Now that we have the tools leak-track much more stuff when XS is there
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git] / t / prefetch / via_search_related.t
5fc1d686 1use strict;
2use warnings;
4use Test::More;
5use Test::Exception;
7use lib qw(t/lib);
8use DBICTest;
10my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
b9df8e39 12my $queries;
13my $debugcb = sub { $queries++; };
14my $orig_debug = $schema->storage->debug;
e711f316 16lives_ok ( sub {
17 my $no_prefetch = $schema->resultset('Track')->search_related(cd =>
18 {
19 'cd.year' => "2000",
20 },
21 {
22 join => 'tags',
23 order_by => 'me.trackid',
24 rows => 1,
25 }
26 );
28 my $use_prefetch = $no_prefetch->search(
29 {},
30 {
31 prefetch => 'tags',
32 }
33 );
35 is($use_prefetch->count, $no_prefetch->count, 'counts with and without prefetch match');
36 is(
37 scalar ($use_prefetch->all),
38 scalar ($no_prefetch->all),
39 "Amount of returned rows is right"
40 );
42}, 'search_related prefetch with order_by works');
340926fd 44lives_ok ( sub {
45 my $no_prefetch = $schema->resultset('Track')->search_related(cd =>
46 {
47 'cd.year' => "2000",
48 'tagid' => 1,
49 },
50 {
51 join => 'tags',
52 rows => 1,
53 }
54 );
56 my $use_prefetch = $no_prefetch->search(
57 undef,
58 {
59 prefetch => 'tags',
60 }
61 );
340926fd 63 is(
64 scalar ($use_prefetch->all),
65 scalar ($no_prefetch->all),
66 "Amount of returned rows is right"
67 );
36b59369 68 is($use_prefetch->count, $no_prefetch->count, 'counts with and without prefetch match');
340926fd 69
70}, 'search_related prefetch with condition referencing unqualified column of a joined table works');
340926fd 71
bdb4d940 72# make sure chains off prefetched results still work
74 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, { prefetch => 'cd_to_producer' })->find(1);
76 $queries = 0;
77 $schema->storage->debugcb ($debugcb);
78 $schema->storage->debug (1);
80 is( $cd->cd_to_producer->count, 3 ,'Count of prefetched m2m links via accessor' );
81 is( scalar $cd->cd_to_producer->all, 3, 'Amount of prefetched m2m link objects via accessor' );
82 is( $cd->search_related('cd_to_producer')->count, 3, 'Count of prefetched m2m links via search_related' );
83 is( scalar $cd->search_related('cd_to_producer')->all, 3, 'Amount of prefetched m2m links via search_related' );
85 is($queries, 0, 'No queries ran so far');
87 is( scalar $cd->cd_to_producer->search_related('producer')->all, 3,
88 'Amount of objects via search_related off prefetched linker' );
89 is( $cd->cd_to_producer->search_related('producer')->count, 3,
90 'Count via search_related off prefetched linker' );
91 is( scalar $cd->search_related('cd_to_producer')->search_related('producer')->all, 3,
92 'Amount of objects via chained search_related off prefetched linker' );
93 is( $cd->search_related('cd_to_producer')->search_related('producer')->count, 3,
94 'Count via chained search_related off prefetched linker' );
95 is( scalar $cd->producers->all, 3,
96 'Amount of objects via m2m accessor' );
97 is( $cd->producers->count, 3,
98 'Count via m2m accessor' );
100 $queries = 0;
102 is( $cd->cd_to_producer->count, 3 ,'Review count of prefetched m2m links via accessor' );
103 is( scalar $cd->cd_to_producer->all, 3, 'Review amount of prefetched m2m link objects via accessor' );
104 is( $cd->search_related('cd_to_producer')->count, 3, 'Review count of prefetched m2m links via search_related' );
105 is( scalar $cd->search_related('cd_to_producer')->all, 3, 'Rreview amount of prefetched m2m links via search_related' );
107 is($queries, 0, 'Still no queries on prefetched linker');
108 $schema->storage->debugcb (undef);
109 $schema->storage->debug ($orig_debug);
112# tests with distinct => 1
5fc1d686 113lives_ok (sub {
114 my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artwork")->search(undef, {distinct => 1})
115 ->search_related('artwork_to_artist')->search_related('artist',
116 undef,
117 { prefetch => 'cds' },
118 );
119 is($rs->all, 0, 'prefetch without WHERE (objects)');
120 is($rs->count, 0, 'prefetch without WHERE (count)');
122 $rs = $schema->resultset("Artwork")->search(undef, {distinct => 1})
123 ->search_related('artwork_to_artist')->search_related('artist',
124 { 'cds.title' => 'foo' },
125 { prefetch => 'cds' },
126 );
127 is($rs->all, 0, 'prefetch with WHERE (objects)');
128 is($rs->count, 0, 'prefetch with WHERE (count)');
131# test where conditions at the root of the related chain
5e8cb53c 132 my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({artistid => 2});
133 my $artist = $artist_rs->next;
134 $artist->create_related ('cds', $_) for (
135 {
136 year => 1999, title => 'vague cd', genre => { name => 'vague genre' }
137 },
138 {
139 year => 1999, title => 'vague cd2', genre => { name => 'vague genre' }
140 },
141 );
5fc1d686 142
143 $rs = $artist_rs->search_related('cds')->search_related('genre',
5e8cb53c 144 { '' => 'vague genre' },
5fc1d686 145 { prefetch => 'cds' },
146 );
5e8cb53c 147 is($rs->all, 1, 'base without distinct (objects)');
148 is($rs->count, 1, 'base without distinct (count)');
149 # artist -> 2 cds -> 2 genres -> 2 cds for each genre = 4
150 is($rs->search_related('cds')->all, 4, 'prefetch without distinct (objects)');
151 is($rs->search_related('cds')->count, 4, 'prefetch without distinct (count)');
5fc1d686 152
d992eae8 154 $rs = $artist_rs->search_related('cds', {}, { distinct => 1})->search_related('genre',
5e8cb53c 155 { '' => 'vague genre' },
5fc1d686 156 );
d992eae8 157 is($rs->all, 2, 'distinct does not propagate over search_related (objects)');
158 is($rs->count, 2, 'distinct does not propagate over search_related (count)');
160 $rs = $rs->search ({}, { distinct => 1} );
5e8cb53c 161 is($rs->all, 1, 'distinct without prefetch (objects)');
162 is($rs->count, 1, 'distinct without prefetch (count)');
5fc1d686 163
d992eae8 165 $rs = $artist_rs->search_related('cds')->search_related('genre',
5e8cb53c 166 { '' => 'vague genre' },
d992eae8 167 { prefetch => 'cds', distinct => 1 },
5fc1d686 168 );
5e8cb53c 169 is($rs->all, 1, 'distinct with prefetch (objects)');
170 is($rs->count, 1, 'distinct with prefetch (count)');
d992eae8 171
b9df8e39 172 $queries = 0;
173 $schema->storage->debugcb ($debugcb);
174 $schema->storage->debug (1);
5e8cb53c 176 # artist -> 2 cds -> 2 genres -> 2 cds for each genre + distinct = 2
177 is($rs->search_related('cds')->all, 2, 'prefetched distinct with prefetch (objects)');
178 is($rs->search_related('cds')->count, 2, 'prefetched distinct with prefetch (count)');
b9df8e39 179
4ca1fd6f 180 {
181 local $TODO = "This makes another 2 trips to the database, it can't be right";
182 is ($queries, 0, 'No extra queries fired (prefetch survives search_related)');
183 }
b9df8e39 184
185 $schema->storage->debugcb (undef);
186 $schema->storage->debug ($orig_debug);
e711f316 187}, 'distinct generally works with prefetch on deep search_related chains');
5fc1d686 188
90f10b5a 189# pathological "user knows what they're doing" case
190# lifted from production somewhere
192 $schema->resultset('CD')
193 ->search({ cdid => [1,2] })
194 ->search_related('tracks', { position => [3,1] })
195 ->delete_all;
197 my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search_related('tracks', {}, {
198 group_by => 'me.title',
199 columns => { title => 'me.title', max_trk => \ 'MAX(tracks.position)' },
200 });
202 is_deeply(
203 $rs->all_hri,
204 [
205 { title => "Caterwaulin' Blues", max_trk => 3 },
206 { title => "Come Be Depressed With Us", max_trk => 3 },
207 { title => "Forkful of bees", max_trk => 1 },
208 { title => "Generic Manufactured Singles", max_trk => 3 },
209 { title => "Spoonful of bees", max_trk => 1 },
210 ],
211 'Expected nonsense',
212 );
5fc1d686 215done_testing;