Remove extra newline
[gitmo/Moose.git] / t / 070_native_traits / 060_trait_number.t
e3c07b19 1#!/usr/bin/perl
3use strict;
4use warnings;
f1ae167f 6use Moose ();
2c963694 7use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
f1ae167f 8use Test::Exception;
a28e50e4 9use Test::More;
e3c07b19 10use Test::Moose;
e3c07b19 12{
f1ae167f 13 my %handles = (
14 abs => 'abs',
15 add => 'add',
16 inc => [ add => 1 ],
17 div => 'div',
18 cut_in_half => [ div => 2 ],
19 mod => 'mod',
20 odd => [ mod => 2 ],
21 mul => 'mul',
22 set => 'set',
23 sub => 'sub',
24 dec => [ sub => 1 ],
e3c07b19 25 );
f1ae167f 26
27 my $name = 'Foo1';
29 sub build_class {
30 my %attr = @_;
32 my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->create(
33 $name++,
34 superclasses => ['Moose::Object'],
35 );
37 $class->add_attribute(
38 integer => (
39 traits => ['Number'],
40 is => 'ro',
41 isa => 'Int',
42 default => 5,
43 handles => \%handles,
44 clearer => '_clear_integer',
45 %attr,
46 ),
47 );
49 return ( $class->name, \%handles );
50 }
e3c07b19 51}
f1ae167f 53{
54 run_tests(build_class);
55 run_tests( build_class( lazy => 1 ) );
cf0da4e2 56 run_tests( build_class( trigger => sub { } ) );
2c963694 57
58 # Will force the inlining code to check the entire hashref when it is modified.
59 subtype 'MyInt', as 'Int', where { 1 };
61 run_tests( build_class( isa => 'MyInt' ) );
63 coerce 'MyInt', from 'Int', via { $_ };
65 run_tests( build_class( isa => 'MyInt', coerce => 1 ) );
f1ae167f 66}
e3c07b19 67
f1ae167f 68sub run_tests {
69 my ( $class, $handles ) = @_;
e3c07b19 70
f1ae167f 71 can_ok( $class, $_ ) for sort keys %{$handles};
e3c07b19 72
f1ae167f 73 with_immutable {
74 my $obj = $class->new;
e3c07b19 75
f1ae167f 76 is( $obj->integer, 5, 'Default to five' );
e3c07b19 77
f1ae167f 78 $obj->add(10);
e3c07b19 79
f1ae167f 80 is( $obj->integer, 15, 'Add ten for fithteen' );
e3c07b19 81
167ec185 82 throws_ok { $obj->add( 10, 2 ) }
83 qr/Cannot call add with more than 1 argument/,
84 'add throws an error when 2 arguments are passed';
f1ae167f 86 $obj->sub(3);
e3c07b19 87
f1ae167f 88 is( $obj->integer, 12, 'Subtract three for 12' );
e3c07b19 89
167ec185 90 throws_ok { $obj->sub( 10, 2 ) }
91 qr/Cannot call sub with more than 1 argument/,
92 'sub throws an error when 2 arguments are passed';
f1ae167f 94 $obj->set(10);
e3c07b19 95
f1ae167f 96 is( $obj->integer, 10, 'Set to ten' );
e3c07b19 97
167ec185 98 throws_ok { $obj->set( 10, 2 ) }
99 qr/Cannot call set with more than 1 argument/,
100 'set throws an error when 2 arguments are passed';
f1ae167f 102 $obj->div(2);
e3c07b19 103
f1ae167f 104 is( $obj->integer, 5, 'divide by 2' );
e3c07b19 105
167ec185 106 throws_ok { $obj->div( 10, 2 ) }
107 qr/Cannot call div with more than 1 argument/,
108 'div throws an error when 2 arguments are passed';
f1ae167f 110 $obj->mul(2);
e3c07b19 111
f1ae167f 112 is( $obj->integer, 10, 'multiplied by 2' );
e3c07b19 113
167ec185 114 throws_ok { $obj->mul( 10, 2 ) }
115 qr/Cannot call mul with more than 1 argument/,
116 'mul throws an error when 2 arguments are passed';
f1ae167f 118 $obj->mod(2);
e3c07b19 119
f1ae167f 120 is( $obj->integer, 0, 'Mod by 2' );
e3c07b19 121
167ec185 122 throws_ok { $obj->mod( 10, 2 ) }
123 qr/Cannot call mod with more than 1 argument/,
124 'mod throws an error when 2 arguments are passed';
f1ae167f 126 $obj->set(7);
e3c07b19 127
f1ae167f 128 $obj->mod(5);
e3c07b19 129
f1ae167f 130 is( $obj->integer, 2, 'Mod by 5' );
e3c07b19 131
f1ae167f 132 $obj->set(-1);
e3c07b19 133
f1ae167f 134 $obj->abs;
59de9de4 135
167ec185 136 throws_ok { $obj->abs(10) }
137 qr/Cannot call abs with any arguments/,
138 'abs throws an error when an argument is passed';
f1ae167f 140 is( $obj->integer, 1, 'abs 1' );
59de9de4 141
f1ae167f 142 $obj->set(12);
59de9de4 143
f1ae167f 144 $obj->inc;
59de9de4 145
f1ae167f 146 is( $obj->integer, 13, 'inc 12' );
59de9de4 147
f1ae167f 148 $obj->dec;
e3c07b19 149
f1ae167f 150 is( $obj->integer, 12, 'dec 13' );
d50fc84a 151
f1ae167f 152 if ( $class->meta->get_attribute('integer')->is_lazy ) {
153 my $obj = $class->new;
155 $obj->add(2);
157 is( $obj->integer, 7, 'add with lazy default' );
159 $obj->_clear_integer;
161 $obj->mod(2);
163 is( $obj->integer, 1, 'mod with lazy default' );
164 }
165 }
166 $class;
e3c07b19 168
a28e50e4 169done_testing;