fix docs for MMA->new (RT78202)
[gitmo/Moose.git] / lib / Moose / Cookbook / Meta / Table_MetaclassTrait.pod
826230c2 1package Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Table_MetaclassTrait;
c5b9daec 2
6d84892d 3# ABSTRACT: Adding a "table" attribute as a metaclass trait
daa0fd7d 4
c5b9daec 6
c5b9daec 7
daa0fd7d 8=pod
c5b9daec 9
1910e831 10=begin testing-SETUP
13 package MyApp::Meta::Class::Trait::HasTable;
14 use Moose::Role;
3869d8c5 15 Moose::Util::meta_class_alias('HasTable');
1910e831 16
17 has table => (
18 is => 'rw',
19 isa => 'Str',
20 );
23=end testing-SETUP
c5b9daec 25=head1 SYNOPSIS
1910e831 27 # in lib/MyApp/Meta/Class/Trait/
c5b9daec 28 package MyApp::Meta::Class::Trait::HasTable;
29 use Moose::Role;
9b24290a 30 Moose::Util::meta_class_alias('HasTable');
c5b9daec 31
6a7e3999 32 has table => (
33 is => 'rw',
34 isa => 'Str',
35 );
c5b9daec 36
1910e831 37 # in lib/MyApp/
c5b9daec 38 package MyApp::User;
39 use Moose -traits => 'HasTable';
fe015af9 41 __PACKAGE__->meta->table('User');
c5b9daec 42
6d84892d 45In this recipe, we'll create a class metaclass trait which has a "table"
46attribute. This trait is for classes associated with a DBMS table, as one
47might do for an ORM.
c5b9daec 48
6d84892d 49In this example, the table name is just a string, but in a real ORM
50the table might be an object describing the table.
c5b9daec 51
6d84892d 52=head1 THE METACLASS TRAIT
c5b9daec 53
6d84892d 54This really is as simple as the recipe L</SYNOPSIS> shows. The trick is
55getting your classes to use this metaclass, and providing some sort of sugar
56for declaring the table. This is covered in
97da20ef 57L<Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Debugging_BaseClassRole>, which shows how to
58make a module like C<> itself, with sugar like C<has_table()>.
c5b9daec 59
6d84892d 60=head2 Using this Metaclass Trait in Practice
c5b9daec 61
6d84892d 62Accessing this new C<table> attribute is quite simple. Given a class
63named C<MyApp::User>, we could simply write the following:
5377c260 64
6d84892d 65 my $table = MyApp::User->meta->table;
67As long as C<MyApp::User> has arranged to apply the
68C<MyApp::Meta::Class::Trait::HasTable> to its metaclass, this method call just
69works. If we want to be more careful, we can check that the class metaclass
70object has a C<table> method:
5377c260 71
72 $table = MyApp::User->meta->table
73 if MyApp::User->meta->can('table');
6d84892d 75In theory, this is not entirely correct, since the metaclass might be getting
76its C<table> method from a I<different> trait. In practice, you are unlikely
77to encounter this sort of problem.
5377c260 78
1910e831 79=head1 RECIPE CAVEAT
81This recipe doesn't work when you paste it all into a single file. This is
82because the C<< use Moose -traits => 'HasTable'; >> line ends up being
83executed before the C<table> attribute is defined.
85When the two packages are separate files, this just works.
c5b9daec 87=head1 SEE ALSO
b1301316 89L<Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Labeled_AttributeTrait> - Labels implemented via
90attribute traits
c5b9daec 91
c5b9daec 92=pod
1910e831 93
94=begin testing
96can_ok( MyApp::User->meta, 'table' );
97is( MyApp::User->meta->table, 'User', 'My::User table is User' );
99=end testing