Fix typo in Extending::Recipe1
[gitmo/Moose.git] / lib / Moose / Cookbook / Meta / Recipe2.pod
1edfdf1c 1
8323a774 4=head1 NAME
43aa5bf9 6Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Recipe2 - A meta-attribute, attributes with labels
8323a774 7
8d8832a4 8=head1 SYNOPSIS
6a7e3999 10 package MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled;
11 use Moose;
12 extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
14 has label => (
15 is => 'rw',
16 isa => 'Str',
17 predicate => 'has_label',
18 );
20 package Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Labeled;
21 sub register_implementation {'MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled'}
23 package MyApp::Website;
24 use Moose;
6a7e3999 25
26 has url => (
27 metaclass => 'Labeled',
28 is => 'rw',
29 isa => 'Str',
30 label => "The site's URL",
31 );
33 has name => (
34 is => 'rw',
35 isa => 'Str',
36 );
38 sub dump {
39 my $self = shift;
c79239a2 41 my $dump = '';
6a7e3999 43 my %attributes = %{ $self->meta->get_attribute_map };
c79239a2 44 for my $name ( sort keys %attributes ) {
45 my $attribute = $attributes{$name};
6a7e3999 46
6a7e3999 47 if ( $attribute->isa('MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled')
48 && $attribute->has_label ) {
c79239a2 49 $dump .= $attribute->label;
6a7e3999 50 }
6a7e3999 51 else {
c79239a2 52 $dump .= $name;
6a7e3999 53 }
6a7e3999 55 my $reader = $attribute->get_read_method;
c79239a2 56 $dump .= ": " . $self->$reader . "\n";
6a7e3999 57 }
c79239a2 58
59 return $dump;
6a7e3999 60 }
62 package main;
c79239a2 63
6a7e3999 64 my $app = MyApp::Website->new( url => "", name => "Google" );
8323a774 65
66=head1 SUMMARY
de4b3855 68In this recipe, we begin to delve into the wonder of meta-programming.
69Some readers may scoff and claim that this is the arena of only the
70most twisted Moose developers. Absolutely not! Any sufficiently
71twisted developer can benefit greatly from going more meta.
8323a774 72
de4b3855 73Our goal is to allow each attribute to have a human-readable "label"
74attached to it. Such labels would be used when showing data to an end
75user. In this recipe we label the C<url> attribute with "The site's
76URL" and create a simple method showing how to use that label.
8323a774 77
de4b3855 78=head1 META-ATTRIBUTE OBJECTS
8323a774 79
de4b3855 80All the attributes of a Moose-based object are actually objects
81themselves. These objects have methods and attributes. Let's look at
82a concrete example.
8323a774 83
6a7e3999 84 has 'x' => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'ro' );
85 has 'y' => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw' );
8323a774 86
de4b3855 87Internally, the metaclass for C<Point> has two
88L<Moose::Meta::Attribute>. There are several methods for getting
89meta-attributes out of a metaclass, one of which is
90C<get_attribute_map>. This method is called on the metaclass object.
8323a774 91
de4b3855 92The C<get_attribute_map> method returns a hash reference that maps
93attribute names to their objects. In our case, C<get_attribute_map>
94might return something that looks like the following:
8323a774 95
6a7e3999 96 {
de4b3855 97 x => $attr_object_for_x,
98 y => $attr_object_for_y,
6a7e3999 99 }
8323a774 100
de4b3855 101You can also get a single L<Moose::Meta::Attribute> with
102C<get_attribute('name')>. Once you have this meta-attribute object,
103you can call methods on it like this:
8323a774 104
6a7e3999 105 print $point->meta->get_attribute('x')->type_constraint;
106 => Int
8323a774 107
de4b3855 108To add a label to our attributes there are two steps. First, we need a
109new attribute metaclass that can store a label for an
19320607 110attribute. Second, we need to create attributes that use that
de4b3855 111attribute metaclass.
8323a774 112
de4b3855 113=head1 RECIPE REVIEW
8323a774 114
de4b3855 115We start by creating a new attribute metaclass.
8323a774 116
6a7e3999 117 package MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled;
118 use Moose;
119 extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
8323a774 120
de4b3855 121We can subclass a Moose metaclass in the same way that we subclass
122anything else.
8323a774 123
6a7e3999 124 has label => (
125 is => 'rw',
126 isa => 'Str',
127 predicate => 'has_label',
128 );
8323a774 129
de4b3855 130Again, this is standard Moose code.
8323a774 131
de4b3855 132Then we need to register our metaclass with Moose:
8323a774 133
6a7e3999 134 package Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Labeled;
135 sub register_implementation { 'MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled' }
8323a774 136
de4b3855 137This is a bit of magic that lets us use a short name, "Labeled", when
19320607 138referring to our new metaclass.
de4b3855 139
140That was the whole attribute metaclass.
8323a774 141
de4b3855 142Now we start using it.
8323a774 143
6a7e3999 144 package MyApp::Website;
145 use Moose;
146 use MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled;
8323a774 147
de4b3855 148We have to load the metaclass to use it, just like any Perl class.
150Finally, we use it for an attribute:
8323a774 151
6a7e3999 152 has url => (
153 metaclass => 'Labeled',
154 is => 'rw',
155 isa => 'Str',
156 label => "The site's URL",
157 );
8323a774 158
19320607 159This looks like a normal attribute declaration, except for two things,
de4b3855 160the C<metaclass> and C<label> parameters. The C<metaclass> parameter
161tells Moose we want to use a custom metaclass for this (one)
162attribute. The C<label> parameter will be stored in the meta-attribute
165The reason that we can pass the name C<Labeled>, instead of
166C<MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled>, is because of the
167C<register_implementation> code we touched on previously.
169When you pass a metaclass to C<has>, it will take the name you provide
170and prefix it with C<Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::>. Then it calls
171C<register_implementation> in the package. In this case, that means
172Moose ends up calling
175If this function exists, it should return the I<real> metaclass
176package name. This is exactly what our code does, returning
177C<MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled>. This is a little convoluted, and
178if you don't like it, you can always use the fully-qualified name.
180We can access this meta-attribute and its label like this:
94acbcd7 181
6a7e3999 182 $website->meta->get_attribute('url')->label()
94acbcd7 183
de4b3855 184 MyApp::Website->meta->get_attribute('url')->label()
186We also have a regular attribute, C<name>:
8323a774 187
6a7e3999 188 has name => (
189 is => 'rw',
190 isa => 'Str',
191 );
8323a774 192
de4b3855 193This is a regular Moose attribute, because we have not specified a new
8323a774 195
de4b3855 196Finally, we have a C<dump> method, which creates a human-readable
197representation of a C<MyApp::Website> object. It will use an
198attribute's label if it has one.
8323a774 199
6a7e3999 200 sub dump {
201 my $self = shift;
8323a774 202
c79239a2 203 my $dump = '';
6a7e3999 205 my %attributes = %{ $self->meta->get_attribute_map };
c79239a2 206 for my $name ( sort keys %attributes ) {
207 my $attribute = $attributes{$name};
8323a774 208
6a7e3999 209 if ( $attribute->isa('MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Labeled')
210 && $attribute->has_label ) {
c79239a2 211 $dump .= $attribute->label;
6a7e3999 212 }
8323a774 213
de4b3855 214This is a bit of defensive code. We cannot depend on every
215meta-attribute having a label. Even if we define one for every
216attribute in our class, a subclass may neglect to do so. Or a
217superclass could add an attribute without a label.
fe2d5aba 218
de4b3855 219We also check that the attribute has a label using the predicate we
220defined. We could instead make the label C<required>. If we have a
c79239a2 221label, we use it, otherwise we use the attribute name:
8323a774 222
6a7e3999 223 else {
c79239a2 224 $dump .= $name;
6a7e3999 225 }
8323a774 226
6a7e3999 227 my $reader = $attribute->get_read_method;
c79239a2 228 $dump .= ": " . $self->$reader . "\n";
6a7e3999 229 }
c79239a2 230
231 return $dump;
6a7e3999 232 }
8323a774 233
de4b3855 234The C<get_read_method> is part of the L<Moose::Meta::Attribute>
235API. It returns the name of a method that can read the attribute's
236value, I<when called on the real object> (don't call this on the
8323a774 238
239=head1 CONCLUSION
de4b3855 241You might wonder why you'd bother with all this. You could just
242hardcode "The Site's URL" in the C<dump> method. But we want to avoid
243repetition. If you need the label once, you may need it elsewhere,
244maybe in the C<as_form> method you write next.
246Associating a label with an attribute just makes sense! The label is a
247piece of information I<about> the attribute.
8323a774 248
de4b3855 249It's also important to realize that this was a trivial example. You
250can make much more powerful metaclasses that I<do> things, as opposed
251to just storing some more information. For example, you could
252implement a metaclass that expires attributes after a certain amount
253of time:
8323a774 254
6a7e3999 255 has site_cache => (
256 metaclass => 'TimedExpiry',
257 expires_after => { hours => 1 },
de4b3855 258 refresh_with => sub { get( $_[0]->url ) },
6a7e3999 259 isa => 'Str',
260 is => 'ro',
261 );
8323a774 262
263The sky's the limit!
265=head1 AUTHOR
267Shawn M Moore E<lt>sartak@gmail.comE<gt>
de4b3855 269Dave Rolsky E<lt><gt>
8323a774 271=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
2840a3b2 273Copyright 2006-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
8323a774 274
277This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
278it under the same terms as Perl itself.
c79239a2 280=begin testing
282my $app = MyApp::Website->new( url => "", name => "Google" );
284 $app->dump, q{name: Google
285The site's URL:
286}, '... got the expected dump value'
289=end testing
8323a774 291=cut