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[gitmo/Moose.git] / lib / Moose / Cookbook / Recipe4.pod
471c4f09 1
4=head1 NAME
3824830b 6Moose::Cookbook::Recipe4 - Subtypes, and modeling a simple B<Company> class hierarchy
471c4f09 7
8=head1 SYNOPSIS
10 package Address;
471c4f09 11 use Moose;
05d9eaf6 12 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
471c4f09 13
14 use Locale::US;
15 use Regexp::Common 'zip';
17 my $STATES = Locale::US->new;
19 subtype USState
20 => as Str
21 => where {
172e0738 22 (exists $STATES->{code2state}{uc($_)} ||
23 exists $STATES->{state2code}{uc($_)})
471c4f09 24 };
26 subtype USZipCode
27 => as Value
28 => where {
29 /^$RE{zip}{US}{-extended => 'allow'}$/
30 };
32 has 'street' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
33 has 'city' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
34 has 'state' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'USState');
35 has 'zip_code' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'USZipCode');
f1917f58 36
37 package Company;
38 use Moose;
39 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
41 has 'name' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
42 has 'address' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Address');
43 has 'employees' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Employee]');
45 sub BUILD {
46 my ($self, $params) = @_;
47 if ($params->{employees}) {
48 foreach my $employee (@{$params->{employees}}) {
49 $employee->company($self);
50 }
51 }
52 }
54 after 'employees' => sub {
55 my ($self, $employees) = @_;
56 if (defined $employees) {
57 foreach my $employee (@{$employees}) {
58 $employee->company($self);
59 }
60 }
61 };
471c4f09 63 package Person;
471c4f09 64 use Moose;
7c6cacb4 66 has 'first_name' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
67 has 'last_name' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
172e0738 68 has 'middle_initial' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str',
69 predicate => 'has_middle_initial');
471c4f09 70 has 'address' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Address');
72 sub full_name {
73 my $self = shift;
74 return $self->first_name .
172e0738 75 ($self->has_middle_initial ?
76 ' ' . $self->middle_initial . '. '
77 :
78 ' ') .
471c4f09 79 $self->last_name;
80 }
82 package Employee;
471c4f09 83 use Moose;
85 extends 'Person';
7c6cacb4 87 has 'title' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
471c4f09 88 has 'company' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Company', weak_ref => 1);
90 override 'full_name' => sub {
91 my $self = shift;
92 super() . ', ' . $self->title
93 };
2f04a0fc 94
471c4f09 95=head1 DESCRIPTION
172e0738 97In this recipe we introduce the C<subtype> keyword, and show
2f04a0fc 98how it can be useful for specifying type constraints
99without building an entire class to represent them. We
172e0738 100will also show how this feature can be used to leverage the
2f04a0fc 101usefulness of CPAN modules. In addition to this, we will
e08c54f5 102introduce another attribute option.
172e0738 103
2f04a0fc 104Let's first look at the C<subtype> feature. In the B<Address> class we have
105defined two subtypes. The first C<subtype> uses the L<Locale::US> module, which
106provides two hashes which can be used to perform existential checks for state
107names and their two letter state codes. It is a very simple and very useful
108module, and perfect for use in a C<subtype> constraint.
172e0738 109
110 my $STATES = Locale::US->new;
111 subtype USState
112 => as Str
113 => where {
114 (exists $STATES->{code2state}{uc($_)} ||
115 exists $STATES->{state2code}{uc($_)})
116 };
118Because we know that states will be passed to us as strings, we
119can make C<USState> a subtype of the built-in type constraint
2f04a0fc 120C<Str>. This will ensure that anything which is a C<USState> will
172e0738 121also pass as a C<Str>. Next, we create a constraint specializer
122using the C<where> keyword. The value being checked against in
123the C<where> clause can be found in the C<$_> variable (1). Our
2f04a0fc 124constraint specializer will then check whether the given string
172e0738 125is either a state name or a state code. If the string meets this
126criteria, then the constraint will pass, otherwise it will fail.
127We can now use this as we would any built-in constraint, like so:
129 has 'state' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'USState');
131The C<state> accessor will now check all values against the
132C<USState> constraint, thereby only allowing valid state names or
133state codes to be stored in the C<state> slot.
2f04a0fc 135The next C<subtype> does pretty much the same thing using the L<Regexp::Common>
136module, and is used as the constraint for the C<zip_code> slot.
172e0738 137
138 subtype USZipCode
139 => as Value
140 => where {
141 /^$RE{zip}{US}{-extended => 'allow'}$/
142 };
2f04a0fc 144Using subtypes can save a lot of unnecessary abstraction by not requiring you to
145create many small classes for these relatively simple values. They also allow
146you to reuse the same constraints in a number of classes (thereby avoiding
147duplication), since all type constraints are stored in a global registry and
148always accessible to C<has>.
172e0738 149
f1917f58 150With these two subtypes and some attributes, we have defined
151as much as we need for a basic B<Address> class. Next, we define
152a basic B<Company> class, which itself has an address. As we saw in
153earlier recipes, we can use the C<Address> type constraint that
2f04a0fc 154Moose automatically created for us:
172e0738 155
156 has 'address' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Address');
2f04a0fc 158A company also needs a name, so we define that as well:
172e0738 159
160 has 'name' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
f1917f58 162Here we introduce another attribute option, the C<required> option.
163This option tells Moose that C<name> is a required parameter in
164the B<Company> constructor, and that the C<name> accessor cannot
165accept an undefined value for the slot. The result is that C<name>
166will always have a value.
e08c54f5 168The next attribute option is not actually new, but a new variant
2f04a0fc 169of options we have already introduced:
ad5ed80c 170
07cde929 171 has 'employees' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Employee]');
f1917f58 173Here, we are passing a more complex string to the C<isa> option, we
174are passing a container type constraint. Container type constraints
175can either be C<ArrayRef> or C<HashRef> with a contained type given
176inside the square brackets. This basically checks that all the values
177in the ARRAY ref are instances of the B<Employee> class.
ad5ed80c 178
f1917f58 179This will ensure that our employees will all be of the correct type. However,
180the B<Employee> object (which we will see in a moment) also maintains a
2f04a0fc 181reference to its associated B<Company>. In order to maintain this relationship
182(and preserve the referential integrity of our objects), we need to perform some
183processing of the employees over and above that of the type constraint check.
184This is accomplished in two places. First we need to be sure that any employees
185array passed to the constructor is properly initialized. For this we can use the
186C<BUILD> method (2):
ad5ed80c 187
188 sub BUILD {
189 my ($self, $params) = @_;
190 if ($params->{employees}) {
191 foreach my $employee (@{$params->{employees}}) {
192 $employee->company($self);
193 }
194 }
195 }
2f04a0fc 197The C<BUILD> method will be executed after the initial type constraint
198check, so we can simply perform a basic existential check on the C<employees>
ad5ed80c 199param here, and assume that if it does exist, it is both an ARRAY ref
2f04a0fc 200and contains I<only> instances of B<Employee>.
ad5ed80c 201
2f04a0fc 202The next aspect we need to address is the C<employees> read/write
ad5ed80c 203accessor (see the C<employees> attribute declaration above). This
2f04a0fc 204accessor will correctly check the type constraint, but we need to extend it
205with some additional processing. For this we use an C<after> method modifier,
ad5ed80c 206like so:
208 after 'employees' => sub {
209 my ($self, $employees) = @_;
210 if (defined $employees) {
211 foreach my $employee (@{$employees}) {
212 $employee->company($self);
213 }
214 }
215 };
217Again, as with the C<BUILD> method, we know that the type constraint
218check has already happened, so we can just check for defined-ness on the
219C<$employees> argument.
f1917f58 221At this point, our B<Company> class is complete. Next comes our B<Person>
222class and its subclass, the previously mentioned B<Employee> class.
224The B<Person> class should be obvious to you at this point. It has a few
225C<required> attributes, and the C<middle_initial> slot has an additional
226C<predicate> method (which we saw in the previous recipe with the
227B<BinaryTree> class).
229Next, the B<Employee> class, which should also be pretty obvious at this
230point. It requires a C<title>, and maintains a weakened reference to a
231B<Company> instance. The only new item, which we have seen before in
232examples, but never in the recipe itself, is the C<override> method
235 override 'full_name' => sub {
236 my $self = shift;
237 super() . ', ' . $self->title
238 };
240This just tells Moose that I am intentionally overriding the superclass
241C<full_name> method here, and adding the value of the C<title> slot at
242the end of the employee's full name.
ad5ed80c 243
e08c54f5 244And that's about it.
ad5ed80c 245
246Once again, as with all the other recipes, you can go about using
247these classes like any other Perl 5 class. A more detailed example of
aa670b9c 248usage can be found in F<t/000_recipes/004_recipe.t>.
ad5ed80c 249
250=head1 CONCLUSION
252This recipe was intentionally longer and more complex to illustrate both
253how easily Moose classes can interact (using class type constraints, etc.)
2f04a0fc 254and the sheer density of information and behaviors which Moose can pack
ad5ed80c 255into a relatively small amount of typing. Ponder for a moment how much
256more code a non-Moose plain old Perl 5 version of this recipe would have
2f04a0fc 257been (including all the type constraint checks, weak references, and so on).
ad5ed80c 258
259And of course, this recipe also introduced the C<subtype> keyword, and
e08c54f5 260its usefulness within the Moose toolkit. In the next recipe we will
ad5ed80c 261focus more on subtypes, and introduce the idea of type coercion as well.
e08c54f5 262
172e0738 263=head1 FOOTNOTES
265=over 4
267=item (1)
269The value being checked is also passed as the first argument to
270the C<where> block as well, so it can also be accessed as C<$_[0]>
271as well.
ad5ed80c 273=item (2)
275The C<BUILD> method is called by C<Moose::Object::BUILDALL>, which is
276called by C<Moose::Object::new>. C<BUILDALL> will climb the object
4711f5f7 277inheritance graph and call the appropriate C<BUILD> methods in the
ad5ed80c 278correct order.
172e0738 280=back
471c4f09 282=head1 AUTHOR
284Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
778db3ac 288Copyright 2006-2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
471c4f09 289
292This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
293it under the same terms as Perl itself.
e08c54f5 295=cut