patch to suppress warnings in case first element of the arrayref is undef (NULL)
[scpubgit/Q-Branch.git] / t / 05between.t
cf02fc47 1#!/usr/bin/perl
3use strict;
4use warnings;
5use Test::More;
6use Test::Exception;
7use SQL::Abstract::Test import => ['is_same_sql_bind'];
9use Data::Dumper;
10use SQL::Abstract;
13Test -between and -in
14 * between
15 * [scalar, scalar]
16 * [scalarref, scalar]
17 * [scalar, scalarref]
18 * [scalarref, scalarref]
19 * \[]
20 * \["? AND ?", scalar, scalar]
21 * \["1 AND ?", scalar]
22 * \["? AND 2", scalar]
23 * \["1 AND 2"]
26my @in_between_tests = (
27 {
28 where => { x => { -between => [1, 2] } },
29 stmt => 'WHERE (x BETWEEN ? AND ?)',
30 bind => [qw/1 2/],
31 test => '-between with two placeholders',
32 },
33 {
34 where => { x => { -between => [\"1", 2] } },
35 stmt => 'WHERE (x BETWEEN 1 AND ?)',
36 bind => [qw/2/],
37 test => '-between with one literal sql arg and one placeholder',
38 },
39 {
40 where => { x => { -between => [1, \"2"] } },
41 stmt => 'WHERE (x BETWEEN ? AND 2)',
42 bind => [qw/1/],
43 test => '-between with one placeholder and one literal sql arg',
44 },
45 {
46 where => { x => { -between => [\'current_date - 1', \'current_date - 0'] } },
47 stmt => 'WHERE (x BETWEEN current_date - 1 AND current_date - 0)',
48 bind => [],
49 test => '-between with two literal sql arguments',
50 },
51 {
52 where => { x => { -between => \['? AND ?', 1, 2] } },
53 stmt => 'WHERE (x BETWEEN ? AND ?)',
54 bind => [1,2],
55 test => '-between with literal sql with placeholders (\["? AND ?", scalar, scalar])',
56 },
57 {
58 where => { x => { -between => \["'something' AND ?", 2] } },
59 stmt => "WHERE (x BETWEEN 'something' AND ?)",
60 bind => [2],
61 test => '-between with literal sql with one literal arg and one placeholder (\["\'something\' AND ?", scalar])',
62 },
63 {
64 where => { x => { -between => \["? AND 'something'", 1] } },
65 stmt => "WHERE (x BETWEEN ? AND 'something')",
66 bind => [1],
67 test => '-between with literal sql with one placeholder and one literal arg (\["? AND \'something\'", scalar])',
68 },
69 {
70 where => { x => { -between => \["'this' AND 'that'"] } },
71 stmt => "WHERE (x BETWEEN 'this' AND 'that')",
72 bind => [],
73 test => '-between with literal sql with two literal args (\["\'this\' AND \'that\'"])',
74 },
77plan tests => @in_between_tests*3;
79for my $case (@in_between_tests) {
80 TODO: {
81 local $TODO = $case->{todo} if $case->{todo};
83 local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
85 my @w;
86 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };
87 my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new ($case->{args} || {});
88 lives_ok (sub {
89 my ($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where($case->{where});
90 is_same_sql_bind(
91 $stmt,
92 \@bind,
93 $case->{stmt},
94 $case->{bind},
95 )
96 || diag "Search term:\n" . Dumper $case->{where};
97 });
98 is (@w, 0, $case->{test} || 'No warnings within in-between tests')
99 || diag join "\n", 'Emitted warnings:', @w;
100 }