fix typo
[gitmo/Moose.git] / lib / Moose / Cookbook / Basics / Recipe3.pod
471c4f09 1
4=head1 NAME
021b8139 6Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe3 - A lazy B<BinaryTree> example
471c4f09 7
8=head1 SYNOPSIS
10 package BinaryTree;
471c4f09 11 use Moose;
c765b254 12
13 has 'node' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Any' );
471c4f09 15 has 'parent' => (
8597d950 16 is => 'rw',
c765b254 17 isa => 'BinaryTree',
471c4f09 18 predicate => 'has_parent',
8597d950 19 weak_ref => 1,
471c4f09 20 );
c765b254 21
471c4f09 22 has 'left' => (
c765b254 23 is => 'rw',
24 isa => 'BinaryTree',
25 predicate => 'has_left',
7c6cacb4 26 lazy => 1,
c765b254 27 default => sub { BinaryTree->new( parent => $_[0] ) },
0fde1850 28 trigger => \&_set_parent_for_child
471c4f09 29 );
c765b254 30
471c4f09 31 has 'right' => (
c765b254 32 is => 'rw',
33 isa => 'BinaryTree',
34 predicate => 'has_right',
35 lazy => 1,
36 default => sub { BinaryTree->new( parent => $_[0] ) },
0fde1850 37 trigger => \&_set_parent_for_child
471c4f09 38 );
c765b254 39
0fde1850 40 sub _set_parent_for_child {
41 my ( $self, $child ) = @_;
43 confess "You cannot insert a tree which already has a parent"
44 if $child->has_parent;
46 $child->parent($self);
47 }
471c4f09 48
f6f9ec6a 51This recipe shows how various advanced attribute features can be used
0fde1850 52to create complex and powerful behaviors. In particular, we introduce
53a number of new attribute options, including C<predicate>, C<lazy>,
54and C<trigger>.
8597d950 55
f6f9ec6a 56The example class is a classic binary tree. Each node in the tree is
57itself an instance of C<BinaryTree>. It has a C<node>, which holds
58some arbitrary value. It has C<right> and C<left> attributes, which
59refer to its child trees, and a C<parent>.
8597d950 60
f6f9ec6a 61Let's take a look at the C<node> attribute:
8597d950 62
c765b254 63 has 'node' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Any' );
8597d950 64
f6f9ec6a 65Moose generates a read-write accessor for this attribute. The type
ac4b3ad4 66constraint is C<Any>, which literally means it can contain anything.
455ca293 67
f6f9ec6a 68We could have left out the C<isa> option, but in this case, we are
19320607 69including it for the benefit of other programmers, not the computer.
f6f9ec6a 70
71Next, let's move on to the C<parent> attribute:
8597d950 72
73 has 'parent' => (
74 is => 'rw',
c765b254 75 isa => 'BinaryTree',
8597d950 76 predicate => 'has_parent',
77 weak_ref => 1,
78 );
f6f9ec6a 80Again, we have a read-write accessor. This time, the C<isa> option
81says that this attribute must always be an instance of
82C<BinaryTree>. In the second recipe, we saw that every time we create
83a Moose-based class, we also get a corresponding class type
8597d950 85
f6f9ec6a 86The C<predicate> option is new. It creates a method which can be used
87to check whether or not a given attribute has been initialized. In
88this case, the method is named C<has_parent>.
8597d950 89
f6f9ec6a 90This brings us to our last attribute option, C<weak_ref>. Since
91C<parent> is a circular reference (the tree in C<parent> should
92already have a reference to this one, in its C<left> or C<right>
93attribute), we want to make sure that we weaken the reference to avoid
94memory leaks. If C<weak_ref> is true, it alters the accessor function
95so that the reference is weakened when it is set.
8597d950 96
f6f9ec6a 97Finally, we have the the C<left> and C<right> attributes. They are
98essentially identical except for their names, so we'll just look at
8597d950 100
101 has 'left' => (
c765b254 102 is => 'rw',
103 isa => 'BinaryTree',
104 predicate => 'has_left',
8597d950 105 lazy => 1,
c765b254 106 default => sub { BinaryTree->new( parent => $_[0] ) },
0fde1850 107 trigger => \&_set_parent_for_child
8597d950 108 );
0fde1850 110There are three new options here, C<lazy>, C<default>, and
111C<trigger>. The C<lazy> and C<default> options options are linked. In
112fact, you cannot have a C<lazy> attribute unless it has a C<default>
113(or a C<builder>, but we'll cover that later). If you try to make an
114attribute lazy without a default, class creation will fail with an
115exception. (2)
f6f9ec6a 116
117In the second recipe the B<BankAccount>'s C<balance> attribute had a
118default value of C<0>. Given a non-reference, Perl copies the
119I<value>. However, given a reference, it does not do a deep clone,
120instead simply copying the reference. If you just specified a simply
121reference for a default, Perl would create it once and it would be
122shared by all objects with that attribute.
8597d950 123
f6f9ec6a 124As a workaround, we use an anonymous subroutine to generate a new
125reference every time the default is called.
8597d950 126
f6f9ec6a 127 has 'foo' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { [] } );
129In fact, using a non-subroutine reference as a default is illegal in Moose.
8597d950 130
0fde1850 131 # will fail
c765b254 132 has 'foo' => ( is => 'rw', default => [] );
8597d950 133
f6f9ec6a 134This will blow up, so don't do it.
8597d950 135
f6f9ec6a 136You'll notice that we use C<$_[0]> in our default sub. When the
137default subroutine is executed, it is called as a method on the
140In our case, we're making a new C<BinaryTree> object in our default,
141with the current tree as the parent.
19320607 143Normally, when an object is instantiated, any defaults are evaluated
f6f9ec6a 144immediately. With our C<BinaryTree> class, this would be a big
145problem! We'd create the first object, which would immediately try to
146populate its C<left> and C<right> attributes, which would create a new
147C<BinaryTree>, which would populate I<its> C<left> and C<right>
148slots. Kaboom!
150By making our C<left> and C<right> attributes C<lazy>, we avoid this
151problem. If the attribute has a value when it is read, the default is
152never executed at all.
154We still have one last bit of behavior to add. The autogenerated
155C<right> and C<left> accessors are not quite correct. When one of
156these is set, we want to make sure that we update the parent of the
157C<left> or C<right> attribute's tree.
8597d950 158
f6f9ec6a 159We could write our own accessors, but then why use Moose at all?
0fde1850 160Instead, we use a C<trigger>. A C<trigger> accepts a subroutine
161reference, which will be called as a method whenever the attribute is
162set. This can happen both during object construction or later by
163passing a new object to the attribute's accessor method. However, it
164is not called when a value is provided by a C<default> or C<builder>.
166 sub _set_parent_for_child {
167 my ( $self, $child ) = @_;
169 confess "You cannot insert a tree which already has a parent"
170 if $child->has_parent;
172 $child->parent($self);
173 }
175This trigger does two things. First, it ensures that the new child
176node does not already have a parent. This is done for the sake of
177simplifying the example. If we wanted to be more clever, we would
178remove the child from its old parent tree and add it to the new one.
180If the child has no parent, we will add it to the current tree, and we
181ensure that is has the correct value for its C<parent> attribute.
9327b01c 182
f6f9ec6a 183As with all the other recipes, B<BinaryTree> can be used just like any
184other Perl 5 class. A more detailed example of its usage can be found
c79239a2 185in F<t/000_recipes/moose_cookbook_basics_recipe3.t>.
8597d950 186
187=head1 CONCLUSION
f6f9ec6a 189This recipe introduced several of Moose's advanced features. We hope
190that this inspires you to think of other ways these features can be
191used to simplify your code.
e08c54f5 192
8597d950 193=head1 FOOTNOTES
195=over 4
197=item (1)
f6f9ec6a 199Weak references are tricky things, and should be used sparingly and
200appropriately (such as in the case of circular refs). If you are not
201careful, attribute values could disappear "mysteriously" because
202Perl's reference counting garbage collector has gone and removed the
203item you are weak-referencing.
8597d950 204
205In short, don't use them unless you know what you are doing :)
207=item (2)
f6f9ec6a 209You I<can> use the C<default> option without the C<lazy> option if you
210like, as we showed in the second recipe.
8597d950 211
f6f9ec6a 212Also, you can use C<builder> instead of C<default>. See
360c547f 213L<Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe8> for details.
ceb8945d 214
8597d950 215=back
8c3d5c88 217=head1 AUTHORS
471c4f09 218
219Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
8c3d5c88 221Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>
471c4f09 223=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
7e0492d3 225Copyright 2006-2010 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
471c4f09 226
229This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
230it under the same terms as Perl itself.
c79239a2 232=begin testing
234use Scalar::Util 'isweak';
236my $root = BinaryTree->new(node => 'root');
237isa_ok($root, 'BinaryTree');
239is($root->node, 'root', '... got the right node value');
241ok(!$root->has_left, '... no left node yet');
242ok(!$root->has_right, '... no right node yet');
244ok(!$root->has_parent, '... no parent for root node');
246# make a left node
248my $left = $root->left;
249isa_ok($left, 'BinaryTree');
251is($root->left, $left, '... got the same node (and it is $left)');
252ok($root->has_left, '... we have a left node now');
254ok($left->has_parent, '... lefts has a parent');
255is($left->parent, $root, '... lefts parent is the root');
257ok(isweak($left->{parent}), '... parent is a weakened ref');
259ok(!$left->has_left, '... $left no left node yet');
260ok(!$left->has_right, '... $left no right node yet');
262is($left->node, undef, '... left has got no node value');
264lives_ok {
265 $left->node('left')
266} '... assign to lefts node';
268is($left->node, 'left', '... left now has a node value');
270# make a right node
272ok(!$root->has_right, '... still no right node yet');
274is($root->right->node, undef, '... right has got no node value');
276ok($root->has_right, '... now we have a right node');
278my $right = $root->right;
279isa_ok($right, 'BinaryTree');
281lives_ok {
282 $right->node('right')
283} '... assign to rights node';
285is($right->node, 'right', '... left now has a node value');
287is($root->right, $right, '... got the same node (and it is $right)');
288ok($root->has_right, '... we have a right node now');
290ok($right->has_parent, '... rights has a parent');
291is($right->parent, $root, '... rights parent is the root');
293ok(isweak($right->{parent}), '... parent is a weakened ref');
295# make a left node of the left node
297my $left_left = $left->left;
298isa_ok($left_left, 'BinaryTree');
300ok($left_left->has_parent, '... left does have a parent');
302is($left_left->parent, $left, '... got a parent node (and it is $left)');
303ok($left->has_left, '... we have a left node now');
304is($left->left, $left_left, '... got a left node (and it is $left_left)');
306ok(isweak($left_left->{parent}), '... parent is a weakened ref');
308# make a right node of the left node
310my $left_right = BinaryTree->new;
311isa_ok($left_right, 'BinaryTree');
313lives_ok {
314 $left->right($left_right)
315} '... assign to rights node';
317ok($left_right->has_parent, '... left does have a parent');
319is($left_right->parent, $left, '... got a parent node (and it is $left)');
320ok($left->has_right, '... we have a left node now');
321is($left->right, $left_right, '... got a left node (and it is $left_left)');
323ok(isweak($left_right->{parent}), '... parent is a weakened ref');
325# and check the error
327dies_ok {
328 $left_right->right($left_left)
329} '... cant assign a node which already has a parent';
331=end testing
f7522f24 333=cut