Stop shotgun-parsing XML files, and propagate unexpeced errors. #22
[scpubgit/stemmaweb.git] / root / js / detach_helpers.js
8cd2e785 1function edges_of( ellipse ) {
2 var edges = new Array();
3 var node_id = ellipse.parent().attr('id');
759f1868 4 var edge_outgoing_pattern = new RegExp( '^' + node_id + '-' );
5 var edge_incoming_pattern = new RegExp( node_id + '$' );
8cd2e785 6 $.each( $('#svgenlargement .edge'), function(index) {
7 title = $(this).children('title').text();
759f1868 8 if( edge_outgoing_pattern.test(title) || edge_incoming_pattern.test(title) ) {
8cd2e785 9 var edge = new Edge( $(this) );
10 edge.node_id = node_id;
759f1868 11 if( edge_incoming_pattern.test(title) ) {
8cd2e785 12 edge.is_incoming = true;
13 }
14 edges.push( edge );
15 }
16 } );
17 return edges;
20function Edge( g_elem ) {
22 var self = this;
24 this.g_elem = g_elem;
25 this.witnesses = g_elem.children('text').text().split( /,\s*/ );
26 this.is_incoming = false;
9231663d 27 this.start_node_id = g_elem.children('title').text().split('-')[0];
28 this.end_node_id = g_elem.children('title').text().split('>')[1];
8cd2e785 29
30 this.detach_witnesses = function( witnesses_to_detach ) {
31 var detached = [];
32 var left = '';
33 var clone = null;
34 $.each( witnesses_to_detach, function( index, witness_to_detach ) {
35 witness_index = self.witnesses.indexOf( witness_to_detach );
36 if( witness_index > -1 ) {
37 self.witnesses.splice( witness_index, 1 );
38 detached.push( witness_to_detach );
39 }
40 } );
41 if( detached != '' ) {
42 clone = self.clone_for( detached );
43 }
44 var remaining = self.create_label( self.witnesses );
45 if( remaining == '' ) {
46 self.g_elem.remove();
47 } else {
48 self.g_elem.children('text').text( remaining );
49 }
50 return clone;
51 }
53 this.get_label = function() {
54 return self.g_elem.children('text').text();
55 }
57 this.create_label = function( witnesses ) {
58 var label = '';
59 $.each( witnesses, function( index, witness ) {
60 label = label + witness + ', ';
61 } );
62 label = label.replace( /, $/, '' );
63 return label;
64 }
66 this.clone_for = function( witnesses ) {
67 var label = self.create_label( witnesses );
68 var clone = g_elem.clone();
69 clone.children('text').text( label );
6c8d1880 70 var duplicate_data = 'repositioned' );
71 if( duplicate_data != null ) {
72 'repositioned', duplicate_data );
73 }
74 clone = new Edge( clone );
8cd2e785 75 clone.is_incoming = self.is_incoming;
76 return clone;
77 }
9231663d 79 this.attach_witnesses = function( witnesses ) {
759f1868 80 self.witnesses = self.witnesses.concat( witnesses );
9231663d 81 self.g_elem.children( 'text' ).text( self.create_label( self.witnesses ) );
82 var edge_weight = 0.8 + ( 0.2 * self.witnesses.length );
83 self.g_elem.children( 'path' ).attr( 'stroke-width', edge_weight );
9231663d 84 }
86 this.attach_endpoint = function( target_node_id ) {
87 // first let's find out if the startpoint might also be linked to the target already
88 // in that case we need to remove this edge and transfer the witnesses to the
89 // appropriate edge of the target_node
90 $.each( edges_of( get_ellipse( target_node_id ) ), function( index, target_edge ) {
759f1868 91 if( (self != null) && (target_edge.is_incoming == true) ) {
92 if( self.start_node_id == target_edge.start_node_id) {
93 target_edge.attach_witnesses( self.witnesses );
94 self.g_elem.remove();
95 self = null;
96 }
9231663d 97 }
98 } );
99 // if not let's really move the end pointer towards the target node
100 if( self != null ) {
101 var polygon = self.g_elem.children( 'polygon' );
102 if( polygon.size() > 0 ) {
103 var end_point_arrowhead = new svgshape( polygon );
104 var path_segments = self.g_elem.children('path')[0].pathSegList;
105 var edge_path = new svgpath( path_segments.getItem(path_segments.numberOfItems - 1), self.g_elem.children('path') );
106 var target_ellipse = get_ellipse( target_node_id );
759f1868 107 var target_cx = parseFloat( target_ellipse.attr( 'cx' ) );
108 var target_cy = parseFloat( target_ellipse.attr( 'cy' ) );
109 var target_rx = parseFloat( target_ellipse.attr( 'rx' ) );
9231663d 110 var source_ellipse = get_ellipse( self.end_node_id );
759f1868 111 var source_cx = parseFloat( source_ellipse.attr( 'cx' ) );
112 var source_cy = parseFloat( source_ellipse.attr( 'cy' ) );
113 var source_rx = parseFloat( source_ellipse.attr( 'rx' ) );
9231663d 114 var dx = (target_cx - target_rx) - (source_cx - source_rx);
115 var dy = (target_cy - source_cy);
116 end_point_arrowhead.reposition( dx, dy );
117 edge_path.reposition( dx, dy );
aaf27b2e 118 // var new_title = g_elem.children('title').text().replace( self.end_node_id, target_node_id );
119 // console.log( new_title );
9231663d 120 }
121 }
122 }
124 this.attach_startpoint = function( target_node_id ) {
125 // first let's find out if the endpoint might also be linked to the target already
126 // in that case we need to remove this edge and transfer the witnesses to the
127 // appropriate edge of the target_node
128 $.each( edges_of( get_ellipse( target_node_id ) ), function( index, target_edge ) {
759f1868 129 if( (self != null) && (target_edge.is_incoming != true ) ) {
130 if( self.end_node_id == target_edge.end_node_id) {
131 target_edge.attach_witnesses( self.witnesses );
132 self.g_elem.remove();
133 self = null;
134 }
9231663d 135 }
136 } );
759f1868 137 // if not let's really move the start point towards the target node
9231663d 138 if( self != null ) {
139 var path_segments = self.g_elem.children('path')[0].pathSegList;
140 var edge_path = new svgpath( path_segments.getItem(0), self.g_elem.children('path') );
141 var target_ellipse = get_ellipse( target_node_id );
759f1868 142 var target_cx = parseFloat( target_ellipse.attr( 'cx' ) );
143 var target_cy = parseFloat( target_ellipse.attr( 'cy' ) );
144 var target_rx = parseFloat( target_ellipse.attr( 'rx' ) );
9231663d 145 var source_ellipse = get_ellipse( self.start_node_id );
759f1868 146 var source_cx = parseFloat( source_ellipse.attr( 'cx' ) );
147 var source_cy = parseFloat( source_ellipse.attr( 'cy' ) );
148 var source_rx = parseFloat( source_ellipse.attr( 'rx' ) );
9231663d 149 var dx = (target_cx + target_rx) - (source_cx + source_rx);
150 var dy = (target_cy - source_cy);
151 edge_path.reposition( dx, dy );
152 }
8cd2e785 153 }