Another pass at the FAQ for legibility
[gitmo/Moose.git] / lib / Moose / Cookbook / FAQ.pod
e67a0fca 1
4=head1 NAME
4711f5f7 6Moose::Cookbook::FAQ - Frequently asked questions about Moose
e67a0fca 7
2a0f3bd3 10=head2 Module Stability
12=head3 Is Moose "production ready"?
2222bdc4 14Yes! Many sites with household names are using Moose to build
15high-traffic services. Countless others are using Moose in
734d1752 17
2222bdc4 18As of this writing, Moose is a dependency of several hundred CPAN
19modules. L<>
2a0f3bd3 20
21=head3 Is Moose's API stable?
c698114d 23Yes. The sugary API, the one 95% of users will interact with, is
24B<very stable>. Any changes will be B<100% backwards compatible>.
26The meta API is less set in stone. We reserve the right to tweak
27parts of it to improve efficiency or consistency. This will not be
28done lightly. We do perform deprecation cycles. We I<really>
29do not like making ourselves look bad by breaking your code.
30Submitting test cases is the best way to ensure that your code is not
31inadvertantly broken by refactoring.
2a0f3bd3 32
734d1752 33=head3 I heard Moose is slow, is this true?
2a0f3bd3 34
35Again, this one is tricky, so Yes I<and> No.
c32ff715 37Firstly, I<nothing> in life is free, and some Moose features
38do cost more than others. It is also the policy of Moose to
39B<only charge you for the features you use>, and to do our
40absolute best to not place any extra burdens on the execution
41of your code for features you are not using. Of course using
42Moose itself does involve some overhead, but it is mostly
43compile time. At this point we do have some options available
44for getting the speed you need.
46Currently we provide the option of making your classes immutable
d03bd989 47as a means of boosting speed. This will mean a slightly larger compile
734d1752 48time cost, but the runtime speed increase (especially in object
c32ff715 49construction) is pretty significant.
51We are regularly converting the hotspots of L<Class::MOP> to XS.
52Florian Ragwitz and Yuval Kogman are currently working on a way
53to compile your accessors and instances directly into C, so that
54everyone can enjoy blazing fast OO.
2a0f3bd3 55
807f6b7c 56=head3 When will Moose 1.0 be ready?
2a0f3bd3 57
37a9448b 58Moose is ready now! Stevan Little declared 0.18, released in March 2007,
afc402d9 59to be "ready to use".
2a0f3bd3 60
e67a0fca 61=head2 Constructors
63=head3 How do I write custom constructors with Moose?
65Ideally, you should never write your own C<new> method, and should
66use Moose's other features to handle your specific object construction
67needs. Here are a few scenarios, and the Moose way to solve them;
d03bd989 69If you need to call initialization code post instance construction,
70then use the C<BUILD> method. This feature is taken directly from
71Perl 6. Every C<BUILD> method in your inheritance chain is called
72(in the correct order) immediately after the instance is constructed.
73This allows you to ensure that all your superclasses are initialized
e67a0fca 74properly as well. This is the best approach to take (when possible)
dab94063 75because it makes subclassing your class much easier.
e67a0fca 76
d03bd989 77If you need to affect the constructor's parameters prior to the
e67a0fca 78instance actually being constructed, you have a number of options.
ce21ecc5 80To change the parameter processing as a whole, you can use
81the C<BUILDARGS> method. The default implementation accepts key/value
82pairs or a hash reference. You can override it to take positional args,
83or any other format
85To change the handling of individual parameters, there are I<coercions>
5cfe3805 86(See the L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe5> for a complete example and
a8de15f8 87explanation of coercions). With coercions it is possible to morph
ce21ecc5 88argument values into the correct expected types. This approach is the
89most flexible and robust, but does have a slightly higher learning
e67a0fca 91
d03bd989 92=head3 How do I make non-Moose constructors work with Moose?
e67a0fca 93
6c17df8f 94Usually the correct approach to subclassing a non-Moose class is
e760b278 95delegation. Moose makes this easy using the C<handles> keyword,
96coercions, and C<lazy_build>, so subclassing is often not the
97ideal route.
00157674 99That said, the default Moose constructor is inherited from
e760b278 100L<Moose::Object>. When inheriting from a non-Moose class, the
101inheritance chain to L<Moose::Object> is broken. The simplest way
102to fix this is to simply explicitly inherit from L<Moose::Object>
105However, this does not always fix the issue of actually calling the Moose
3f4a85d3 106constructor. Fortunately, the modules L<MooseX::NonMoose> and
107L<MooseX::Alien> aim to make subclassing non-Moose classes easier.
109If neither extension fills your specific needs, you can use
110L<Class::MOP::Class/new_object>. This low-level constructor accepts the
111special C<__INSTANCE__> parameter, allowing you to instantiate your Moose
e67a0fca 113
114 package My::HTML::Template;
115 use Moose;
d03bd989 116
117 # explicit inheritance
e67a0fca 118 extends 'HTML::Template', 'Moose::Object';
d03bd989 119
e67a0fca 120 # explicit constructor
121 sub new {
122 my $class = shift;
123 # call HTML::Template's constructor
124 my $obj = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
125 return $class->meta->new_object(
126 # pass in the constructed object
127 # using the special key __INSTANCE__
e760b278 128 __INSTANCE__ => $obj,
129 @_, # pass in the normal args
e67a0fca 130 );
131 }
d03bd989 133Of course, this only works if both your Moose class and the
134inherited non-Moose class use the same instance type (typically
e760b278 135HASH refs).
137Note that this doesn't call C<BUILDALL> automatically, you must do that
e67a0fca 139
d03bd989 140Other techniques can be used as well, such as creating the object
141using C<Moose::Object::new>, but calling the inherited non-Moose
142class's initialization methods (if available).
e67a0fca 143
3f4a85d3 144In short, there are several ways to extend non-Moose classes. It is
145best to evaluate each case based on the class you wish to extend,
146and the features you wish to employ. As always, both IRC and the
147mailing list are great ways to get help finding the best approach.
e67a0fca 148
149=head2 Accessors
151=head3 How do I tell Moose to use get/set accessors?
d03bd989 153The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the C<reader> and
6c17df8f 154C<writer> attribute options:
e67a0fca 155
156 has 'bar' => (
157 isa => 'Baz',
d03bd989 158 reader => 'get_bar',
e67a0fca 159 writer => 'set_bar',
160 );
d03bd989 162Moose will still take advantage of type constraints, triggers, etc.
163when creating these methods.
e67a0fca 164
1a835594 165If you do not like this much typing, and wish it to be a default for your
6c17df8f 166classes, please see L<MooseX::FollowPBP>. This extension will allow you to
e67a0fca 168
169 has 'bar' => (
170 isa => 'Baz',
171 is => 'rw',
172 );
6c17df8f 174Moose will create separate C<get_bar> and C<set_bar> methods
807f6b7c 175instead of a single C<bar> method.
e67a0fca 176
d03bd989 177NOTE: This B<cannot> be set globally in Moose, as that would break
6c17df8f 178other classes which are built with Moose. You can still save on typing
179by defining a new L<MyApp::Moose> that exports Moose's sugar and then
180turns on L<MooseX::FollowPBP>. See L<Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe4>.
e67a0fca 181
6c17df8f 182=head3 How can I inflate/deflate values in accessors?
e67a0fca 183
d03bd989 184Well, the first question to ask is if you actually need both inflate
e67a0fca 185and deflate.
8b870d0e 187If you only need to inflate, then we suggest using coercions. Here is
807f6b7c 188some basic sample code for inflating a L<DateTime> object:
e67a0fca 189
6c17df8f 190 class_type 'DateTime';
d03bd989 191
e67a0fca 192 coerce 'DateTime'
193 => from 'Str'
194 => via { DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_datetime($_) };
d03bd989 195
e67a0fca 196 has 'timestamp' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'DateTime', coerce => 1);
6c17df8f 198This creates a custom type for L<DateTime> objects, then attaches
199a coercion to that type. The C<timestamp> attribute is then told
807f6b7c 200to expect a C<DateTime> type, and to try to coerce it. When a C<Str>
d03bd989 201type is given to the C<timestamp> accessor, it will attempt to
202coerce the value into a C<DateTime> object using the code in found
203in the C<via> block.
e67a0fca 204
807f6b7c 205For a more comprehensive example of using coercions, see the
5cfe3805 206L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe5>.
e67a0fca 207
6c17df8f 208If you need to deflate your attribute's value, the current best practice
209is to add an C<around> modifier to your accessor:
e67a0fca 210
d03bd989 211 # a timestamp which stores as
e67a0fca 212 # seconds from the epoch
213 has 'timestamp' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');
d03bd989 214
e67a0fca 215 around 'timestamp' => sub {
216 my $next = shift;
217 my ($self, $timestamp) = @_;
218 # assume we get a DateTime object ...
219 $next->($self, $timestamp->epoch);
220 };
d03bd989 222It is also possible to do deflation using coercion, but this tends
223to get quite complex and require many subtypes. An example of this
224is outside the scope of this document, ask on #moose or send a mail
e67a0fca 225to the list.
d03bd989 227Still another option is to write a custom attribute metaclass, which
8b870d0e 228is also outside the scope of this document, but we would be happy to
e67a0fca 229explain it on #moose or the mailing list.
4711f5f7 231=head2 Method Modifiers
e67a0fca 232
233=head3 How can I affect the values in C<@_> using C<before>?
d03bd989 235You can't, actually: C<before> only runs before the main method,
e30e57c6 236and it cannot easily affect the method's execution.
238You similarly can't use C<after> to affect the return value of a
241We limit C<before> and C<after> because this lets you write more
242concise code. You do not have to worry about passing C<@_> to the
6c17df8f 243original method, or forwarding its return value (being careful to
244preserve context).
e30e57c6 245
6c17df8f 246The C<around> method modifier has neither of these limitations, but
247is a little more verbose.
e67a0fca 248
249=head3 Can I use C<before> to stop execution of a method?
d03bd989 251Yes, but only if you throw an exception. If this is too drastic a
8b870d0e 252measure then we suggest using C<around> instead. The C<around> method
d03bd989 253modifier is the only modifier which can gracefully prevent execution
e67a0fca 254of the main method. Here is an example:
6c17df8f 256 around 'baz' => sub {
257 my $next = shift;
258 my ($self, %options) = @_;
259 unless ($options->{bar} eq 'foo') {
260 return 'bar';
261 }
262 $next->($self, %options);
263 };
e67a0fca 264
d03bd989 265By choosing not to call the C<$next> method, you can stop the
e67a0fca 266execution of the main method.
268=head2 Type Constraints
6c17df8f 270=head3 How can I provide a custom error message for a type constraint?
e67a0fca 271
6c17df8f 272Use the C<message> option when building the subtype:
e67a0fca 273
d03bd989 274 subtype 'NaturalLessThanTen'
e67a0fca 275 => as 'Natural'
276 => where { $_ < 10 }
277 => message { "This number ($_) is not less than ten!" };
6c17df8f 279This C<message> block will be called when a value fails to pass the
280C<NaturalLessThanTen> constraint check.
e67a0fca 281
807f6b7c 282=head3 Can I turn off type constraint checking?
734d1752 283
6c17df8f 284Not yet. This option will likely come in a future release.
734d1752 285
b36c8076 286=head2 Roles
288=head3 How do I get Moose to call BUILD in all my composed roles?
6c17df8f 290See L<Moose::Cookbook::WTF> and specifically the
291B<Why is BUILD not called for my composed roles?> question in the
292B<Roles> section.
b36c8076 293
dab94063 294=head3 What are Traits, and how are they different from Roles?
a8de15f8 295
457ad5fc 296In Moose, a trait is almost exactly the same thing as a role, except
297that traits typically register themselves, which allows you to refer
298to them by a short name ("Big" vs "MyApp::Role::Big").
300In Moose-speak, a I<Role> is usually composed into a I<class> at
301compile time, whereas a I<Trait> is usually composed into an instance
6c17df8f 302of a class at runtime to add or modify the behavior of
303B<just that instance>.
a8de15f8 304
305Outside the context of Moose, traits and roles generally mean exactly the
306same thing. The original paper called them Traits, however Perl 6 will call
307them Roles.
e67a0fca 309=head1 AUTHOR
311Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
2840a3b2 315Copyright 2006-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
e67a0fca 316
319This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
320it under the same terms as Perl itself.
e760b278 322=cut