Moose 2.0 ready
[gitmo/MooseX-ClassAttribute.git] / t / lib /
0f24a39d 1package SharedTests;
3use strict;
4use warnings;
6use Scalar::Util qw( isweak );
54a288bd 7use Test::More;
963254e0 9use vars qw($Lazy);
0f24a39d 10
963254e0 11our %Attrs = (
12 ObjectCount => {
09f9282e 13 is => 'rw',
14 isa => 'Int',
15 default => 0,
963254e0 16 },
17 WeakAttribute => {
09f9282e 18 is => 'rw',
19 isa => 'Object',
20 weak_ref => 1,
963254e0 21 },
22 LazyAttribute => {
09f9282e 23 is => 'rw',
24 isa => 'Int',
25 lazy => 1,
09f9282e 26 # The side effect is used to test that this was called
27 # lazily.
28 default => sub { $Lazy = 1 },
963254e0 29 },
30 ReadOnlyAttribute => {
09f9282e 31 is => 'ro',
32 isa => 'Int',
33 default => 10,
963254e0 34 },
35 ManyNames => {
09f9282e 36 is => 'rw',
37 isa => 'Int',
38 reader => 'M',
39 writer => 'SetM',
40 clearer => 'ClearM',
41 predicate => 'HasM',
963254e0 42 },
43 Delegatee => {
09f9282e 44 is => 'rw',
45 isa => 'Delegatee',
46 handles => [ 'units', 'color' ],
09f9282e 47 # if it's not lazy it makes a new object before we define
48 # Delegatee's attributes.
49 lazy => 1,
50 default => sub { Delegatee->new() },
963254e0 51 },
52 Mapping => {
53 traits => ['Hash'],
54 is => 'rw',
55 isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
56 default => sub { {} },
57 handles => {
58 'ExistsInMapping' => 'exists',
59 'IdsInMapping' => 'keys',
60 'GetMapping' => 'get',
61 'SetMapping' => 'set',
09f9282e 62 },
963254e0 63 },
64 Built => {
09f9282e 65 is => 'ro',
66 builder => '_BuildIt',
963254e0 67 },
68 LazyBuilt => {
09f9282e 69 is => 'ro',
70 lazy => 1,
71 builder => '_BuildIt',
963254e0 72 },
73 Triggerish => {
09f9282e 74 is => 'rw',
75 trigger => sub { shift->_CallTrigger(@_) },
963254e0 76 },
88b7f2c8 77 TriggerRecord => {
78 is => 'ro',
79 default => sub { [] },
80 },
963254e0 81);
84 package HasClassAttribute;
86 use Moose qw( has );
87 use MooseX::ClassAttribute;
89 while ( my ( $name, $def ) = each %SharedTests::Attrs ) {
90 class_has $name => %{$def};
91 }
09f9282e 92
93 has 'size' => (
94 is => 'rw',
95 isa => 'Int',
96 default => 5,
97 );
0f24a39d 98
54a288bd 99 no Moose;
54a288bd 100
09f9282e 101 sub BUILD {
6b059c78 102 my $self = shift;
0f24a39d 103
6b059c78 104 $self->ObjectCount( $self->ObjectCount() + 1 );
0f24a39d 105 }
54a288bd 106
09f9282e 107 sub _BuildIt {42}
6048a053 108
09f9282e 109 sub _CallTrigger {
88b7f2c8 110 push @{ $_[0]->TriggerRecord() }, [@_];
8207dfe7 111 }
09f9282e 113 sub make_immutable {
54a288bd 114 my $class = shift;
116 $class->meta()->make_immutable();
54a288bd 117 Delegatee->meta()->make_immutable();
118 }
122 package Delegatee;
124 use Moose;
09f9282e 126 has 'units' => (
127 is => 'ro',
128 default => 5,
129 );
54a288bd 130
09f9282e 131 has 'color' => (
132 is => 'ro',
133 default => 'blue',
134 );
7a8e32bc 135
136 no Moose;
54a288bd 137}
140 package Child;
142 use Moose;
143 use MooseX::ClassAttribute;
145 extends 'HasClassAttribute';
09f9282e 147 class_has '+ReadOnlyAttribute' => ( default => 30 );
7a8e32bc 148
09f9282e 149 class_has 'YetAnotherAttribute' => (
150 is => 'ro',
151 default => 'thing',
152 );
7a4a3b1e 153
7a8e32bc 154 no Moose;
0f24a39d 155}
09f9282e 157sub run_tests {
88b7f2c8 158 my $thing = shift || 'HasClassAttribute';
2840c8ab 159
0f24a39d 160 local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
88b7f2c8 162 $Lazy = 0;
164 my $count = ref $thing ? 1 : 0;
0f24a39d 166 {
09f9282e 167 is(
88b7f2c8 168 $thing->ObjectCount(), $count,
09f9282e 169 'ObjectCount() is 0'
170 );
0f24a39d 171
88b7f2c8 172 unless ( ref $thing ) {
173 my $hca1 = $thing->new();
174 is(
175 $hca1->size(), 5,
176 'size is 5 - object attribute works as expected'
177 );
178 is(
179 $thing->ObjectCount(), 1,
180 'ObjectCount() is 1'
181 );
183 my $hca2 = $thing->new( size => 10 );
184 is(
185 $hca2->size(), 10,
186 'size is 10 - object attribute can be set via constructor'
187 );
188 is(
189 $thing->ObjectCount(), 2,
190 'ObjectCount() is 2'
191 );
192 is(
193 $hca2->ObjectCount(), 2,
194 'ObjectCount() is 2 - can call class attribute accessor on object'
195 );
196 }
0f24a39d 197 }
88b7f2c8 199 unless ( ref $thing ) {
200 my $hca3 = $thing->new( ObjectCount => 20 );
09f9282e 201 is(
202 $hca3->ObjectCount(), 3,
203 'class attributes passed to the constructor do not get set in the object'
204 );
205 is(
88b7f2c8 206 $thing->ObjectCount(), 3,
09f9282e 207 'class attributes are not affected by constructor params'
208 );
0f24a39d 209 }
211 {
212 my $object = bless {}, 'Thing';
88b7f2c8 214 $thing->WeakAttribute($object);
0f24a39d 215
6b059c78 216 undef $object;
09f9282e 218 ok(
88b7f2c8 219 !defined $thing->WeakAttribute(),
09f9282e 220 'weak class attributes are weak'
221 );
0f24a39d 222 }
54a288bd 223
224 {
09f9282e 225 is(
963254e0 226 $SharedTests::Lazy, 0,
227 '$SharedTests::Lazy is 0'
09f9282e 228 );
54a288bd 229
09f9282e 230 is(
88b7f2c8 231 $thing->LazyAttribute(), 1,
232 '$thing->LazyAttribute() is 1'
09f9282e 233 );
54a288bd 234
09f9282e 235 is(
963254e0 236 $SharedTests::Lazy, 1,
237 '$SharedTests::Lazy is 1 after calling LazyAttribute'
09f9282e 238 );
54a288bd 239 }
241 {
88b7f2c8 242 eval { $thing->ReadOnlyAttribute(20) };
09f9282e 243 like(
244 $@, qr/\QCannot assign a value to a read-only accessor/,
245 'cannot set read-only class attribute'
246 );
54a288bd 247 }
249 {
09f9282e 250 is(
251 Child->ReadOnlyAttribute(), 30,
252 q{Child class can extend parent's class attribute}
253 );
54a288bd 254 }
256 {
09f9282e 257 ok(
88b7f2c8 258 !$thing->HasM(),
09f9282e 259 'HasM() returns false before M is set'
260 );
54a288bd 261
88b7f2c8 262 $thing->SetM(22);
54a288bd 263
09f9282e 264 ok(
88b7f2c8 265 $thing->HasM(),
09f9282e 266 'HasM() returns true after M is set'
267 );
268 is(
88b7f2c8 269 $thing->M(), 22,
09f9282e 270 'M() returns 22'
271 );
54a288bd 272
88b7f2c8 273 $thing->ClearM();
54a288bd 274
09f9282e 275 ok(
88b7f2c8 276 !$thing->HasM(),
09f9282e 277 'HasM() returns false after M is cleared'
278 );
54a288bd 279 }
281 {
09f9282e 282 isa_ok(
88b7f2c8 283 $thing->Delegatee(), 'Delegatee',
09f9282e 284 'has a Delegetee object'
285 );
286 is(
88b7f2c8 287 $thing->units(), 5,
09f9282e 288 'units() delegates to Delegatee and returns 5'
289 );
54a288bd 290 }
54a288bd 292 {
88b7f2c8 293 my @ids = $thing->IdsInMapping();
09f9282e 294 is(
295 scalar @ids, 0,
296 'there are no keys in the mapping yet'
297 );
54a288bd 298
09f9282e 299 ok(
88b7f2c8 300 !$thing->ExistsInMapping('a'),
09f9282e 301 'key does not exist in mapping'
302 );
54a288bd 303
88b7f2c8 304 $thing->SetMapping( a => 20 );
54a288bd 305
09f9282e 306 ok(
88b7f2c8 307 $thing->ExistsInMapping('a'),
09f9282e 308 'key does exist in mapping'
309 );
54a288bd 310
09f9282e 311 is(
88b7f2c8 312 $thing->GetMapping('a'), 20,
09f9282e 313 'value for a in mapping is 20'
314 );
54a288bd 315 }
6048a053 316
317 {
09f9282e 318 is(
88b7f2c8 319 $thing->Built(), 42,
09f9282e 320 'attribute with builder works'
321 );
6048a053 322
09f9282e 323 is(
88b7f2c8 324 $thing->LazyBuilt(), 42,
09f9282e 325 'attribute with lazy builder works'
326 );
6048a053 327 }
8207dfe7 328
329 {
88b7f2c8 330 $thing->Triggerish(42);
8207dfe7 331
88b7f2c8 332 is( scalar @{ $thing->TriggerRecord() }, 1, 'trigger was called' );
333 is( $thing->Triggerish(), 42, 'Triggerish is now 42' );
335 $thing->Triggerish(84);
336 is( $thing->Triggerish(), 84, 'Triggerish is now 84' );
8207dfe7 337
09f9282e 338 is_deeply(
88b7f2c8 339 $thing->TriggerRecord(),
09f9282e 340 [
88b7f2c8 341 [ $thing, qw( 42 ) ],
342 [ $thing, qw( 84 42 ) ],
09f9282e 343 ],
344 'trigger passes old value correctly'
345 );
8207dfe7 346 }
0f24a39d 347}
0f24a39d 3491;