fix some styling throughout the site
[scpubgit/stemmaweb.git] / root / src /
917bee1c 1[% WRAPPER
2 pagetitle = "Stemmaweb - Phylogeny calculation tool"
3 applicationjs = c.uri_for( 'js/phylotools.js' )
5 <script type="text/javascript">
6var basepath = "[% c.uri_for( '/' ) %]";
7var textid = "[% textid %]";
8var editable = "[% editable %]"
9var currSelected;
10var stemmadot = [];
11var stemmasvg = [];
12var stemmata_added = {};
14function getPhylogeny () {
15 stemmadot = [];
16 stemmasvg = [];
17 var phylourl = basepath + textid;
18 $('#textinfo_waitbox').show();
19 $.getJSON( basepath + "phylocalc/" + textid, function (textdata) {
20 stemmadot = textdata.stemmadot;
21 stemmasvg = textdata.stemmasvg;
22 $('#textinfo_waitbox').hide();
23 load_stemma( 0 );
24 }); // TODO error handling
27function load_stemma( idx ) {
28 // Load the stemma at idx
29 currSelected = idx;
30 show_stemmapager();
31 if( idx > -1 ) {
32 $('#stemma_graph').empty();
33 $('#stemma_graph').append( stemmasvg[idx] );
34 if( stemmadot[idx].substr('digraph') > -1 && stemmata_added[idx] != true ) {
35 // It has a root, so we may add it to the tradition stemmata.
36 $('#add_stemma_button').show();
37 }
38 setTimeout( 'start_element_height = $("#stemma_graph .node")[0].getBBox().height;', 500 );
39 }
42function show_stemmapager () {
43 $('.pager_left_button').unbind('click').addClass( 'greyed_out' );
44 $('.pager_right_button').unbind('click').addClass( 'greyed_out' );
45 if( currSelected > 0 ) {
46 $('.pager_left_button').click( function () {
47 load_stemma( currSelected - 1 );
48 }).removeClass( 'greyed_out' );
49 }
50 if( selectedStemmaID + 1 < stemmata.length ) {
51 $('.pager_right_button').click( function () {
52 load_stemma( currSelected + 1 );
53 }).removeClass( 'greyed_out' );
54 }
57function add_selected_stemma () {
58 var requrl = basepath + "stemma/" + textid + "/n";
59 var reqparam = { 'dot': stemmadot[currSelected] };
60 $.post( requrl, reqparam, function (data) {
61 // Disable add for any stemma already added
62 stemmata_added[currSelected] = true;
63 $('#add_stemma_button').hide();
64 // TODO maybe check on the server if the stemma exists?
65 }, 'json' );
68function rootStemma ( stemidx, root ) {
69 // Send the stemmadot at stemidx to the server, along with the name of the
70 // selected root node. Receive back a dot spec and an SVG, and enable the
71 var rooturl = basepath + 'microservices/rootedstemma';
72 var params = { 'dot': stemmadot[stemidx], 'root': root };
73 $.post( rooturl, params, function (data) {
74 stemmadot[stemidx] = data.stemmadot;
75 stemmasvg[stemidx] = data.stemmasvg;
76 load_stemma( stemidx );
77 }); // TODO error handling
80$(document).ready( function() {
81 $('#stemma_graph').mousedown( function(evt) {
82 evt.stopPropagation();
83 $('#stemma_graph').data( 'mousedown_xy', [evt.clientX, evt.clientY] );
84 $('body').mousemove( function(evt) {
85 mouse_scale = 1; // for now, was: mouse_scale = svg_root_element.getScreenCTM().a;
86 dx = (evt.clientX - $('#stemma_graph').data( 'mousedown_xy' )[0]) / mouse_scale;
87 dy = (evt.clientY - $('#stemma_graph').data( 'mousedown_xy' )[1]) / mouse_scale;
88 $('#stemma_graph').data( 'mousedown_xy', [evt.clientX, evt.clientY] );
89 var svg_root = $('#stemma_graph svg').svg().svg('get').root();
90 var g = $('g.graph', svg_root).get(0);
91 current_translate = g.getAttribute( 'transform' ).split(/translate\(/)[1].split(')',1)[0].split(' ');
92 new_transform = g.getAttribute( 'transform' ).replace( /translate\([^\)]*\)/, 'translate(' + (parseFloat(current_translate[0]) + dx) + ' ' + (parseFloat(current_translate[1]) + dy) + ')' );
93 g.setAttribute( 'transform', new_transform );
94 evt.returnValue = false;
95 evt.preventDefault();
96 return false;
97 });
98 $('body').mouseup( function(evt) {
99 $('body').unbind('mousemove');
100 $('body').unbind('mouseup');
101 });
102 });
104 $('#stemma_graph').mousewheel(function (event, delta) {
105 event.returnValue = false;
106 event.preventDefault();
107 if (!delta || delta == null || delta == 0) delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta;
108 if (!delta || delta == null || delta == 0) delta = -1 * event.originalEvent.detail;
109 if( delta < -9 ) { delta = -9 };
110 var z = 1 + delta/10;
111 z = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1;
112 var svg_root = $('#stemma_graph svg').svg().svg('get').root();
113 var g = $('g.graph', svg_root).get(0);
114 if (g && ((z<1 && (g.getScreenCTM().a * start_element_height) > 4.0) || (z>=1 && (g.getScreenCTM().a * start_element_height) < 1000))) {
115 var scaleLevel = z/10;
116 current_scale = parseFloat( g.getAttribute( 'transform' ).split(/scale\(/)[1].split(')',1)[0].split(' ')[0] );
117 new_transform = g.getAttribute( 'transform' ).replace( /scale\([^\)]*\)/, 'scale(' + (current_scale + scaleLevel) + ')' );
118 g.setAttribute( 'transform', new_transform );
119 }
120 });
122 $('#stemma_root_cancel').hide();
123 if( !editable ) {
124 $('#stemma_add_form').hide();
125 }
126 // call out to run the phylogeny calculation
127 getPhylogeny();
130 </script>
132[% END %]
134 <div id="topbanner">
135 <h1>Stemmaweb - [% algorithm_name %] calculation for [% text_name %]</h1>
136 <span class="mainnav">[% IF c.user_exists %]Hello! [% %] <a class="navlink" href="[% c.uri_for( '/logout' ) %]">Sign out</a> | [% ELSE %]<a class="navlink" onclick="'[% c.uri_for( '/login' ) %]', 'loginwindow', 'height=385,width=445')">Login</a> | [% END %]<a class="navlink" href="[% c.uri_for( 'about.html' ) %]">About</a> </span>
137 </div>
138 <div id="textinfo_container">
139 <div id="textinfo_load_status"></div>
140 <h2>Text <span class="texttitle">[% text_name %]</span></h2>
141 <div id="textinfo_container_buttons">
142 <form id="stemma_pager" action="" method="GET" name="stemma_pager">
143 <div id="stemma_pager_buttons">
144 <div class="pager_left_button" id="stemma_pager_left_button"></div>
145 <div class="pager_right_button" id="stemma_pager_right_button"></div>
146 </div>
147 </form>
148 <form id="stemma_root_form" action="" method="GET" name="start_root_stemma">
149 <div class="button" id="stemma_root_button"
150 onClick="TODO">
151 <span>Choose a root for this stemma</span>
152 </div>
153 </form>
154 <form id="stemma_root_cancel" action="" method="GET" name="stemma_root_cancel">
155 <div class="button" id="stemma_root_cancel_button"
156 onClick="TODO">
157 <span>Cancel root selection</span>
158 </div>
159 </form>
160 <form id="stemma_add_form" action="" method="GET" name="stemma_add_form">
161 <div class="button" id="add_stemma_button"
162 onClick="add_selected_stemma()">
163 <span>Add this stemma to the tradition</span>
164 </div>
165 </form>
166 </div>
167 <div id="stemma_graph"></div>
168 </div>
170 <!-- Interim 'loading' message for directory box -->
171 <div id="loading_message">
172 <h3>Calculating text phylogeny, please wait...</h3>
173 <img src="[% c.uri_for( 'images', 'ajax-loader.gif' ) %]" alt="Loading tradition list..."/>
174 </div>
176[% PROCESS %]