Attach a storage debugobj lazily instead of at new() time
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git] / t / 99dbic_sqlt_parser.t
0e2c6809 1use strict;
2use warnings;
206d1995 3
0e2c6809 4use Test::More;
8fd10683 5use Test::Exception;
06e15b8e 6use Scalar::Util ();
0e2c6809 7
2527233b 9 require DBIx::Class;
7f6f5b69 10 plan skip_all =>
2527233b 11 'Test needs ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('deploy')
12 unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('deploy')
0e2c6809 13}
68de9438 15use lib qw(t/lib);
16use DBICTest;
17use DBICTest::Schema;
06e15b8e 19# Test for SQLT-related leaks
21 my $s = DBICTest::Schema->clone;
02730621 22 my $sqlt_schema = create_schema ({ schema => $s });
06e15b8e 23 Scalar::Util::weaken ($s);
25 ok (!$s, 'Schema not leaked');
02730621 26
27 isa_ok ($sqlt_schema, 'SQL::Translator::Schema', 'SQLT schema object produced');
06e15b8e 28}
02730621 30# make sure classname-style works
31lives_ok { isa_ok (create_schema ({ schema => 'DBICTest::Schema' }), 'SQL::Translator::Schema', 'SQLT schema object produced') };
06e15b8e 33
0e2c6809 34my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
0fc7cd47 35# Dummy was yanked out by the sqlt hook test
8e8a8d91 36# CustomSql tests the horrific/deprecated ->name(\$sql) hack
e0cd97a4 37# YearXXXXCDs are views
8e8a8d91 38#
39my @sources = grep
d6c322f8 40 { $_ !~ /^ (?: Dummy | CustomSql | Year\d{4}CDs ) $/x }
8e8a8d91 41 $schema->sources
0fc7cd47 43
f0ac764e 44my $idx_exceptions = {
45 'Artwork' => -1,
46 'ForceForeign' => -1,
47 'LinerNotes' => -1,
827a808f 48 'TwoKeys' => -1, # TwoKeys has the index turned off on the rel def
f0ac764e 49};
c49ff507 51{
206d1995 52 my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { } } });
0e2c6809 53
620df7e8 54 foreach my $source_name (@sources) {
55 my $table = get_table($sqlt_schema, $schema, $source_name);
0e2c6809 56
206d1995 57 my $fk_count = scalar(grep { $_->type eq 'FOREIGN KEY' } $table->get_constraints);
f0ac764e 58 $fk_count += $idx_exceptions->{$source_name} || 0;
206d1995 59 my @indices = $table->get_indices;
620df7e8 60
206d1995 61 my $index_count = scalar(@indices);
620df7e8 62 is($index_count, $fk_count, "correct number of indices for $source_name with no args");
c49ff507 63
620df7e8 64 for my $index (@indices) {
65 my $source = $schema->source($source_name);
3eaae0f2 66 my $pk_test = join("\x00", $source->primary_columns);
67 my $idx_test = join("\x00", $index->fields);
c1092055 68 isnt ( $pk_test, $idx_test, "no additional index for the primary columns exists in $source_name");
620df7e8 69 }
206d1995 70 }
0e2c6809 71}
c49ff507 73{
206d1995 74 my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { add_fk_index => 1 } } });
0e2c6809 75
f0ac764e 76 foreach my $source_name (@sources) {
77 my $table = get_table($sqlt_schema, $schema, $source_name);
0e2c6809 78
206d1995 79 my $fk_count = scalar(grep { $_->type eq 'FOREIGN KEY' } $table->get_constraints);
f0ac764e 80 $fk_count += $idx_exceptions->{$source_name} || 0;
206d1995 81 my @indices = $table->get_indices;
82 my $index_count = scalar(@indices);
f0ac764e 83 is($index_count, $fk_count, "correct number of indices for $source_name with add_fk_index => 1");
206d1995 84 }
0e2c6809 85}
c49ff507 87{
206d1995 88 my $sqlt_schema = create_schema({ schema => $schema, args => { parser_args => { add_fk_index => 0 } } });
0e2c6809 89
206d1995 90 foreach my $source (@sources) {
91 my $table = get_table($sqlt_schema, $schema, $source);
0e2c6809 92
206d1995 93 my @indices = $table->get_indices;
94 my $index_count = scalar(@indices);
95 is($index_count, 0, "correct number of indices for $source with add_fk_index => 0");
96 }
0e2c6809 97}
c49ff507 99{
ab7e74aa 100 {
101 package # hide from PAUSE
102 DBICTest::Schema::NoViewDefinition;
104 use base qw/DBICTest::BaseResult/;
8f1617e2 105
ab7e74aa 106 __PACKAGE__->table_class('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View');
107 __PACKAGE__->table('noviewdefinition');
8f1617e2 108
ab7e74aa 109 1;
8f1617e2 110 }
ab7e74aa 112 my $schema_invalid_view = $schema->clone;
113 $schema_invalid_view->register_class('NoViewDefinition', 'DBICTest::Schema::NoViewDefinition');
8f1617e2 114
8fd10683 115 throws_ok { create_schema({ schema => $schema_invalid_view }) }
116 qr/view noviewdefinition is missing a view_definition/,
117 'parser detects views with a view_definition';
8f1617e2 118}
a7f4b74c 120lives_ok (sub {
121 my $sqlt_schema = create_schema ({
122 schema => $schema,
123 args => {
124 parser_args => {
125 sources => ['CD']
126 },
127 },
128 });
130 is_deeply (
131 [$sqlt_schema->get_tables ],
132 ['cd'],
133 'sources limitng with relationships works',
134 );
7f6f5b69 138done_testing;
0e2c6809 140sub create_schema {
206d1995 141 my $args = shift;
0e2c6809 142
206d1995 143 my $schema = $args->{schema};
144 my $additional_sqltargs = $args->{args} || {};
0e2c6809 145
206d1995 146 my $sqltargs = {
147 add_drop_table => 1,
148 ignore_constraint_names => 1,
149 ignore_index_names => 1,
150 %{$additional_sqltargs}
151 };
0e2c6809 152
206d1995 153 my $sqlt = SQL::Translator->new( $sqltargs );
0e2c6809 154
206d1995 155 $sqlt->parser('SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class');
156 return $sqlt->translate({ data => $schema }) || die $sqlt->error;
0e2c6809 157}
c2b7c5dc 158
159sub get_table {
160 my ($sqlt_schema, $schema, $source) = @_;
162 my $table_name = $schema->source($source)->from;
163 $table_name = $$table_name if ref $table_name;
165 return $sqlt_schema->get_table($table_name);