rely on T::T 1.2, handle relationship propagation
[scpubgit/stemmaweb.git] / root / js / componentload.js
3f9d7ae5 1// Global state variables
2var selectedTextID;
3var selectedTextInfo;
4var selectedStemmaID = -1;
5var stemmata = [];
7// Load the names of the appropriate traditions into the directory div.
8function refreshDirectory () {
9 var lmesg = $('#loading_message').clone();
10 $('#directory').empty().append( lmesg.contents() );
11 $('#directory').load( _get_url(["directory"]),
12 function(response, status, xhr) {
13 if (status == "error") {
14 var msg = "An error occurred: ";
15 $("#directory").html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText);
16 } else {
17 if( textOnLoad != "" ) {
18 // Call the click callback for the relevant text, if it is
19 // in the page.
20 $('#'+textOnLoad).click();
21 textOnLoad = "";
22 }
23 }
24 }
25 );
28// Load a tradition with its information and stemmata into the tradition
29// view pane. Calls load_textinfo.
98a45925 30function loadTradition( textid, textname, editable ) {
31 selectedTextID = textid;
32 // First insert the placeholder image and register an error handler
04469f3e 33 $('#textinfo_load_status').empty();
5f0eda3f 34 $('#stemma_graph').empty();
98a45925 35 $('#textinfo_waitbox').show();
75354c3a 36 $('#textinfo_container').hide().ajaxError(
37 function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
38 if( ajaxSettings.url.indexOf( 'textinfo' ) > -1 && ajaxSettings.type == 'GET' ) {
39 $('#textinfo_waitbox').hide();
40 $('#textinfo_container').show();
41 display_error( jqXHR, $("#textinfo_load_status") );
98a45925 42 }
75354c3a 43 });
45 // Hide the functionality that is irrelevant
46 if( editable ) {
ce1c5863 47 $('#open_stemma_add').show();
48 $('#open_stemma_edit').show();
49 $('#open_textinfo_edit').show();
cbd23059 50 $('#relatebutton_label').text('View collation and edit relationships');
75354c3a 51 } else {
ce1c5863 52 $('#open_stemma_add').hide();
53 $('#open_stemma_edit').hide();
54 $('#open_textinfo_edit').hide();
cbd23059 55 $('#relatebutton_label').text('View collation and relationships');
75354c3a 56 }
62723740 58 // Then get and load the actual content.
98a45925 59 // TODO: scale #stemma_graph both horizontally and vertically
f6a8db89 60 // TODO: load svgs from SVG.Jquery (to make scaling react in Safari)
3f9d7ae5 61 $.getJSON( _get_url([ "textinfo", textid ]), function (textdata) {
98a45925 62 // Add the scalar data
75354c3a 63 selectedTextInfo = textdata;
64 load_textinfo();
65 // Add the stemma(ta) and set up the stexaminer button
98a45925 66 stemmata = textdata.stemmata;
67 if( stemmata.length ) {
68 selectedStemmaID = 0;
57e3a008 69 $('#run_stexaminer').show();
65a0c9c6 70 } else {
57e3a008 71 selectedStemmaID = -1;
65a0c9c6 72 $('#open_stemma_edit').hide();
73 $('#run_stexaminer').hide();
65a0c9c6 74 }
3f9d7ae5 75 load_stemma( selectedStemmaID );
98a45925 76 // Set up the relationship mapper button
3f9d7ae5 77 $('#run_relater').attr( 'action', _get_url([ "relation", textid ]) );
98a45925 78 });
3f9d7ae5 81// Load the metadata about a tradition into the appropriate div.
75354c3a 82function load_textinfo() {
83 $('#textinfo_waitbox').hide();
84 $('#textinfo_load_status').empty();
85 $('#textinfo_container').show();
86 $('.texttitle').empty().append( );
87 // Witnesses
88 $('#witness_num').empty().append( selectedTextInfo.witnesses.size );
89 $('#witness_list').empty().append( selectedTextInfo.witnesses.join( ', ' ) );
90 // Who the owner is
91 $('#owner_id').empty().append('no one');
92 if( selectedTextInfo.owner ) {
897a22fc 93 var owneremail = selectedTextInfo.owner;
94 var chop = owneremail.indexOf( '@' );
95 if( chop > -1 ) {
96 owneremail = owneremail.substr( 0, chop + 1 ) + '...';
97 }
98 $('#owner_id').empty().append( owneremail );
75354c3a 99 }
100 // Whether or not it is public
101 $('#not_public').empty();
102 if( selectedTextInfo['public'] == false ) {
103 $('#not_public').append('NOT ');
104 }
105 // What language setting it has, if any
106 $('#marked_language').empty().append('no language set');
107 if( selectedTextInfo.language && selectedTextInfo.language != 'Default' ) {
108 $('#marked_language').empty().append( selectedTextInfo.language );
109 }
3f9d7ae5 112// Enable / disable the appropriate buttons for paging through the stemma.
65a0c9c6 113function show_stemmapager () {
bf81fb57 114 $('.pager_left_button').unbind('click').addClass( 'greyed_out' );
115 $('.pager_right_button').unbind('click').addClass( 'greyed_out' );
65a0c9c6 116 if( selectedStemmaID > 0 ) {
117 $('.pager_left_button').click( function () {
118 load_stemma( selectedStemmaID - 1 );
bf81fb57 119 }).removeClass( 'greyed_out' );
65a0c9c6 120 }
121 if( selectedStemmaID + 1 < stemmata.length ) {
122 $('.pager_right_button').click( function () {
123 load_stemma( selectedStemmaID + 1 );
bf81fb57 124 }).removeClass( 'greyed_out' );
65a0c9c6 125 }
3f9d7ae5 128// Load a given stemma SVG into the stemmagraph box.
75354c3a 129function load_stemma( idx ) {
65a0c9c6 130 // Load the stemma at idx
131 selectedStemmaID = idx;
57e3a008 132 show_stemmapager();
98a45925 133 if( idx > -1 ) {
bd3ccd15 134 loadSVG( stemmata[idx] );
98a45925 135 // Stexaminer submit action
3f9d7ae5 136 var stexpath = _get_url([ "stexaminer", selectedTextID, idx ]);
98a45925 137 $('#run_stexaminer').attr( 'action', stexpath );
40803b80 138 setTimeout( 'start_element_height = $("#stemma_graph .node")[0].getBBox().height;', 500 );
98a45925 139 }
5ba6c2b4 140}
75354c3a 141
bd3ccd15 142// Load the SVG we are given
143function loadSVG(svgData) {
144 var svgElement = $('#stemma_graph');
146 $(svgElement).svg('destroy');
148 $(svgElement).svg({
149 loadURL: svgData,
150 onLoad : function () {
151 var theSVG = svgElement.find('svg');
152 var svgoffset = theSVG.offset();
bd3ccd15 153 var browseroffset = 1;
23f8bfc2 154 // Firefox needs a different offset, stupidly enough
bd3ccd15 155 if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1 ) {
23f8bfc2 156 browseroffset = 3; // works for tall images
157 // ...but if the SVG is wider than it is tall, Firefox treats
158 // the top as being the top of the graph, loaded into the middle
159 // of the canvas, but then the margin at the top of the canvas
160 // extends upward. So we have to find the actual top of the canvas
161 // and correct for *that* instead.
162 var vbdim = svgElement.svg().svg('get').root().viewBox.baseVal;
163 if( vbdim.height < vbdim.width ) {
164 var vbscale = svgElement.width() / vbdim.width;
165 var vbrealheight = vbdim.height * vbscale;
166 browseroffset = 3 + ( svgElement.height() - vbrealheight ) / 2;
167 }
bd3ccd15 168 }
169 var topoffset = theSVG.position().top - svgElement.position().top - browseroffset;
bd3ccd15 170 theSVG.offset({ top: - topoffset, left: svgoffset.left });
171 }
172 });
3f9d7ae5 175// General-purpose error-handling function.
176// TODO make sure this gets used throughout, where appropriate.
75354c3a 177function display_error( jqXHR, el ) {
ce1c5863 178 var errmsg;
179 if( jqXHR.responseText == "" ) {
180 errmsg = "perhaps the server went down?"
75354c3a 181 } else {
ce1c5863 182 var errobj;
183 try {
184 errobj = jQuery.parseJSON( jqXHR.responseText );
185 errmsg = errobj.error;
186 } catch ( parse_err ) {
187 errmsg = "something went wrong on the server."
188 }
75354c3a 189 }
ce1c5863 190 var msghtml = $('<span>').attr('class', 'error').text( "An error occurred: " + errmsg );
75354c3a 191 $(el).empty().append( msghtml ).show();
3f9d7ae5 192}
e0b90236 194// Event to enable the upload button when a file has been selected
195function file_selected( e ) {
196 if( e.files.length == 1 ) {
197 $('#upload_button').button('enable');
ab0d1218 198 $('#new_file_name_container').html( '<span id="new_file_name">' + e.files[0].name + '</span>' );
e0b90236 199 } else {
200 $('#upload_button').button('disable');
ab0d1218 201 $('#new_file_name_container').html( '(Use \'pick file\' to select a tradition file to upload.)' );
e0b90236 202 }
2ece58b3 205// Implement our own AJAX method that uses the features of XMLHttpRequest2
206// but try to let it have a similar interface to
207// The data var needs to be a FormData() object.
208// The callback will be given a single argument, which is the response data
209// of the given type.
211function post_xhr2( url, data, cb, type ) {
212 if( !type ) {
213 type = 'json';
214 }
215 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
216 // Set the expected response type
217 if( type === 'data' ) {
218 xhr.responseType = 'blob';
219 } else if( type === 'xml' ) {
220 xhr.responseType = 'document';
221 }
222 // Post the form
223 // Gin up an AJAX settings object
224 $.ajaxSetup({ url: url, type: 'POST' });
225 'POST', url, true );
226 // Handle the results
227 xhr.onload = function( e ) {
228 // Get the response and parse it
229 // Call the callback with the response, whatever it was
230 var xhrs =;
231 if( xhrs.status > 199 && xhrs.status < 300 ) { // Success
232 var resp;
233 if( type === 'json' ) {
234 resp = $.parseJSON( xhrs.responseText );
235 } else if ( type === 'xml' ) {
236 resp = xhrs.responseXML;
237 } else if ( type === 'text' ) {
238 resp = xhrs.responseText;
239 } else {
240 resp = xhrs.response;
241 }
242 cb( resp );
243 } else {
244 // Trigger the ajaxError...
245 _trigger_ajaxerror( e );
246 }
247 };
248 xhr.onerror = _trigger_ajaxerror;
249 xhr.onabort = _trigger_ajaxerror;
250 xhr.send( data );
253function _trigger_ajaxerror( e ) {
254 var xhr =;
255 var thrown = xhr.statusText || 'Request error';
256 jQuery.event.trigger( 'ajaxError', [ xhr, $.ajaxSettings, thrown ]);
e0b90236 259function upload_new () {
260 // Serialize the upload form, get the file and attach it to the request,
261 // POST the lot and handle the response.
262 var newfile = $('#new_file').get(0).files[0];
263 var reader = new FileReader();
264 reader.onload = function( evt ) {
2ece58b3 265 var data = new FormData();
266 $.each( $('#new_tradition').serializeArray(), function( i, o ) {
267 data.append(, o.value );
268 });
269 data.append( 'file', newfile );
e0b90236 270 var upload_url = _get_url([ 'newtradition' ]);
2ece58b3 271 post_xhr2( upload_url, data, function( ret ) {
e0b90236 272 if( ) {
273 $('#upload-collation-dialog').dialog('close');
274 refreshDirectory();
275 loadTradition(,, 1 );
276 } else if( ret.error ) {
277 $('#upload_status').empty().append(
278 $('<span>').attr('class', 'error').append( ret.error ) );
279 }
2ece58b3 280 }, 'json' );
e0b90236 281 };
282 reader.onerror = function( evt ) {
283 var err_resp = 'File read error';
284 if( == 'NotFoundError' ) {
285 err_resp = 'File not found';
286 } else if ( == 'NotReadableError' ) {
287 err_resp == 'File unreadable - is it yours?';
288 } else if ( == 'EncodingError' ) {
289 err_resp == 'File cannot be encoded - is it too long?';
290 } else if ( == 'SecurityError' ) {
291 err_resp == 'File read security error';
292 }
293 // Fake a jqXHR object that we can pass to our generic error handler.
294 var jqxhr = { responseText: '{error:"' + err_resp + '"}' };
295 display_error( jqxhr, $('#upload_status') );
296 $('#upload_button').button('disable');
297 }
299 reader.readAsBinaryString( newfile );
3f9d7ae5 300}
302// Utility function to neatly construct an application URL
303function _get_url( els ) {
304 return basepath + els.join('/');
bd3ccd15 307
3f9d7ae5 308$(document).ready( function() {
50778a5d 309 // See if we have the browser functionality we need
310 // TODO Also think of a test for SVG readiness
7c25980f 311 if( !!window.FileReader && !!window.File ) {
50778a5d 312 $('#compatibility_check').empty();
313 }
3f9d7ae5 315 // call out to load the directory div
316 $('#textinfo_container').hide();
317 $('#textinfo_waitbox').hide();
318 refreshDirectory();
320 // Set up the textinfo edit dialog
321 $('#textinfo-edit-dialog').dialog({
322 autoOpen: false,
323 height: 200,
324 width: 300,
325 modal: true,
326 buttons: {
327 Save: function (evt) {
328 $("#edit_textinfo_status").empty();
329 $("disable");
330 var requrl = _get_url([ "textinfo", selectedTextID ]);
331 var reqparam = $('#edit_textinfo').serialize();
332 $.post( requrl, reqparam, function (data) {
333 // Reload the selected text fields
334 selectedTextInfo = data;
335 load_textinfo();
336 // Reenable the button and close the form
337 $("enable");
338 $('#textinfo-edit-dialog').dialog('close');
339 }, 'json' );
340 },
341 Cancel: function() {
342 $('#textinfo-edit-dialog').dialog('close');
343 }
344 },
345 open: function() {
346 $("#edit_textinfo_status").empty();
347 // Populate the form fields with the current values
348 // edit_(name, language, public, owner)
349 $.each([ 'name', 'language', 'owner' ], function( idx, k ) {
350 var fname = '#edit_' + k;
351 // Special case: language Default is basically language null
352 if( k == 'language' && selectedTextInfo[k] == 'Default' ) {
353 $(fname).val( "" );
354 } else {
355 $(fname).val( selectedTextInfo[k] );
356 }
357 });
358 if( selectedTextInfo['public'] == true ) {
359 $('#edit_public').attr('checked','true');
360 } else {
361 $('#edit_public').removeAttr('checked');
362 }
363 },
364 }).ajaxError( function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
365 $('.ui-button').button("enable");
366 if( ajaxSettings.url.indexOf( 'textinfo' ) > -1
367 && ajaxSettings.type == 'POST' ) {
368 display_error( jqXHR, $("#edit_textinfo_status") );
369 }
370 });
373 // Set up the stemma editor dialog
374 $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog({
375 autoOpen: false,
376 height: 700,
377 width: 600,
378 modal: true,
379 buttons: {
380 Save: function (evt) {
381 $("#edit_stemma_status").empty();
382 $("disable");
383 var stemmaseq = $('#stemmaseq').val();
384 var requrl = _get_url([ "stemma", selectedTextID, stemmaseq ]);
385 var reqparam = { 'dot': $('#dot_field').val() };
386 // TODO We need to stash the literal SVG string in stemmata
387 // somehow. Implement accept header on server side to decide
388 // whether to send application/json or application/xml?
389 $.post( requrl, reqparam, function (data) {
390 // We received a stemma SVG string in return.
391 // Update the current stemma sequence number
392 selectedStemmaID = data.stemmaid;
393 // Stash the answer in our SVG array
394 stemmata[selectedStemmaID] = data.stemmasvg;
395 // Display the new stemma
396 load_stemma( selectedStemmaID );
397 // Reenable the button and close the form
398 $("enable");
399 $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog('close');
400 }, 'json' );
401 },
402 Cancel: function() {
403 $('#stemma-edit-dialog').dialog('close');
404 }
405 },
406 open: function(evt) {
407 $("#edit_stemma_status").empty();
408 var stemmaseq = $('#stemmaseq').val();
409 if( stemmaseq == 'n' ) {
410 // If we are creating a new stemma, populate the textarea with a
411 // bare digraph.
412 $('option', 'title', 'Add a new stemma')
413 $('#dot_field').val( "digraph stemma {\n\n}" );
414 } else {
415 // If we are editing a stemma, grab its stemmadot and populate the
416 // textarea with that.
417 $('option', 'title', 'Edit selected stemma')
418 $('#dot_field').val( 'Loading, please wait...' );
419 var doturl = _get_url([ "stemmadot", selectedTextID, stemmaseq ]);
420 $.getJSON( doturl, function (data) {
421 // Re-insert the line breaks
422 var dotstring =\|n/gm, "\n");
423 $('#dot_field').val( dotstring );
424 });
425 }
426 },
427 }).ajaxError( function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
428 $('.ui-button').button("enable");
429 if( ajaxSettings.url.indexOf( 'stemma' ) > -1
430 && ajaxSettings.type == 'POST' ) {
431 display_error( jqXHR, $("#edit_stemma_status") );
432 }
433 });
435 $('#upload-collation-dialog').dialog({
436 autoOpen: false,
e0b90236 437 height: 360,
3f9d7ae5 438 width: 480,
439 modal: true,
440 buttons: {
3f9d7ae5 441 upload: {
442 text: 'Upload',
443 id: 'upload_button',
444 click: function() {
445 $('#upload_status').empty();
e0b90236 446 $('#upload_button').button("disable");
447 upload_new();
3f9d7ae5 448 }
449 },
ab0d1218 450 pick_file: {
451 text: 'Pick File',
452 id: 'pick_file_button',
453 click: function() {
454 $('#new_file').click();
455 }
456 },
3f9d7ae5 457 Cancel: function() {
458 $('#upload-collation-dialog').dialog('close');
459 }
460 },
e0b90236 461 open: function() {
462 // Set the upload button to its correct state based on
463 // whether a file is loaded
464 file_selected( $('#new_file').get(0) );
2ece58b3 465 $('#upload_status').empty();
3f9d7ae5 466 }
e0b90236 467 }).ajaxError( function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
468 // Reset button state
469 file_selected( $('#new_file').get(0) );
470 // Display error message if applicable
471 if( ajaxSettings.url.indexOf( 'newtradition' ) > -1
472 && ajaxSettings.type == 'POST' ) {
473 display_error( jqXHR, $("#upload_status") );
474 }
475 });;
3f9d7ae5 476
477 $('#stemma_graph').mousedown( function(evt) {
478 evt.stopPropagation();
479 $('#stemma_graph').data( 'mousedown_xy', [evt.clientX, evt.clientY] );
480 $('body').mousemove( function(evt) {
481 mouse_scale = 1; // for now, was: mouse_scale = svg_root_element.getScreenCTM().a;
482 dx = (evt.clientX - $('#stemma_graph').data( 'mousedown_xy' )[0]) / mouse_scale;
483 dy = (evt.clientY - $('#stemma_graph').data( 'mousedown_xy' )[1]) / mouse_scale;
484 $('#stemma_graph').data( 'mousedown_xy', [evt.clientX, evt.clientY] );
485 var svg_root = $('#stemma_graph svg').svg().svg('get').root();
486 var g = $('g.graph', svg_root).get(0);
487 current_translate = g.getAttribute( 'transform' ).split(/translate\(/)[1].split(')',1)[0].split(' ');
488 new_transform = g.getAttribute( 'transform' ).replace( /translate\([^\)]*\)/, 'translate(' + (parseFloat(current_translate[0]) + dx) + ' ' + (parseFloat(current_translate[1]) + dy) + ')' );
489 g.setAttribute( 'transform', new_transform );
490 evt.returnValue = false;
491 evt.preventDefault();
492 return false;
493 });
494 $('body').mouseup( function(evt) {
495 $('body').unbind('mousemove');
496 $('body').unbind('mouseup');
497 });
498 });
500 $('#stemma_graph').mousewheel(function (event, delta) {
501 event.returnValue = false;
502 event.preventDefault();
503 if (!delta || delta == null || delta == 0) delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta;
504 if (!delta || delta == null || delta == 0) delta = -1 * event.originalEvent.detail;
505 if( delta < -9 ) { delta = -9 };
506 var z = 1 + delta/10;
507 z = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1;
508 var svg_root = $('#stemma_graph svg').svg().svg('get').root();
509 var g = $('g.graph', svg_root).get(0);
510 if (g && ((z<1 && (g.getScreenCTM().a * start_element_height) > 4.0) || (z>=1 && (g.getScreenCTM().a * start_element_height) < 1000))) {
511 var scaleLevel = z/10;
512 current_scale = parseFloat( g.getAttribute( 'transform' ).split(/scale\(/)[1].split(')',1)[0].split(' ')[0] );
513 new_transform = g.getAttribute( 'transform' ).replace( /scale\([^\)]*\)/, 'scale(' + (current_scale + scaleLevel) + ')' );
514 g.setAttribute( 'transform', new_transform );
515 }
516 });