deprecate optimize_as
[gitmo/Moose.git] / t / basics / rebless.t
af3c1f96 1#!/usr/bin/perl
3use strict;
4use warnings;
a28e50e4 6use Test::More;
b10dde3a 7use Test::Fatal;
b57ec19f 8use Test::Moose qw(with_immutable);
af3c1f96 9use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
7ff56534 11use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
af3c1f96 12
13subtype 'Positive'
14 => as 'Num'
15 => where { $_ > 0 };
18 package Parent;
19 use Moose;
21 has name => (
22 is => 'rw',
23 isa => 'Str',
24 );
26 has lazy_classname => (
27 is => 'ro',
28 lazy => 1,
29 default => sub { "Parent" },
30 );
32 has type_constrained => (
33 is => 'rw',
34 isa => 'Num',
35 default => 5.5,
36 );
38 package Child;
39 use Moose;
40 extends 'Parent';
42 has '+name' => (
43 default => 'Junior',
44 );
46 has '+lazy_classname' => (
b4679f81 47 default => sub {"Child"},
af3c1f96 48 );
50 has '+type_constrained' => (
51 isa => 'Int',
52 default => 100,
53 );
9dfb20ff 54
55 our %trigger_calls;
56 our %initializer_calls;
58 has new_attr => (
b4679f81 59 is => 'rw',
60 isa => 'Str',
9dfb20ff 61 trigger => sub {
b4679f81 62 my ( $self, $val, $attr ) = @_;
9dfb20ff 63 $trigger_calls{new_attr}++;
64 },
65 initializer => sub {
b4679f81 66 my ( $self, $value, $set, $attr ) = @_;
9dfb20ff 67 $initializer_calls{new_attr}++;
8005c51c 68 $set->($value);
9dfb20ff 69 },
70 );
af3c1f96 71}
b57ec19f 73my @classes = qw(Parent Child);
af3c1f96 74
b4679f81 75with_immutable {
b57ec19f 76 my $foo = Parent->new;
77 my $bar = Parent->new;
b4679f81 79 is( blessed($foo), 'Parent', 'Parent->new gives a Parent object' );
80 is( $foo->name, undef, 'No name yet' );
81 is( $foo->lazy_classname, 'Parent', "lazy attribute initialized" );
82 is(
83 exception { $foo->type_constrained(10.5) }, undef,
84 "Num type constraint for now.."
85 );
af3c1f96 86
b57ec19f 87 # try to rebless, except it will fail due to Child's stricter type constraint
b4679f81 88 like(
89 exception { Child->meta->rebless_instance($foo) },
90 qr/^Attribute \(type_constrained\) does not pass the type constraint because\: Validation failed for 'Int' with value 10\.5/,
91 '... this failed because of type check'
92 );
93 like(
94 exception { Child->meta->rebless_instance($bar) },
95 qr/^Attribute \(type_constrained\) does not pass the type constraint because\: Validation failed for 'Int' with value 5\.5/,
96 '... this failed because of type check'
97 );
af3c1f96 98
b57ec19f 99 $foo->type_constrained(10);
100 $bar->type_constrained(5);
af3c1f96 101
b57ec19f 102 Child->meta->rebless_instance($foo);
b4679f81 103 Child->meta->rebless_instance( $bar, new_attr => 'blah' );
af3c1f96 104
b4679f81 105 is( blessed($foo), 'Child', 'successfully reblessed into Child' );
106 is( $foo->name, 'Junior', "Child->name's default came through" );
af3c1f96 107
b4679f81 108 is(
109 $foo->lazy_classname, 'Parent',
110 "lazy attribute was already initialized"
111 );
112 is(
113 $bar->lazy_classname, 'Child',
114 "lazy attribute just now initialized"
115 );
b57ec19f 116
b4679f81 117 like(
118 exception { $foo->type_constrained(10.5) },
119 qr/^Attribute \(type_constrained\) does not pass the type constraint because\: Validation failed for 'Int' with value 10\.5/,
120 '... this failed because of type check'
121 );
9dfb20ff 122
b4679f81 123 is_deeply(
124 \%Child::trigger_calls, { new_attr => 1 },
125 'Trigger fired on rebless_instance'
126 );
127 is_deeply(
128 \%Child::initializer_calls, { new_attr => 1 },
129 'Initializer fired on rebless_instance'
130 );
9dfb20ff 131
132 undef %Child::trigger_calls;
133 undef %Child::initializer_calls;
b57ec19f 135}
a28e50e4 137