make sure to clear the stash when anon classes are removed explicitly
[gitmo/Moose.git] / t / roles / apply_role.t
78cd1d3b 1#!/usr/bin/perl
3use strict;
4use warnings;
a28e50e4 6use Test::More;
b10dde3a 7use Test::Fatal;
78cd1d3b 8
78cd1d3b 9{
10 package FooRole;
78cd1d3b 11 use Moose::Role;
0be0b30e 12
2e7f6cf4 13 our $VERSION = 23;
0be0b30e 15 has 'bar' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'FooClass' );
16 has 'baz' => ( is => 'ro' );
18 sub goo {'FooRole::goo'}
19 sub foo {'FooRole::foo'}
21 override 'boo' => sub { 'FooRole::boo -> ' . super() };
23 around 'blau' => sub {
0558683c 24 my $c = shift;
25 'FooRole::blau -> ' . $c->();
0be0b30e 26 };
78cd1d3b 28
0be0b30e 29{
3f562dd9 30 package BarRole;
31 use Moose::Role;
0be0b30e 32 sub woot {'BarRole::woot'}
78cd1d3b 36 package BarClass;
78cd1d3b 37 use Moose;
8ecb1fa0 38
0be0b30e 39 sub boo {'BarClass::boo'}
40 sub foo {'BarClass::foo'} # << the role overrides this ...
0be0b30e 41}
78cd1d3b 44 package FooClass;
78cd1d3b 45 use Moose;
0be0b30e 46
78cd1d3b 47 extends 'BarClass';
2e7f6cf4 48
b10dde3a 49 ::like( ::exception { with 'FooRole' => { -version => 42 } }, qr/FooRole version 42 required--this is only version 23/, 'applying role with unsatisfied version requirement' );
2e7f6cf4 50
b10dde3a 51 ::is( ::exception { with 'FooRole' => { -version => 13 } }, undef, 'applying role with satisfied version requirement' );
0be0b30e 52
53 sub blau {'FooClass::blau'} # << the role wraps this ...
55 sub goo {'FooClass::goo'} # << overrides the one from the role ...
0be0b30e 56}
3f562dd9 59 package FooBarClass;
60 use Moose;
0be0b30e 61
3f562dd9 62 extends 'FooClass';
0be0b30e 63 with 'FooRole', 'BarRole';
78cd1d3b 64}
eea9eb4d 66{
67 package PlainJane;
68 sub new { return bless {}, __PACKAGE__; }
78cd1d3b 71my $foo_class_meta = FooClass->meta;
0be0b30e 72isa_ok( $foo_class_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Class' );
78cd1d3b 73
3f562dd9 74my $foobar_class_meta = FooBarClass->meta;
0be0b30e 75isa_ok( $foobar_class_meta, 'Moose::Meta::Class' );
3f562dd9 76
b10dde3a 77isnt( exception {
0be0b30e 78 $foo_class_meta->does_role();
b10dde3a 79}, undef, '... does_role requires a role name' );
bbd2fe69 80
b10dde3a 81isnt( exception {
e016145b 82 $foo_class_meta->add_role();
b10dde3a 83}, undef, '... apply_role requires a role' );
bbd2fe69 84
b10dde3a 85isnt( exception {
e016145b 86 $foo_class_meta->add_role( bless( {} => 'Fail' ) );
b10dde3a 87}, undef, '... apply_role requires a role' );
bbd2fe69 88
0be0b30e 89ok( $foo_class_meta->does_role('FooRole'),
90 '... the FooClass->meta does_role FooRole' );
91ok( !$foo_class_meta->does_role('OtherRole'),
92 '... the FooClass->meta !does_role OtherRole' );
ef333f17 93
0be0b30e 94ok( $foobar_class_meta->does_role('FooRole'),
95 '... the FooBarClass->meta does_role FooRole' );
96ok( $foobar_class_meta->does_role('BarRole'),
97 '... the FooBarClass->meta does_role BarRole' );
98ok( !$foobar_class_meta->does_role('OtherRole'),
99 '... the FooBarClass->meta !does_role OtherRole' );
3f562dd9 100
0558683c 101foreach my $method_name (qw(bar baz foo boo blau goo)) {
0be0b30e 102 ok( $foo_class_meta->has_method($method_name),
103 '... FooClass has the method ' . $method_name );
104 ok( $foobar_class_meta->has_method($method_name),
105 '... FooBarClass has the method ' . $method_name );
78cd1d3b 106}
0be0b30e 108ok( !$foo_class_meta->has_method('woot'),
109 '... FooClass lacks the method woot' );
110ok( $foobar_class_meta->has_method('woot'),
111 '... FooBarClass has the method woot' );
3f562dd9 112
78cd1d3b 113foreach my $attr_name (qw(bar baz)) {
0be0b30e 114 ok( $foo_class_meta->has_attribute($attr_name),
115 '... FooClass has the attribute ' . $attr_name );
116 ok( $foobar_class_meta->has_attribute($attr_name),
117 '... FooBarClass has the attribute ' . $attr_name );
78cd1d3b 118}
0be0b30e 120can_ok( 'FooClass', 'does' );
121ok( FooClass->does('FooRole'), '... the FooClass does FooRole' );
122ok( !FooClass->does('BarRole'), '... the FooClass does not do BarRole' );
123ok( !FooClass->does('OtherRole'), '... the FooClass does not do OtherRole' );
ef333f17 124
0be0b30e 125can_ok( 'FooBarClass', 'does' );
126ok( FooBarClass->does('FooRole'), '... the FooClass does FooRole' );
127ok( FooBarClass->does('BarRole'), '... the FooBarClass does FooBarRole' );
128ok( !FooBarClass->does('OtherRole'),
129 '... the FooBarClass does not do OtherRole' );
3f562dd9 130
78cd1d3b 131my $foo = FooClass->new();
0be0b30e 132isa_ok( $foo, 'FooClass' );
78cd1d3b 133
3f562dd9 134my $foobar = FooBarClass->new();
0be0b30e 135isa_ok( $foobar, 'FooBarClass' );
137is( $foo->goo, 'FooClass::goo', '... got the right value of goo' );
138is( $foobar->goo, 'FooRole::goo', '... got the right value of goo' );
140is( $foo->boo, 'FooRole::boo -> BarClass::boo',
141 '... got the right value from ->boo' );
142is( $foobar->boo, 'FooRole::boo -> FooRole::boo -> BarClass::boo',
143 '... got the right value from ->boo (double wrapped)' );
145is( $foo->blau, 'FooRole::blau -> FooClass::blau',
146 '... got the right value from ->blau' );
147is( $foobar->blau, 'FooRole::blau -> FooRole::blau -> FooClass::blau',
148 '... got the right value from ->blau' );
150foreach my $foo ( $foo, $foobar ) {
151 can_ok( $foo, 'does' );
152 ok( $foo->does('FooRole'), '... an instance of FooClass does FooRole' );
153 ok( !$foo->does('OtherRole'),
154 '... and instance of FooClass does not do OtherRole' );
156 can_ok( $foobar, 'does' );
157 ok( $foobar->does('FooRole'),
158 '... an instance of FooBarClass does FooRole' );
159 ok( $foobar->does('BarRole'),
160 '... an instance of FooBarClass does BarRole' );
161 ok( !$foobar->does('OtherRole'),
162 '... and instance of FooBarClass does not do OtherRole' );
78cd1d3b 163
fb1e11d5 164 for my $method (qw/bar baz foo boo goo blau/) {
0be0b30e 165 can_ok( $foo, $method );
fb1e11d5 166 }
78cd1d3b 167
0be0b30e 168 is( $foo->foo, 'FooRole::foo', '... got the right value of foo' );
78cd1d3b 169
0be0b30e 170 ok( !defined( $foo->baz ), '... $foo->baz is undefined' );
171 ok( !defined( $foo->bar ), '... $foo->bar is undefined' );
78cd1d3b 172
b10dde3a 173 isnt( exception {
0be0b30e 174 $foo->baz(1);
b10dde3a 175 }, undef, '... baz is a read-only accessor' );
78cd1d3b 176
b10dde3a 177 isnt( exception {
0be0b30e 178 $foo->bar(1);
b10dde3a 179 }, undef, '... bar is a read-write accessor with a type constraint' );
78cd1d3b 180
fb1e11d5 181 my $foo2 = FooClass->new();
0be0b30e 182 isa_ok( $foo2, 'FooClass' );
06b30515 183
b10dde3a 184 is( exception {
0be0b30e 185 $foo->bar($foo2);
b10dde3a 186 }, undef, '... bar is a read-write accessor with a type constraint' );
fb1e11d5 187
0be0b30e 188 is( $foo->bar, $foo2, '... got the right value for bar now' );
fb1e11d5 189}
a28e50e4 190
8e590ae4 191{
192 {
193 package MRole;
194 use Moose::Role;
195 sub meth { }
196 }
198 {
199 package MRole2;
200 use Moose::Role;
201 sub meth2 { }
202 }
204 {
205 use Moose::Meta::Class;
206 use Moose::Object;
207 use Moose::Util qw(apply_all_roles);
209 my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->create( 'Class' => (
210 superclasses => [ 'Moose::Object' ],
211 ));
213 apply_all_roles($class, MRole->meta, MRole2->meta);
215 ok(Class->can('meth'), "can meth");
216 ok(Class->can('meth2'), "can meth2");
217 }
eea9eb4d 220{
221 ok(!Moose::Util::find_meta('PlainJane'), 'not initialized');
222 Moose::Util::apply_all_roles('PlainJane', 'BarRole');
223 ok(Moose::Util::find_meta('PlainJane'), 'initialized');
224 ok(Moose::Util::find_meta('PlainJane')->does_role('BarRole'), 'does BarRole');
225 my $pj = PlainJane->new();
226 ok($pj->can('woot'), 'can woot');
a28e50e4 229done_testing;