSN)');
208 isa_ok ( $s->storage, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite' );
209 }
210 else {
211 isa_ok($sm, 'DBIx::Class::SQLMaker');
d87929a4 212
37b5ab51 213 ok (! $s->storage->_driver_determined, 'Driver undetermined');
215 throws_ok {
216 $s->storage->ensure_connected
217 } qr/You did not provide any connection_info/,
218 'sensible exception on empty conninfo connect';
219 }
d87929a4 220}
6b5e61af 222done_testing;