Display description/help text received from Stemweb
[scpubgit/stemmaweb.git] / root / js / stexaminer.js
b8a92065 1var colors = ['#ffeeaa','#afc6e9','#d5fff6','#ffccaa','#ffaaaa','#e5ff80','#e5d5ff','#ffd5e5'];
2var row_triggered = false;
be8bf746 3
4function handle_row_click( row ) {
5 var ridx = row.parent().parent().index()
6 var rs = readingstats[ridx];
dd0c01e7 7 var imghtml = $('<img>').attr( 'src', baseurl + "../images/ajax-loader.gif" ).attr( 'alt', "Loading SVG..." );
be8bf746 8 $('#stemma_graph').empty();
9 $('#stemma_graph').append( imghtml );
10 if( rs.layerwits ) {
11 var stemma_form = { 'dot': graphdot, 'layerwits': rs.layerwits };
f6bfb763 12 $.post( baseurl + 'graphsvg', stemma_form, function( data ) {
13 var oSerializer = new XMLSerializer();
14 var xmlString = oSerializer.serializeToString( data.documentElement );
15 loadSVG( xmlString, function () {
16 color_row( row );
17 show_stats( rs );
18 });
19 });
20 } else {
21 loadSVG( original_svg, function() {
be8bf746 22 color_row( row );
23 show_stats( rs );
24 });
be8bf746 25 }
d5514865 27
f6bfb763 28// Load the SVG we are given
29function loadSVG(svgData, cb) {
30 var svgElement = $('#stemma_graph');
32 $(svgElement).svg('destroy');
34 $(svgElement).svg({
35 loadURL: svgData,
36 onLoad : function () {
37 var theSVG = svgElement.find('svg');
38 var svgoffset = theSVG.offset();
39 // Firefox needs a different offset, stupidly enough
40 var browseroffset = 1;
41 if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1 ) {
42 browseroffset = 3;
43 }
44 var topoffset = theSVG.position().top - svgElement.position().top - browseroffset;
45 // If we are on Safari, we need to get rid of the 'pt' in the width/height
46 // specifications
47 theSVG.offset({ top: svgoffset.top - topoffset, left: svgoffset.left });
48 if( cb ) {
49 cb.call();
50 }
7d301abf 51 theSVG.attr( 'width', '100%' );
f6bfb763 52 }
53 });
d5514865 56function color_row( row ) {
b8a92065 57 row_triggered = true;
f007ac1e 58 $('ellipse').attr( {stroke:'white', fill:'#fff'} );
b8a92065 59 $('.node').children('polygon').attr( {stroke:'#fff', fill:'#fff'} );
60 $('.node').children('text').attr( {stroke:'none', fill:'#000'} );
61 $('tr.active_variant_row').children('td').removeClass('cellb0 cellb1 cellb2 cellb3 cellb4 cellb5 cellb6 cellb7');
d5514865 62 row.parent().nextAll('.clickable').children('span').click();
b8a92065 63 $('td.active_variant_cell').removeClass('active_variant_cell');
64 row_triggered = false;
d5514865 65}
b8a92065 67function color_nodes( column_index, arr_node_ids, arr_greynode_ids ) {
68 if( !row_triggered ) {
69 $('tr.active_variant_row').children('td').removeClass('cellb0 cellb1 cellb2 cellb3 cellb4 cellb5 cellb6 cellb7');
70 $('td.active_variant_cell').removeClass('active_variant_cell');
f007ac1e 71 $('ellipse').attr( {stroke:'white', fill:'#fff'} );
b8a92065 72 $('.node').children('polygon').attr( {stroke:'#fff', fill:'#fff'} );
73 $('.node').children('text').attr( {stroke:'none', fill:'#000'} );
74 };
75 $('tr.active_variant_row').removeClass('active_variant_row')
76 jQuery.each( arr_greynode_ids, function(index,value) {
77 nodes = $('.node').children('title').filter( function(index) {
78 return $(this).text() == value;
79 })
80 nodes.siblings('ellipse, polygon, text').each( function( index ) {
81 $(this).attr( {stroke:'#ddd', fill:'#f8f8f8'} );
82 });
83 });
84 jQuery.each( arr_node_ids, function(index,value) {
85 $('.node').children('title').filter( function(index) {
86 return $(this).text() == value;
87 }).siblings('ellipse').each( function( index ) {
88 $(this).attr( {stroke:'black', fill:colors[column_index-1]} );
89 });
90 });
ef3db56f 92
be8bf746 93function show_stats( rs ) {
8c01174c 94 // Update the title
95 $('#stats_title').empty().text('Statistics for reading at ' + rs.id + ':' );
ef3db56f 96 var rshtml = $('#stats_template').clone();
d35db27a 97 if( "unsolved" in rs ) {
ec0d9b5b 98 var nocalcmsg;
99 if( rs.unsolved == 'IDP error' ) {
100 nocalcmsg = $('<span>').attr('class', 'error').append(
101 "(Could not reach calculation server - are you offline?)" );
102 } else {
103 nocalcmsg = "(Not yet calculated for this location - please try later)";
104 }
105 rshtml.find('.solutionstatus').append( nocalcmsg );
d35db27a 106 } else {
107 $.each( rs.readings, function( idx, rdghash ) {
108 var rdgstats = $('#reading_template').clone();
109 rdgstats.find('.readinglabel').append( rdghash.text );
110 rdgstats.find('.reading_copied').append( rdghash.followed );
111 rdgstats.find('.reading_changed').append( rdghash.not_followed );
112 rdgstats.find('.reading_unclear').append( rdghash.follow_unknown );
113 rdgstats.find('.readingroots').append( rdghash.independent_occurrence );
114 if( rdghash.is_reverted ) {
115 rdgstats.find('.reversionroots').append( rdghash.reversions );
116 } else {
117 rdgstats.find('.readingreversions').empty();
118 }
119 var rdgsourcehtml = fill_parent_template( rdghash, 'source' );
120 var rdgreverthtml = fill_parent_template( rdghash, 'reversion' );
121 rdgstats.find('.reading_statistics').append( rdgsourcehtml );
122 rdgstats.find('.reading_statistics').append( rdgreverthtml );
123 // If neither, append a small spacer
124 if( !rdgsourcehtml && !rdgreverthtml ) {
125 rdgstats.find('.reading_statistics').append( '<br/>' );
126 }
127 rshtml.append( rdgstats.contents() );
128 });
129 }
8c01174c 130 $('#stats_container').empty().append( rshtml.contents() );
f7371955 131
ef3db56f 132};
be8bf746 133
f7371955 134function fill_parent_template( rdghash, type ) {
135 var objname = type + '_parents';
136 var template_id = '#reading_' + type + '_template';
137 var list_class = '.reading_' + type + '_list';
138 if( ! $.isEmptyObject( rdghash[objname] ) ) {
139 var parentstats = $( template_id ).clone();
140 $.each( rdghash[objname], function( parentid, pdata ) {
141 var parentdesc = pdata.label;
142 if( pdata.relation ) {
143 parentdesc += ' - variant type ' + pdata.relation.type;
144 if( pdata.relation.annotation ) {
145 parentdesc += ' [ ' + pdata.relation.annotation + ' ]';
146 }
147 } else {
148 parentdesc += ' - no syntactic relation';
149 }
150 var parentitem = $('<li>').append( parentdesc );
151 parentstats.find( list_class ).append( parentitem );
152 });
153 return( parentstats.contents() );
154 }
be8bf746 157// Save the original unextended SVG for when we need it.
158$(document).ready(function () {
f6bfb763 159 loadSVG( original_svg );
2fd8f80c 160
161 $('#aboutlink').popupWindow({
162 height:500,
163 width:800,
164 top:50,
165 left:50,
166 scrollbars:1
167 });
168 $('#options').dialog({
169 autoOpen: false,
8c01174c 170 // height: 'auto',
2fd8f80c 171 width: 300,
172 modal: true,
173 buttons: {
174 Cancel: function() {
175 $(this).dialog( "close" );
176 },
177 Reanalyze: function() {
178 $('#use_variants_form').submit();
179 },
180 }
181 });
be8bf746 183});