specify the minimum perl version necessary (for CPANTS)
[p5sagit/strictures.git] / lib / strictures.pm
394c3a46 1package strictures;
3use strict;
4use warnings FATAL => 'all';
084caaf3 6use constant _PERL_LT_5_8_4 => ($] < 5.008004) ? 1 : 0;
6c6d9fb5 8our $VERSION = '1.004004'; # 1.4.4
394c3a46 9
10sub VERSION {
11 for ($_[1]) {
12 last unless defined && !ref && int != 1;
13 die "Major version specified as $_ - this is strictures version 1";
14 }
0925b84b 15 # disable this since Foo->VERSION(undef) correctly returns the version
16 # and that can happen either if our caller passes undef explicitly or
17 # because the for above autovivified $_[1] - I could make it stop but
18 # it's pointless since we don't want to blow up if the caller does
19 # something valid either.
20 no warnings 'uninitialized';
394c3a46 21 shift->SUPER::VERSION(@_);
a91e95ab 24our $extra_load_states;
ffedb166 25
d7e82ccb 26our $Smells_Like_VCS = (-e '.git' || -e '.svn'
27 || (-e '../../dist.ini' && (-e '../../.git' || -e '../../.svn')));
12b8f19b 28
394c3a46 29sub import {
30 strict->import;
31 warnings->import(FATAL => 'all');
084caaf3 32
653f4377 33 my $extra_tests = do {
394c3a46 34 if (exists $ENV{PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA}) {
084caaf3 35 if (_PERL_LT_5_8_4 and $ENV{PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA}) {
0f96deac 36 die 'PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA checks are not available on perls older than 5.8.4: '
084caaf3 37 . "please unset \$ENV{PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA}\n";
38 }
40 } elsif (! _PERL_LT_5_8_4) {
5ab06a4d 41 !!((caller)[1] =~ /^(?:t|xt|lib|blib)/
12b8f19b 42 and $Smells_Like_VCS)
394c3a46 43 }
44 };
653f4377 45 if ($extra_tests) {
4f219885 46 $extra_load_states ||= do {
48 my (%rv, @failed);
488f2966 49 foreach my $mod (qw(indirect multidimensional bareword::filehandles)) {
4f219885 50 eval "require $mod; \$rv{'$mod'} = 1;" or do {
51 push @failed, $mod;
53 # courtesy of the 5.8 require bug
488f2966 54 # (we do a copy because 5.16.2 at least uses the same read-only
55 # scalars for the qw() list and it doesn't seem worth a $^V check)
57 (my $file = $mod) =~ s|::|/|g;
58 delete $INC{"${file}.pm"};
4f219885 59 };
60 }
62 if (@failed) {
63 my $failed = join ' ', @failed;
64 print STDERR <<EOE;
ffedb166 65strictures.pm extra testing active but couldn't load all modules. Missing were:
67 $failed
0925b84b 69Extra testing is auto-enabled in checkouts only, so if you're the author
624cf8bb 70of a strictures-using module you need to run:
653f4377 71
72 cpan indirect multidimensional bareword::filehandles
74but these modules are not required by your users.
084caaf3 75EOE
4f219885 76 }
78 \%rv;
79 };
81 indirect->unimport(':fatal') if $extra_load_states->{indirect};
82 multidimensional->unimport if $extra_load_states->{multidimensional};
83 bareword::filehandles->unimport if $extra_load_states->{'bareword::filehandles'};
394c3a46 84 }
90=head1 NAME
92strictures - turn on strict and make all warnings fatal
94=head1 SYNOPSIS
96 use strictures 1;
98is equivalent to
100 use strict;
101 use warnings FATAL => 'all';
5ab06a4d 103except when called from a file which matches:
394c3a46 104
5ab06a4d 105 (caller)[1] =~ /^(?:t|xt|lib|blib)/
394c3a46 106
25877bf2 107and when either C<.git> or C<.svn> is present in the current directory (with
d8c1c6b2 108the intention of only forcing extra tests on the author side) -- or when C<.git>
25877bf2 109or C<.svn> is present two directories up along with C<dist.ini> (which would
d8c1c6b2 110indicate we are in a C<dzil test> operation, via L<Dist::Zilla>) --
25877bf2 111or when the C<PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA> environment variable is set, in which case
394c3a46 112
113 use strictures 1;
115is equivalent to
117 use strict;
118 use warnings FATAL => 'all';
119 no indirect 'fatal';
653f4377 120 no multidimensional;
121 no bareword::filehandles;
394c3a46 122
25877bf2 123Note that C<PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA> may at some point add even more tests, with only a minor
124version increase, but any changes to the effect of C<use strictures> in
394c3a46 125normal mode will involve a major version bump.
0eb0d037 127If any of the extra testing modules are not present, L<strictures> will
25877bf2 128complain loudly, once, via C<warn()>, and then shut up. But you really
ffedb166 129should consider installing them, they're all great anti-footgun tools.
17b03f2e 130
394c3a46 131=head1 DESCRIPTION
133I've been writing the equivalent of this module at the top of my code for
134about a year now. I figured it was time to make it shorter.
25877bf2 136Things like the importer in C<use Moose> don't help me because they turn
d8c1c6b2 137warnings on but don't make them fatal -- which from my point of view is
2288278f 138useless because I want an exception to tell me my code isn't warnings-clean.
394c3a46 139
140Any time I see a warning from my code, that indicates a mistake.
d8c1c6b2 142Any time my code encounters a mistake, I want a crash -- not spew to STDERR
394c3a46 143and then unknown (and probably undesired) subsequent behaviour.
145I also want to ensure that obvious coding mistakes, like indirect object
146syntax (and not so obvious mistakes that cause things to accidentally compile
147as such) get caught, but not at the cost of an XS dependency and not at the
148cost of blowing things up on another machine.
0eb0d037 150Therefore, L<strictures> turns on additional checking, but only when it thinks
2288278f 151it's running in a test file in a VCS checkout -- although if this causes
93ae637e 152undesired behaviour this can be overridden by setting the
25877bf2 153C<PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA> environment variable.
394c3a46 154
155If additional useful author side checks come to mind, I'll add them to the
2288278f 156C<PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA> code path only -- this will result in a minor version increase (e.g.
394c3a46 1571.000000 to 1.001000 (1.1.0) or similar). Any fixes only to the mechanism of
2288278f 158this code will result in a sub-version increase (e.g. 1.000000 to 1.000001
394c3a46 159(1.0.1)).
25877bf2 161If the behaviour of C<use strictures> in normal mode changes in any way, that
d8c1c6b2 162will constitute a major version increase -- and the code already checks
394c3a46 163when its version is tested to ensure that
165 use strictures 1;
167will continue to only introduce the current set of strictures even if 2.0 is
eae006ee 169
170=head1 METHODS
172=head2 import
174This method does the setup work described above in L</DESCRIPTION>
176=head2 VERSION
25877bf2 178This method traps the C<< strictures->VERSION(1) >> call produced by a use line
eae006ee 179with a version number on it and does the version check.
f9df7e2e 181=head1 EXTRA TESTING RATIONALE
25877bf2 183Every so often, somebody complains that they're deploying via C<git pull>
d8c1c6b2 184and that they don't want L<strictures> to enable itself in this case -- and that
f9df7e2e 185setting C<PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA> to 0 isn't acceptable (additional ways to
186disable extra testing would be welcome but the discussion never seems to get
187that far).
189In order to allow us to skip a couple of stages and get straight to a
190productive conversation, here's my current rationale for turning the
191extra testing on via a heuristic:
193The extra testing is all stuff that only ever blows up at compile time;
2288278f 194this is intentional. So the oft-raised concern that it's different code being
d8c1c6b2 195tested is only sort of the case -- none of the modules involved affect the
f9df7e2e 196final optree to my knowledge, so the author gets some additional compile
197time crashes which he/she then fixes, and the rest of the testing is
198completely valid for all environments.
d8c1c6b2 200The point of the extra testing -- especially C<no indirect> -- is to catch
f9df7e2e 201mistakes that newbie users won't even realise are mistakes without
202help. For example,
204 foo { ... };
d8c1c6b2 206where foo is an & prototyped sub that you forgot to import -- this is
9a363fed 207pernicious to track down since all I<seems> fine until it gets called
f9df7e2e 208and you get a crash. Worse still, you can fail to have imported it due
209to a circular require, at which point you have a load order dependent
9a363fed 210bug which I've seen before now I<only> show up in production due to tiny
f9df7e2e 211differences between the production and the development environment. I wrote
212L<http://shadow.cat/blog/matt-s-trout/indirect-but-still-fatal/> to explain
213this particular problem before L<strictures> itself existed.
2288278f 215As such, in my experience so far L<strictures>' extra testing has
9a363fed 216I<avoided> production versus development differences, not caused them.
f9df7e2e 217
0eb0d037 218Additionally, L<strictures>' policy is very much "try and provide as much
d8c1c6b2 219protection as possible for newbies -- who won't think about whether there's
220an option to turn on or not" -- so having only the environment variable
f9df7e2e 221is not sufficient to achieve that (I get to explain that you need to add
d8c1c6b2 222C<use strict> at least once a week on freenode #perl -- newbies sometimes
f9df7e2e 223completely skip steps because they don't understand that that step
224is important).
d8c1c6b2 226I make no claims that the heuristic is perfect -- it's already been evolved
f9df7e2e 227significantly over time, especially for 1.004 where we changed things to
0eb0d037 228ensure it only fires on files in your checkout (rather than L<strictures>-using
f9df7e2e 229modules you happened to have installed, which was just silly). However, I
230hope the above clarifies why a heuristic approach is not only necessary but
2288278f 231desirable from a point of view of providing new users with as much safety as possible,
f9df7e2e 232and will allow any future discussion on the subject to focus on "how do we
233minimise annoyance to people deploying from checkouts intentionally".
eae006ee 235=head1 COMMUNITY AND SUPPORT
237=head2 IRC channel
239irc.perl.org #toolchain
241(or bug 'mst' in query on there or freenode)
243=head2 Git repository
245Gitweb is on http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/ and the clone URL is:
247 git clone git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/p5sagit/strictures.git
91be28bc 249The web interface to the repository is at:
251 http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=p5sagit/strictures.git
eae006ee 253=head1 AUTHOR
d81f898d 255mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <mst@shadowcat.co.uk>
eae006ee 256
259None required yet. Maybe this module is perfect (hahahahaha ...).
261=head1 COPYRIGHT
263Copyright (c) 2010 the strictures L</AUTHOR> and L</CONTRIBUTORS>
264as listed above.
266=head1 LICENSE
268This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms
269as perl itself.